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                                                                                                                                                                                                Disclosures: Remuneration
                                                                                                                                                                                                As a regulated BIPRU Bank, Cambridge
                                                                                                                                                                                                & Counties Bank will provide the          Strategic Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                appropriate remuneration disclosures for
                                                                                                                                                                                                a proportionality Tier 3 Bank within its
                                                                                                                                                                                                Pillar 3 disclosure, which is published on
                                                                                                                                                                                                the Bank’s website.

                                                                                                                                                                                                Roles & Responsibilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Chief People Officer is responsible for
                                                                                                                                                                                                the maintenance of this policy and ensures
                                                                                                                                                                                                that Risk & Compliance are made aware of
                                                                                                                                                                                                any changes to enable the policy review   Corporate Governance Statement
                                                                                                                                                                                                schedule to be updated.
                                In respect of determining if Malus and/or   Termination of employment                                                  Policy Breaches
                                Clawback should be invoked in terms of a   The Bank’s redundancy policy is to pay                                      Any breaches of this policy will be reported   Reward outcomes in 2021
                                Trigger Event which has been discovered,   statutory redundancy pay. Exceptionally,                                    to the Chief Risk Officer who will make   The Performance & Remuneration
                                the Performance & Remuneration           if required from a business need, the Bank                                    an assessment as to whether further      Committee has reviewed the business
                                Committee may consider an individual’s   will enter into agreed settlement payments                                    notification to the regulator is necessary.   performance in 2021 and considered risk
                                proximity to the applicable Trigger Event   which are calculated on current base salary                                Significant breaches which require a     events in conjunction with the Board Risk
                                and his or her level of responsibility.
                                                                         and may include awarded but deferred                                          notification to the regulators include (but   & Compliance Committee, the affordability
                                                                         bonus payments. It is the Bank’s policy not                                   are not limited to):                     of paying variable pay, and the associated
                                The Board is empowered with absolute     to include any element of future earnings                                                                              risk of low variable pay. After assessment of
                                discretion to enforce or decline to apply   or awards. The LTiP and Senior Leadership                                     ∞ any proposed changes to remuneration   performance, the Committee has approved
                                Malus and Clawback and should, in        Plan schemes do include good leaver                                              policies, practices or procedures which   distribution of £2.2m variable pay award for
                                determining whether to enforce or decline   status and the reasons for termination                                        could have a significant impact on the   2021 (2020: £1.4m).
                                it, consider the interests of the Bank and   of employment are considered when                                            firm’s risk profile or resources;                                               Independent Auditor’s Report
                                its shareholders. In making decisions, the   determining any award to ensure they are
                                Board may take into consideration the    proportionate and reflect performance.                                           ∞ fraud, errors, and other irregularities
                                following factors:
                                                                                                                                                          which may suggest weaknesses in, or
                                                                                                                                                          be motivated by the firm’s remuneration
                                   ∞ the likelihood of success of invoking                                                                                policies, procedures or practices;
                                   Clawback and recovering such variable
                                   remuneration amounts;                       The Remuneration                                                           ∞ any proposed policies, procedures or

                                   ∞ the likelihood that such claim may        Policy documents                                                           practices which could:
                                   prejudice the interests of the Bank;                                                                                      – have a significant adverse impact on
                                                                               the policies,                                                                the firm’s reputation;                                                        Financial Statements
                                   ∞ the passage of time since the
                                   occurrence of the Trigger Event(s); and     practices and                                                                 – affect the firm’s ability to continue

                                   ∞ the existence of any legal proceedings    procedures                                                                   to provide adequate services to
                                   against an individual related to the
                                   applicable Trigger Event(s).                linked to salary,                                                             – result in a serious detriment to a

                                Before invoking Malus or Clawback the          compensation                                                                 customer of the firm;
                                Board will advise the affected individual in                                                                                 – result in serious financial
                                writing of its reasons for intending to invoke   and reward of                                                              consequences to the financial system
                                it. An individual will be given an opportunity                                                                              or to other firms.
                                to make representations to the Board (in       employees. It is                                                                                                                                           Notes to the Financial Statements
                                writing, within a specified period) about                                                                              Such notifications will be made as soon
                                any factors or circumstances that may be       reviewed and                                                            as the Bank becomes aware of or has
                                relevant to the application of the Board’s                                                                             information which reasonably suggests
                                discretion in invoking Malus or Clawback.      approved annually.                                                      such circumstances have occurred or may
                                                                                                                                                       occur in the future.
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