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36  Strategic Report                                                                                             37


 Principal Risk   Governance  Risk Appetite Statement  Key Mitigants  Comments  Principal Risk   Governance  Risk Appetite Statement  Key Mitigants  Comments

 Financial Crime  Financial   The Bank maintains a low     ∞Adherence to the   Ensuring   Operational  Operational   The Bank maintains a low     ∞Risk and Control   Operational   Strategic Report
 Crime   appetite for Financial Crime   Financial Crime   compliance   Risk   appetite for Operational   Self Assessments   Risk is one of
 The risk that   Framework  risk, aiming to maintain a   Framework  with all   The risk   Management   Risk. We aim to minimise   and Risk Registers  the key risks
 inadequate   low level of residual risk   applicable   that events   Framework  incidents and losses arising   the Bank faces.
 controls relating   Risk   and striving to ensure that     ∞Undertaking business   regulatory   arising from   from operational risk issues     ∞Scenario Analysis  However,
 to financial   Management   we always remain within   wide risk assessments   requirements in   inadequate or   Risk   by maintaining a resilient     ∞Monitoring of   Operational
 crime could   Committee  the law and regulation.     ∞Customer onboarding   a fast-changing   internal process   Management   infrastructure, including   Operational Risk   Risk related
 give rise to   Risk &   Whilst we recognise that   incorporating standard   landscape is   failure, people,   Committee  robust systems, employing,   Events and ‘Deep   losses have
 fines, litigation,   Compliance   operational errors can occur,   and enhanced due   a challenge   and systems or   Risk &   and training the right people,   Dive’ analysis, where   historically
 sanctions,   Committee  we maintain zero tolerance   diligence activities  to which the   from external   Compliance   minimising the impact of   appropriate  been low, the
 reputational   for breaches of compliance   Bank devotes   events cause   Committee  external events, and having a   framework
 damage, or   with applicable financial     ∞Risk based Source   considerable   regulatory   framework in place to ensure     ∞Reviewing projects   has been   Corporate Governance Statement
 financial loss.  of Funds & Source   censure,                          and change
 crime laws and regulations,   of Wealth checks  resources. The   reputational   operational risks are captured,   management requests   strengthened
 deliberate facilitation of   Financial Crime   damage,   monitored, and mitigated, with       following an
 tax evasion, bribery and     ∞Individual customer   Framework   financial   lessons learned from mistakes.  ∞  Monitoring of the risk   external review
 facilitation payments and   risk assessments   is continually   loss, service   This includes clear first line   posed using critical and   and ongoing
 internal fraud. All material   which determine a   under review   disruption and/  ownership of operational   outsourced suppliers  enhancements
 breaches are investigated   customer’s risk profile  and maintained   or customer   risks, review, and challenge     ∞Horizon scanning   are being
 and reported to the Risk &     ∞Third-party due   in line with   detriment.  by the second line and   to ensure continued   undertaken
 Compliance Committee in a   diligence.  leading   assurance from the third line.   adherence to regulatory   to ensure that
 timely manner, rule changes   industry      Focus is maintained on key   requirements and     the Bank’s
 are implemented within     ∞Ongoing automated   practices.  risks, including outsourcing,   leading practices  Operational
 the applicable regulatory   transaction monitoring   operational resilience, people,          Risk Framework
 timelines and staff operate   and screening   Annual   cyber and technology risks,     ∞Regular training and   is in line with
 within documented policies     ∞Receiving internal   submission   noting that the Bank has   development of staff   its regulatory   Independent Auditor’s Report
 and controls and, where   suspicious activity   of the MLRO   a lower appetite for risks   to ensure up to date   requirements
 applicable, industry guidelines.  Report to   associated with material   knowledge base       and leading
 reports from any   the Board.               outsourcing and critical non-                     practices.
 employee in the business                                                 ∞An enhanced Risk
                                             outsourcing arrangements. We   and Control Self-
   ∞Obtaining and                            will ensure that our systems   Assessment process
 using intelligence                          and operational capabilities   has been rolled out
 and national and                            are stable and resilient, with   across the Bank
 international findings                      preventative measures in
                                             place to reduce the risk
   ∞Receiving reports of
                                             of service disruptions, and
 suspicious activity
                                             effective business continuity
 from any employee                                                                                                 Financial Statements
                                             and disaster recovery plans
 in the business
                                             maintained to limit the impact
   ∞Evaluating any                           of disruption events. A suite
 suspicions of                               of KRIs is in place and a
 money laundering/                           framework for escalation of
 terrorist financing                         issues to senior management
                                             and the Board, regular reviews
   ∞Horizon scanning
                                             are undertaken via Risk and
 to ensure continued
 adherence to regulatory                     Control Self Assessments,
 requirements                                and Operational Risk Events
                                             are captured, recorded,
   ∞Regular reviews of                       and reviewed with actions
 training content and                        taken to avoid recurrence.                                            Notes to the Financial Statements
 training and oversight
 of the development of
 staff to ensure up to
 date knowledge base
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