Page 4 - Cambridge & Counties Bank_REF Newsletters_July edition
P. 4

Dates for                                             Buy-to-let

                    your diary                                      finance solutions

                                                                 for portfolio growth
                  It’s an exciting year ahead for us at
             Cambridge & Counties Bank for many reasons,
               and we’ve got a busy schedule coming up.                 Supporting your client’s
             We’ll be attending and sponsoring exhibitions,
                  awards, industry events and more.                         next investment

              With that in mind, here are some important
                      dates to make a note of:

                                                                    No limit to the number    Equity release for
                                                                   of properties you can own  purchase or refinance
                      1st                15th
                     Sept                Sept
                  Goodwood             NAFCB
                    Revival          Commercial
                                    Broker Awards
                                                                   Funding available for large   Interest-only
                                                                   portfolios and borrowings  options available

                     10th                18th
                      Oct                Oct

              Specialist Car Finance   Leasing World
                 5th Anniversary       Awards                      Limited company lending    No valuation fee payable
                    Dinner                                           or individual name(s)  until loan is approved

                                                                Our experienced frontline team manually
                                                                underwrite every deal, supporting your clients
                     10th                30th                   through the application process and beyond.
                      Nov                Nov                    You won’t find frustrating portals, complicated
                                                                forms or jargon here. You will, however, find an
                  The Finance          NAFCB                    expert team looking to help your clients grow
               Professional Show    Patron Awards               their buy-to-let portfolio with confidence.   Scan to see all of
                                                                                                   our key features

        Let’s talk.                0344 225 3939           [email protected]

           Cambridge & Counties Bank, Charnwood Court, 5B New Walk, Leicester LE1 6TE

        Cambridge & Counties Bank Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority
        under firm registration number 579415. Our authorisation can be checked at the Financial Services Register at
        Cambridge & Counties Bank Ltd Registered Office: Charnwood Court, 5B New Walk, Leicester, England, LE1 6TE. Registered in England and Wales No. 07972522.
        For Intermediary Use Only.
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