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46     Corporate Governance Statement                                                                                                                                                                                               47


            The Board is responsible for monitoring   Compliance with the UK Corporate                                             Compliance with the Senior
            conflicts of interests, both in the Bank's   Governance Code                                                           Managers Regime
            executives, and on the Board itself. If a   The Bank seeks to comply with the UK                                       The Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA)                                                              Strategic Report
            person in a position of leadership has   Corporate Governance Code (Code) to the                                       defines a set of Prescribed Responsibilities
            compromised motives, the Board must     extent that it is applicable or considered                                     and Overall Responsibilities, which must be
            step in and resolve the conflict.
                                                    appropriate for its business. The following areas                              allocated to a senior manager performing a
                                                    are those where the Bank has considered the                                    Senior Management Function. The following
            Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                                                    Code not applicable or appropriate:                                            tables show the composition of the Bank’s
            The offices of Chairman and Chief                                                                                      Board, the management organisation and the
            Executive Officer are distinct and held     ∞ As a non-listed, privately owned entity                                  PRA defined Senior Management Functions
            by different people. The main role of      the Bank has no requirement to re-elect                                     allocated across the Bank. The table below
            the Chairman is to lead the Board and      directors or hold formal general meetings.                                  shows those individuals covered by the Senior
            to ensure that it operates effectively.    Consequently, the sections of the Code                                      Management Function regime and the Bank’s
            The Chief Executive’s role is to put into   regarding re-election of directors and                                     governance structure as at 1 January 2022.                                                             Corporate Governance Statement
            effect the strategies agreed by the Board   general meetings have been considered not
            and the general operational management     applicable;
            of the Bank.
                                                       ∞ Whilst over half of the Board members are
            Responsibilities and requirements of       NEDs (six out of 10), only four of them are
            Executive Directors                        independent. The Board has considered
                                                       this appropriate on the basis that the Bank
            The Executive Directors are responsible    is privately owned, and the remaining two
            for the day-to-day operation of the Bank,   NEDs represent the Bank’s shareholders,
            supported by the senior management         and are independent from the Executive;                                       Function  Description                            Role                   Person
            team. This is in part effected via policies                                                                              1         Chief Executive Function               CEO                    Donald Kerr
            and procedures developed with the          ∞ The remuneration of the NEDs is set by
            approval of the Board (directly or         the Chair and the Shareholders, and not by                                    2         Chief Finance Function                 CFO                    Andrea Hodgson
            indirectly through committees and          the Board of the Bank. This is considered                                     3         Executive Director Function            CDO                    Simon Lindley                Independent Auditor’s Report
            sub-committees), partly through the        appropriate on the basis that the Bank is
            Executive Committee, and partly by the     privately owned. No remuneration for the                                      4         Chief Risk Function                    CRO                    Mike Hudson
            discharge of duties as specified within    NEDs includes share options or variable                                       5         Head of Internal Audit                 Outsourced             N/A
            individual job descriptions.
                                                       elements; and
                                                                                                                                     6         Head of Key Business Area              CLO                    David Monks
            Responsibilities and requirements of       ∞ The Code introduced principles for ensuring                                 9         Chair of Board                         Chair                  Simon Moore
            Non-Executive Directors
                                                       that the Board understood the views of                                        10        Chair of Risk & Compliance Committee   Independent NED        Nick Treble
            The essential role of the Non-             its stakeholders, including its workforce,
            Executive Directors (NEDs) is to provide   suggesting one or a combination of a                                          11        Chair of Audit Committee               Independent NED        Patrick Newberry
            independent assurance to the Bank’s        director appointed from the workforce,                                        12        Chair of Remuneration and              Independent NED        Caroline Fawcett
            shareholders that the business is          a formal workforce advisory panel, or a                                                 Performance Committee                                                                      Financial Statements
            being conducted in such a manner as        designated NED. Whilst the Bank recognises
            to protect the interests of the Bank’s     the need for workforce engagement,                                            13        Chair of Nomination and                Independent NED        Caroline Fawcett
            depositors, and to comply with the         the suggestions were considered                                                         Governance Committee
            Principles for Business of the Regulator.   disproportionate for an organisation the                                     14        Senior Independent Director (SID)      Independent NED        Caroline Fawcett
            This responsibility is discharged via      size of the Bank. In lieu of the suggestions,
            oversight of, and appropriate challenge    the Bank elected to establish a Staff Forum                                   16        Compliance Oversight                   Head of Compliance     Elizabeth Mullins
            to, the Bank’s senior management via the   that represents the workforce and meets                                                                                        & MLRO
            structure of the Bank’s sub-committees.    with the Chief Executive Officer and Chief                                    17        Money Laundering reporting function    Head of Compliance     Elizabeth Mullins
            Part of the process for selection and      People Officer each month to discuss                                                                                           & MLRO
            training of the NEDs is to ensure they are   matters impacting the workforce. The Staff
            familiar with the regulatory principles    Forum is also consulted with in advance                                       18        Other overall responsibility function  CPO                    Sara Thorpe
            and practices, and to maintain their       of any material organisational change.                                                                                                                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
            knowledge of them.                         Further, the Bank undertakes an annual staff                                                                                   CTO                    David Holton
                                                       engagement survey to understand the views                                    24         Chief Operations Function              COO                    Tina Hayton-Banks
                                                       of its workforce. This is considered to be
                                                       a proportionate approach for the Bank in                                    NB: Senior Management Functions 7 – 8, 15, 19 – 23 and 25 – 27 stipulated by the FCA and PRA do not currently apply
                                                       adopting the principles of the Code                                         to the Bank’s operating model, or the Bank is not of a size to meet the requirement to have the function.
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