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            2. Key audit matters: our assessment of risks of material misstatement                                 Contents
               Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in the audit of the financial
               statements and include the most significant assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) identified by
 Independent   us, including those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy; the allocation of resources in the audit; and
               directing the efforts of the engagement team.  We summarise below the key audit matters, in decreasing order of audit
               significance, in arriving at our audit opinion above, together with our key audit procedures to address those matters and, as
               required for public interest entities, our results from those procedures.  These matters were addressed, and our results are
               based on procedures undertaken, in the context of, and solely for the purpose of, our audit of the financial statements as a
 auditor’s report  whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and consequently are incidental to that opinion, and we do not provide a separate  Strategic Report
               opinion on these matters.

                                                                         Our response
                                         The risk
             Going Concern               Disclosure quality:             We considered whether these risks could
                                                                         plausibly affect the capital, liquidity and
             Refer to page 58            The financial statements explain how  solvency in the going concern period by
             (Directors Report), and     the Board has formed a judgement that  assessing the Directors’ sensitivities over the
             page 90-91                  it is appropriate to adopt the going  level of available financial resources indicated
             (accounting policy)         concern basis of preparation for the  by the Company’s financial forecasts taking
                                         Company.                        account of severe, but plausible, adverse
                                         The  judgement  is  based  on  an effects that could arise from these risks
 to the members of Cambridge & Counties Bank Limited   evaluation of the inherent risks to the individually and collectively.   Corporate Governance Statement
                                         Company’s business model and how
                                         those risks might affect the Company’s  Our procedures also included:
                                         financial resources or ability to continue — Sensitivity analysis: We assessed the
                                         operations over a period of at least a  stressed scenarios used by the Company in
                                         year from the date of approval of the  its forecasting of profitability, liquidity, and
                                         financial statements in a range of  capital and the viability of possible
 1. Our opinion is unmodified            plausible stress scenarios.       management actions.
 We have audited the financial statements of  of the Company in accordance with, UK ethical   The risk most likely to affect the — Challenge of assumptions: We assessed
 Cambridge & Counties Bank Limited (“the  requirements including the FRC Ethical Standard as   Company’s available financial resources  the Company’s forecast profitability and
 Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2021  applied to public interest entities.  No non-audit services   over this period was the heightened  capital models to identify key assumptions.
 which comprise the Statement of Profit or Loss and  prohibited by that standard were provided.  macroeconomic uncertainty. This could  We challenged the reasonableness of
 Other Comprehensive Income, Statement of  result in reduced principal and interest  assumptions underpinning the Company’s
 Financial Position, Statement of Changes in Equity,  collections from the Company’s loan  forecasts.
 Statement of Cash Flows, and the related notes,  Overview  assets.
 including the accounting policies.  Materiality:   £715k (2020: £800k)  The risk for our audit is whether or not a  — Enquiry of Regulators: We engaged with
                                                                           the Prudential Regulation Authority to
 financial                               material uncertainty exists that may cast  understand their assessment of the   Independent Auditor’s Report
 In our opinion the financial statements:  statements as a   3.58% (2020: 3.89%) of   significant doubt about the ability to  Company’s capital and liquidity position.
 whole  normalised profit before tax     continue as a going concern. Had this
 — give a true and fair view of the state of the  been such, then that fact would have  — Assessing transparency: We critically
 Company’s affairs as at 31 December 2021 and   Key audit matters        vs 2020  been required to have been disclosed.  assessed the completeness and accuracy of
 of its profit for the year then ended;    ◄►                              the matters covered in the going concern
 — have been properly prepared in accordance with   Recurring risks  Going concern  disclosure within the financial statements
 UK-adopted international accounting standards;                            using our knowledge of the relevant facts
 and    Impairment of loans and  ◄►                                        and circumstances developed during our
 — have been prepared in accordance with the   advances to customers       audit work, considering economic outlook,
                                                                           key areas of uncertainty and mitigating
 requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
 Revenue recognition –  ◄►                                                 actions available to the Company to respond
 Basis for opinion    EIR accounting.                                      to these risks.
                                                                         Our results                               Financial Statements
 We conducted our audit in accordance with                               We found the going concern disclosure without
 International Standards on Auditing (UK) (“ISAs                         any material uncertainty to be acceptable (2020:
 (UK)”) and applicable law. Our responsibilities are                     acceptable).
 described below.  We believe that the audit
 evidence we have obtained is a sufficient and
 appropriate basis for our opinion. Our audit opinion
 is consistent with our report to the audit
 We were first appointed as auditor by the directors
 on 08 June 2012. The period of total uninterrupted
 engagement is for the ten financial years ended 31
 December 2021.  We have fulfilled our ethical
 responsibilities under, and we remain independent                                                                 Notes to the Financial Statements

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