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50     Corporate Governance Statement                                                                                                                                                                                               51

                                                                                                                                                                                 The Board adopted                                        Contents

                                                                                                                                                                                 a three year plan to

            Internal control and                    The Credit Approval Sub-committee                                              The Committee is authorised by the Board      enhance diversity and
            governance framework                    reports to the Credit Committee and is                                         to keep the structure, size, and composition   inclusion at the Bank.
                                                    responsible for the review, challenge, and                                     of the Board under review and for making                                                               Strategic Report
                                                    approval of loan terms (at origination and                                     recommendations to the Board with regard
            Risk management is governed within the   subsequent amendment), including pricing,                                     to any changes required to the overall
            corporate governance structure detailed   within limits delegated by the Board Risk &                                  balance of skills, knowledge, experience and
            on page 45, with ultimate ownership at   Compliance Committee.                                                         diversity on the Board. It leads the process
            Board level via the Risk & Compliance                                                                                  for appointments to the Board, Board     Other key activity of the Committee
            Committee. In addition, the Board Audit   Impairment & Provisions Committee                                            Committees, and the chairmanship of those   has been to select Caroline Fawcett as
            Committee facilitates third line review   The Impairment & Provision Committee                                         committees. The Committee also considers   the new Senior Independent Director,
            of all aspects of risk management, and   is chaired by the CFO and is responsible                                      succession planning for the Board and    following the retirement of Ian Smith, the
            the Nominations & Governance and        for monitoring current and potential non-                                      Executive, taking account of the skills and   continued build of the succession plan
            Performance & Remuneration Committees   performing lending on an ongoing basis for                                     expertise that will be needed in the future.   for the Non-Executive Directors, and
            have a role in the management of conduct   the purposes of identifying and agreeing                                    The Committee is responsible for monitoring   the activity following the output of the                 Corporate Governance Statement
            risk, including risk culture.                                                                                          the governance arrangements to ensure
                                                    appropriate provisions for under recovery                                      that such arrangements are consistent    external board effectiveness review. It
                                                    across the Bank’s loan portfolios.                                                                                      has been a critical role of the Committee
            An explanation of the Bank’s executive                                                                                 with corporate governance standards and   over 2021 to determine the skills and
            committees and sub-committees is set    Risk Management Committees                                                     developing best practice; it reviews and   knowledge required of the Board over
            out below:                                                                                                             recommends any corporate governance
                                                    The Risk Management Committee is chaired                                       materials for inclusion in public disclosures   the next few years, which was assisted by
            Executive Committee                     by the CRO and is responsible for reviewing                                    and regulatory responses. This Committee   a skills review conducted as part of the
                                                    and managing all aspects of the Bank’s                                         is responsible for overseeing that Directors   board effectiveness review. The Committee
            The Executive Committee is chaired by   exposure to non-financial risks, including                                     fulfil their responsibilities under the Senior   has also approved activity to build out a
            the CEO and its members include all the   legal, compliance and regulatory, financial                                  Management Regime. The Bank’s General    governance operating model for the Bank
            Bank’s executive officers and General   crime, operational, conduct and operational                                    Counsel, or an appropriate delegate, acts as   over 2021 and into 2022 that will bring
            Counsel. The Executive Committee is the   resilience risks.                                                            the secretary to the Committee.          further maturity to the Bank’s governance.
            Bank’s principal executive committee and
            collectively supports the Chief Executive   The Model Risk Governance Committee is                                     Appointment of directors and             Executive succession planning                                 Independent Auditor’s Report
            in developing and implementing the      chaired by the CRO, is responsible for the                                     succession planning                      The Committee also considered the
            Bank’s strategy as agreed by the Board,   management and oversight of financial                                                                                 Executive succession plan, which covered
            monitoring the Bank’s performance, and   models used within the firm and reports to                                    The Nominations and Governance           Executive Committee members, heads of
            agreeing any actions that are required to   the Risk Management Committee.                                             Committee met five times during the year.   department and key specialist roles within
            manage issues that affect the Bank.
                                                                                                                                   The principal activity of the Committee   the Bank.
            Other executive committee sub-                                                                                         has been the continued succession        Diversity and inclusion
            committees include:                     Nominations & Governance                                                       and evolution of the Board and senior    The Bank is committed to fair and
                                                                                                                                   management, having exercised oversight
               ∞ Business Change Committee          Committee report                                                               of the creation of a Chief Transformation   consistent treatment of all employees
               ∞ ESG Committee                                                                                                     Officer role, the succession of Ian Smith   regardless of their personal characteristics,              Financial Statements
               ∞ Customer and Product Committee                                                                                    as Chair of Audit Committee and Senior   which include gender, ethnicity, religion,
                                                    Membership and operation of the Committee
                                                                                                                                   Independent Director, and commencing     sexual orientation, transgender status,
            Asset and Liability Committee           The Nominations & Governance Committee                                         the activity to find a successor for Simon   disability, nationality, or age. In 2021,
                                                    was chaired by Paul ffolkes Davis until his                                    Moore, the Chair of the Bank, in 2022. The   the Board adopted a three year plan to
            The Asset and Liability Committee is    retirement on 24 June 2021, and thereafter                                     Committee conducted a search for a new   enhance diversity and inclusion at the
            chaired by the CFO and is responsible for   by Caroline Fawcett. The members of the                                    Chair of Audit, supported by Taylor Harrison   Bank, which promotes diversity beyond the
            reviewing and managing all aspects of the   Committee include the Chairman, Simon                                      Ltd, and duly recommended to Board       personal characteristics to include diversity
            Bank’s exposure to financial risks, including   Moore, Richard Perry, Tim Harvey-Samuel                                that Patrick Newberry replace Ian Smith   of background, thinking and experience.
            strategic risk, capital adequacy, liquidity                                                                            as Chair of Audit following his retirement   The Directors’ report, on page 56, provides   The Directors’
            and funding, tax, and market risks.     and the Chair of the Audit Committee,                                                                                                                            report, on
                                                    Ian Smith (until 30 September 2021) and                                        on 30 September 2021. Patrick Newberry   further detail on the Bank’s approach    page 56,
                                                    Patrick Newberry (from 1 October 2021).                                        was formally appointed as a director on   to diversity and inclusion. The Board
            Credit Committee                                                                                                                                                                                         provides
                                                    Nick Treble as Chair of Risk & Compliance                                      24 September 2021. The Committee has     promotes the Bank’s signatory to the     further detail       Notes to the Financial Statements
            The Credit Committee is chaired by      Committee attends occasionally, in line with                                   overseen the commencement of the         Women in Finance Charter and affirms     on the Bank’s
            the CLO (Chief Lending Officer) and is   the responsibilities of his role. The Chief                                   process to identify a new Chair of the Bank   its aspiration to meet the target of 33% of   approach to
            responsible for reviewing and managing   Executive Officer, Chief People Officer and                                   in advance of the anticipated retirement of   Board positions being held by women, as   diversity and
            all aspects of the Bank’s exposure to   General Counsel and Company Secretary                                          Simon Moore in July 2022.                set out in the Hampton-Alexander Review.  inclusion.
            credit risk.                            also attend committee meetings.
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