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                                                                                                                                                       Risk & Compliance                        During the continuation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                Coronavirus pandemic, the Committee
                                                                                                                                                       Committee report                         has continued to monitor the impact of    Strategic Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                the pandemic upon the performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                of the Bank, the credit quality of its
                                                                                                                                                       Membership and operation of
                                                                                                                                                       the Committee                            products and the systemic impact upon
                                                                                                                                                                                                customers and employees. This has been
                                                                                                                                                       The Risk & Compliance Committee is       supported by enhanced risk monitoring
                                                                                                                                                       chaired by Nick Treble, and its members   and management information of key
                                                                                                                                                       include the Chairman, Simon Moore,       metrics and bespoke control activities.
                                                                                                                                                       Richard Perry, Tim Harvey-Samuel (from
            Performance &                           Performance & Remuneration Committee      The Bank’s                                               October 2021) and the Chair of the Audit   The Committee has provided review
                                                    responsibilities and activity in 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                and challenge to the ICAAP and ILAAP
                                                                                                                                                       Committee (Ian Smith until 30 September
            Remuneration                            The Performance & Remuneration            remuneration                                             2021, thereafter Patrick Newberry).      processes as well as the Bank’s risk      Corporate Governance Statement
                                                                                              policy is
            Committee report                        Committee met three times during 2021.    included on                                              Committee meetings are attended by       appetite. This review and challenge
                                                    In these meetings, the Committee, carried   pages 60 – 71.                                         members of the Executive committee       have been to both the Board in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                setting of its strategic plan and ensuring
                                                                                                                                                       including the Chief Executive Officer,
                                                    out its responsibility for overseeing
            Membership and operation of                                                                                                                the Chief Risk Officer, the Chief Financial   this is calibrated to these elements as
            the Committee                           the performance and remuneration                                                                   Officer and the Chief Development        well as to the business in the review,
                                                    arrangements of the Bank, and the
            The Performance & Remuneration          performance of all Executive Directors                                                             Officer. The Company Secretary, or an    and recommendation for approval of
                                                                                                                                                                                                the ICAAP and ILAAP documents. In
                                                                                                                                                       appropriate delegate, acts as the secretary
            Committee is chaired by Caroline Fawcett   and the Chairman.                                                                               to the committee.                        addition to the above, the Committee
            and its members include the Chairman,                                                                                                                                               has been integral in the Bank’s
            Simon Moore, Paul ffolkes Davis (until 30   The Committee is responsible for                                                               Risk & Compliance Committee              continued enhancement of its credit risk
            June 2021), Tim Harvey-Samuel (from     reviewing and approving the remuneration                                                           responsibilities and activity in 2021    management, providing support and
            1 July 2021), Richard Perry, and Nick   and performance arrangements at the                                                                                                         challenge to the revisions to the Bank’s
            Treble. The Chair of the Audit Committee   Bank, including reviewing the Bank’s                                                            The Committee met nine times during
                                                                                                                                                                                                credit risk management framework and
            attends meetings of the Performance &   remuneration policy to ensure that it                                                              2021. The Committee’s principal
                                                                                                                                                                                                credit grading models and ensuring these   Independent Auditor’s Report
            Remuneration Committee from time to     remains up to date and consistent with                                                             responsibilities are the provision of    are embedded into the business.
            time to ensure alignment between the    the relevant requirements of the Financial                                                         oversight and advice to the Board in
            work of the Performance & Remuneration   Conduct Authority (FCA) remuneration                                                              relation to current and potential future
                                                                                                                                                                                                The regulatory obligations of the Bank
            Committee and the Audit Committee.      code (SYSC 19D) and the Prudential                                                                 risk exposures of the Bank and future risk   in relation to GDPR and Financial Crime
            Performance & Remuneration Committee    Regulation Authority (PRA) rulebook, as                                                            strategy, including determination of risk   have also been under scrutiny, with the
            meetings are also attended by the Chief   well as supporting the business strategy                                                         appetite and tolerance and to promote a   Committee monitoring compliance and
            Executive Officer the Chief People      and values of the Bank.                                                                            risk awareness culture within the Bank.  embedding of these regulatory regimes
            Officer and the Company Secretary.                                                                                                                                                  within the Bank and the outcome of
            From time to time the Chief Risk Officer   During the year, the Committee reviewed                                                                                                  assurance activities in these areas. In
            and Chief Financial Officer may attend   and, where it felt appropriate, approved                                                                                                   addition, the Committee has continued
            to provide input on their specialist areas   the Bank’s profit share scheme, sales and                                                                                              its regular oversight of the lending
            and to give their views on the Executives’   executive bonus schemes, Long Term                                                                                                     protocols and authorities setting out the   Financial Statements
            management of risk and performance      Incentive Scheme based upon agreed                                                                                                          parameters to ensure that the Bank’s
            against the Senior Management Regime    metrics and performance criteria, as well                                                                                                   lending is undertaken within risk appetite.
            requirements and financial performance   as upon advice from the Bank’s auditors
            of the Bank. The Company Secretary,     and risk function. It also oversighted the                                                                                                  The Bank’s risk management framework
            or an appropriate delegate, acts as the   annual pay review. The Committee has                                                                                                      is addressed further on page 29.
            secretary to the Committee. No members   considered the impact of CRD V upon                                                    The Risk & Compliance
            or attendees participate in the discussion   its remuneration practices and strategy,
            of issues directly affecting their own   together with the feedback provided from                                    Committee has been integral
            remuneration. The Committee invite      the FCA in their letter to the Chair
            specialist external advisors to attend at   of Remuneration Committee.                                                         in the Bank's continued
            least annually to support their work and
            educate on best practice.               The Bank’s remuneration policy is included                                         enhancement of its credit                                                                          Notes to the Financial Statements
                                                    on pages 60 - 71.
                                                                                                                                risk management framework.
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