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126  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                           127

 Key management personnel compensation  32  Ultimate parent company
 The key management personnel of the company   The legal title to the ordinary share capital of the
 comprised the executive and non-executive   company is held equally by:
 directors of the Bank. The compensation of key
 management personnel is shown in the following     – Cambridgeshire County Council as Administering
 table (see also Note 11).  Authority of the Cambridgeshire Local
 Government Pension Fund; and
 £’000  2021  2020
   – The Master or Keeper, Fellows and Scholars
 Directors’ remuneration*   2,202  2,360  of the Hall of the Holy Trinity in the University
 of Cambridge (commonly called Trinity Hall,
 Amounts receivable under   50  –  Cambridge).
 long term incentive schemes
 33  Subsequent events
 Company contributions   –  1
 to defined contribution   There have been no significant quantifiable events
 pension plans   between 31 December 2021 and the date of
 approval of the financial statements which would
 Provision / Payments   –  109  require a change to, or additional disclosure, in
 of compensation for   the financial statements. The COVID-19 pandemic
 loss of office
 and the Ukrainian conflict continue to create an
 Amounts paid to third   53  52  uncertain economic outlook across the UK and
 parties in respect of   globally. Management and the Board continue to
 Directors’ services  monitor the situation and evaluate the impact on
 the Bank on a regular basis.
 Total  2,305  2,522

 *   Emoluments of the highest paid director were £596k (2020: £524k).  34 Standards issued but not yet adopted
 A number of new revised standards issued by the
 International Standards Board have not yet come
 Transactions with key management personnel:
 into effect. None of these are expected to have a
 The amounts paid to third parties in respect of   material impact on the Bank’s financial statements.
 director’s services relate to the non-executive
 director fees for Richard Perry in 2021 and 2020.   35  Country by country reporting
 These amounts were paid to Cambridgeshire County   The regulations under Article 89 of the CRD
 Council for 2020 and January to April 2021 and   IV require the Bank to disclose the following
 Cambridgeshire Local Government Pension Fund for   information about the source of the Bank’s income
 the period from May 2021 to December 2021.
 and the location of its operations:
 Caroline Fawcett, an Independent Non-Executive   Requirement  Disclosure
 Director, is the Director of a company which had
 £48k (2020: £87k) on deposit at the end of the year.   Name, nature   Cambridge & Counties Bank
 The account earns interest at the standard rate for   of activities and   operates as a single entity
 this type of account.  geographical   exclusively in the United
 location  Kingdom. The principal
 Mike Hudson, an Executive Director, is a trustee of a   activities of the Bank can be
 not-for profit organisation that had £81k (2020: £76k)   found in Note 1.
 on deposit at the end of the year. The account earns   Average number   As disclosed in Note 10 to
 interest at the standard rate for this type of account.
 of employees  the accounts.  Contact Details
            If you require any further information on
 There were no other transactions with key   Annual turnover   As disclosed in the   Cambridge & Counties Bank, please contact us
 management personnel in 2021 (2020: nil).  and profit   Statement of Profit or Loss   using the details below.
 before tax  and Other Comprehensive
 There were no loans outstanding to any directors at   Income on page 86.    Cambridge & Counties Bank Limited
 31 December 2021 (2020: nil)
 Corporation   As noted in the Statement   Charnwood Court
 tax paid  of Cash Flow on page 89.  5B New Walk
 Public subsidies  There were none received   LE1 6TE
 in the current or prior year.
                0344 225 3939

               [email protected]

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