Page 2 - Cambridge & Counties Bank_REF Newsletters_July edition
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We’re B-Corp                                     A new-look Real

        certified!                                       Estate Finance team

        We are so proud to reveal that we’ve             Our Real Estate Finance team has had further investment with
        achieved official B-Corp certification.          some hard-earned promotions for several team members.
                                                         All of our team are a credit to Cambridge & Counties Bank, so
        The certification process is one of the most     please join us in congratulating the following individuals who have
        stringent and demanding assessments that         been appointed to new roles with their duties commencing in H2.
        an organisation can pass, and our score of
        92.8 is a brilliant achievement. As a Certified B
        Corporation, we have adopted specific wording
        into our Articles of Association to reflect a
        commitment to creating a material positive                       Andrew Arnold, Portfolio Manager.
        impact on society and the environment and
        to consider the impact of its decisions on
        all of its stakeholders, including employees
        and suppliers.

        We’re now one of a select few banks to achieve                   Tom Nuttall, Portfolio Manager.
        B-Corp status in the UK, and it’s given us
        even more motivation to build on what we’ve
        achieved so far and continue to set, meet and
        exceed the highest standards of social and
        environmental performance.

                                                                         Jenny Robinson, Portfolio Manager.

                                                          There's never been a better time to get to know our entire
                                                          property finance team, click here to meet everyone.

                     Awards and recognition

           We’re very proud and grateful to have received official recognition in the form of
           award wins, commendation's and sought-after certification's

           At the Business Moneyfacts Awards, we won the Best Business Fixed Account
           Provider 2023, and were Highly Commended in the Best Services from a
           Commercial Mortgage Provider category. Our success continued at the Savings
           Champion Awards, where we won the Best Business Fixed Rate Bond Provider.

           These achievements are testament to the sterling efforts of our Relationship
           Managers and Customer Services Teams, and it’s something that wouldn’t have
           been possible without our community of brokers, so we’d like to extend a huge
           thanks to them.
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