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60     Corporate Governance Statement                                                                                                                                                                                               61


            Disclosure of information to auditor                         Remuneration policy                                                           Policy                                   ii  Reward is linked to employees’ behaviours
            The directors who held office at the date                                                                                                  The policy is to:                          and values as well as achievement: the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’;
            of approval of this directors’ report confirm                Purpose & Objective                                                                                                                                              Strategic Report
            that, so far as they are each aware, there                                                                                                 1  Attract, develop, and retain high     iii  Our remuneration structures are
            is no relevant audit information of which                    This policy describes the approach taken                                         performing people with the ability,     straightforward; as such they
            the Company’s auditor is unaware; and                        by Cambridge & Counties Bank in relation                                         experience and skill to deliver the     are transparent, communicated
            each director has taken all the steps that                   to its management of remuneration and                                            business strategy and objectives.       and understood by all employees
            he/ she ought to have taken as a director                    describes how it complies with the relevant                                      The aim is for our workforce to be      and all our stakeholders;
            to make himself/ herself aware of any                        requirements of the Financial Conduct                                            truly representative of all sections of
            relevant audit information and to establish                  Authority (FCA) remuneration code                                                society and our customers, and for    iv  There is a clear link between business,
            that the Company’s auditor is aware of that                  (SYSC 19D) and the Prudential Regulation                                         each employee to feel respected and     team and individual performance and
            information.                                                 Authority (PRA) rulebook.                                                        able to give their best. The policy     reward, and people can explain when
                                                                                                                                                          supports the Bank’s strategy on
            Auditors                                                     The Board of Cambridge & Counties Bank                                           inclusion & diversity, through fair and   and why adjustments for performance   Corporate Governance Statement
                                                                                                                                                                                                  have been applied;
                                                                         is committed to ensuring that the Bank has                                       equal remuneration decisions;
            The Board approved the appointment
                                                                         risk-focused remuneration policies, which
            of PwC LLP to replace KPMG LLP as the                                                                                                                                               v  Our remuneration practices are consistent
                                                                         are consistent with and promote effective                                     2  Offer competitive and market aligned
            Bank’s auditor for the financial year starting                                                                                                                                        with and promote sound and effective risk
                                                                         risk management and do not expose the                                            remuneration packages in which fixed
            1 January 2022. More information on                                                                                                                                                   management and are fully compliant with
                                                                         Bank to excessive risk.                                                          salaries are the significant component
            the audit tender process which has been                                                                                                       and that people, regardless of their    all appropriate governance, regulatory
            completed during 2021 is included in the                                                                                                                                              requirements, and codes of practice;
                                                                         The purpose of this Remuneration Policy                                          gender, are paid the same rate for the
            Audit Committee Report.
                                                                         is to clearly document the policies,                                             same job;                             vi  Our remuneration policies, packages
                                                                         practices and procedures linked to salary,
            By order of the Board.                                                                                                                                                                and processes are designed to be
                                                                         compensation and reward of employees. It                                      3  Encourage and incentivise employees     affordable, consistent, and efficient,
                                                                         is reviewed and approved annually by the                                         to create sustainable results, which    and do not limit the Bank’s ability to
                                                                         Performance & Remuneration Committee.                                            are consistent with strategic goals and   strengthen its capital base.
                                                                                                                                                          appropriate risk management, and align
                                                                         Policy Scope                                                                     the interests of the Bank’s shareholders,                                       Independent Auditor’s Report
            Richard Bryan                                                                                                                                 customers, employees, and other       Remuneration Principles
            Company Secretary                                            The policy relates to the remuneration of                                        key stakeholders;                     The Bank will comply with the
                                                                         all employees; it covers both fixed (non-
            12 April 2022                                                                                                                                                                       Remuneration Principles by:
                                                                         variable) and variable elements of pay and                                    4  Drive behaviour consistent with the
                                                                         reward. Fixed elements are defined as                                            Bank’s values and the FCA Code of       ∞ the Board annually reviewing the
                                                                         salary, and allowances paid as a result of                                       Conduct Handbook (COCON) so that        Bank’s Remuneration Policy to ensure
                                                                         contractual obligations (e.g.: car allowance,                                    employees do what is right for the      that it is consistent with the corporate
                                                                         holiday pay, medical insurance, pension                                          customer, for colleagues, the Bank,     strategic plan, agreed risk appetites and
                                                                         and death in service). Variable elements                                         and other stakeholders.                 regulatory requirements;
                                                                         consist of schemes designed to reward
                                                                         performance at both the corporate, team                                       The remuneration policy and structure      ∞ using the Rolling Objectives My Plan   Financial Statements
                                                                         and individual level and/or long service (e.g.                                are consistent with the Bank’s long-term   (ROMP) process to ensure that detailed
                                                                         Profit share, performance bonus schemes).
                                                                                                                                                       strategy including the overall business    performance objectives are drawn up
                                                                                                                                                       strategy, the risk strategy, and the Board’s   and reviewed for all employees and are
                                                                         Specific remuneration rules may apply                                         risk appetite across all types of risk     aligned to the Bank’s business strategy
                                                                         to board members and employees, who,                                          including credit, market, operational,     including its risk management objectives
                                                                         because of their function, may have a                                         liquidity, reputational and other risks    and appetite; formally linking annual
                                                                         material impact on the risk profile of the                                    identified by the Bank.                    salary reviews, profit share and bonus
                                                                         Bank, collectively referred to as “Material                                                                              payments to the overall performance
                                                                         Risk Takers”.
                                                                                                                                                       This is achieved through the application   of individuals, including achievement
                                                                                                                                                       of the following 6 principles which        of performance objectives;
                                                                         The policy also covers fees paid to non-                                      are adhered to when designing or
                                                                         executive directors.                                                                                                                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                                       implementing any aspect of remuneration:    ∞ ensuring that the Senior Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                  variable pay contain specific performance
                                                                                                                                                       i  We offer a competitive total reward     metrics linked to the long-term
                                                                                                                                                          package that is designed to be          performance of the Bank, including
                                                                                                                                                          motivating and compelling and is        compliance and risk management
                                                                                                                                                          regularly reviewed against market rates;  objectives;
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