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70     Corporate Governance Statement                                                                                                                                                                                               71


            The choice of the performance metrics   and, as such, voluntarily operates under the
            applicable to the annual bonus scheme   code of conduct in relation to executive
            reflects the Board’s belief that any incentive   remuneration consulting in the UK.                                                                                                                                           Strategic Report
            compensation should be appropriately    Deloitte has provided independent advice
            challenging and tied to the delivery of the   on matters under consideration by the
            defined financial and risk management   Performance & Remuneration Committee
            objectives, along with specific individual   including compliance with regulations,
            objectives. An element of deferral applies   advice on market trends and data,
            to the executive directors’ bonus scheme.  remuneration policy and implementation
                                                    of remuneration arrangements, including
            The LTIP performance conditions         support in remuneration arrangements for
            were selected by the Performance &      departing Executives. The Performance
            Remuneration Committee on the basis     & Remuneration Committee is satisfied
            that they reward the delivery of long-term   that the advice it has received has been                                                                                                                                         Corporate Governance Statement
            returns to shareholders and the Bank’s   objective and independent.
            financial growth and are consistent with
            the Bank’s objective of delivering specific   In addition, management received
            long-term value to shareholders. The LTIP   external advice, including market data and
            scheme was discontinued in 2020, with the   legal counsel, from a number of other
            last granted LTIP being for the performance   providers which is not considered to be
            period ending 2021. Where performance   material in assisting the Performance &
            measures are achieved for 2021, the LTIP   Remuneration Committee to consider
            award will vest in 2022 at a maximum of   Directors’ remuneration.
            20% base salary. The Executive bonus
            scheme was increased by 20% to a        Remuneration policy for other employees
            maximum of 50% in 2020, maintaining     The Bank’s approach to annual salary
            the variable remuneration package       reviews is consistent across the business
            for Executives.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Independent Auditor’s Report
                                                    with consideration given to affordability,
                                                    the level of experience, responsibility,                                         Element of    Purpose and Link     Operation           Maximum             Performance Targets
            The Performance & Remuneration          individual performance, and salary level in
            Committee operates the LTIP in          comparable companies.                                                            Remuneration  to Strategy
            accordance with the plan rules, consistent                                                                               Fees             ∞ Reflects time      ∞ Cash fee paid     ∞ There is no       ∞ Non-executive
            with market practice, and retains discretion   Pension and benefits provided to all                                                       commitments and                         prescribed maximum   directors do
            over a number of areas relating to the   employees are broadly in line with the                                                           responsibilities     ∞ Reviewed on an   annual increase. All   not participate
            operation and administration of the plan.                                                                                                 of each role        annual basis        increases are guided   in variable pay
                                                    policy for Executive Directors, although the
                                                    commencement of benefits may be subject                                                           ∞ Reflects fees      ∞ NED fees are     by market rates and   elements
            Benefits offered to executive directors   to longer periods of eligibility at the start                                                                       considered and      the general increase
            apply from the commencement             of employment.                                                                                    paid by financial   approved by the     for the executive
            of employment.                                                                                                                            institutions of     Shareholders        director population
                                                                                                                                                      similar size,                                                                       Financial Statements
                                                    Remuneration policy for                                                                           characteristics,    and Chairman         ∞ NEDs who chair
            Highest paid Director –                 Non-Executive Directors
            2021 remuneration disclosure                                                                                                              and sector           ∞ Chairman fees    Board Committees
                                                    All Non-Executive Directors are appointed                                                         comparators         are approved by     receive an additional
            The total remuneration paid to the Bank’s   for an initial term of 36 months and may be                                                                       Performance &       responsibility
            highest paid Director for qualifying services   terminated by either party upon 3 months’                                                                     Remuneration        allowance of £6k
            as a Director in the period from 1 January   written notice. Non-Executive fees are set                                                                       Committee
            to 31 December 2021 is included in Note 11   in line with the policy in the table below.                                                                                           ∞ The Senior
            to the financial statements.                                                                                                                                                      Independent
                                                    Non-Executive Directors are not eligible to                                                                                               Director receives
                                                    participate in any of the benefits provided                                                                                               an additional
            Consideration by the Directors of matters   to employees or Executive Directors except
            relating to Directors’ Remuneration                                                                                                                                               responsibility
                                                    for private medical insurance.                                                                                                            allowance of £6k                            Notes to the Financial Statements
            The Performance & Remuneration
            Committee engage Deloitte LLP (Deloitte)
            to provide independent advice on
            remuneration matters. Deloitte is a member
            of the Remuneration Consultants Group
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