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68  Corporate Governance Statement                                                                               69

 Executive Director Remuneration                                                                                   Contents
 The table below summarises the Executive Directors’ remuneration policy for 2021:

 Element of   Purpose and Link   Operation  Maximum  Performance Targets  Element of   Purpose and Link   Operation  Maximum  Performance Targets
 Remuneration  to Strategy  Remuneration  to Strategy                                                              Strategic Report
 Salary    ∞ The Performance     ∞ Reviewed annually     ∞ There is no     ∞ An element of   Bonus    ∞ Incentivises     ∞ Paid in cash    ∞ 50% of salary    ∞ A combination
 & Remuneration     ∞ Takes periodic   prescribed   performance-  annual delivery     ∞ Not pensionable  of 50% company
 Committee is   account of   maximum annual   related pay applies   of financial and        and 50% individual
 committed to   practices of   increase   strategic goals                                   performance
 adhering to the   financial institutions  ∞ The Performance     ∞ Maximum bonus            measures with a

 Financial Services   of similar size,   & Remuneration   only payable                      deferred element
 Remuneration   characteristics, and   Committee is   for achieving                         of amounts over
 Code, thus   sector comparators  guided by the   business and                              20% of salary paid
 ensuring that   general increase   personal targets                                        over 3 years
 the Bank has   for the broader
 risk-focused   employee   Long Term     ∞ Aligned to main     ∞ Grant will be     ∞ 20% of base salary    ∞ Achievement   Corporate Governance Statement
 remuneration   population and   Incentive Plan   strategic objectives   awarded each       in final year of
 policies    (LTIP)           of delivering        financial year                           financial and
 on occasions may
   ∞ Reflects skills   need to recognise,   Stopped in   sustainable     ∞ Paid in cash     non-financial
                              growth as set
             2020 – final
 and experience   for example, an   scheme is   out in the Bank’s     ∞ Not pensionable     measures with
 over time  increase in the   2019 – 2021  strategic plan                                   good and bad
 scale, scope, or
   ∞ Reflects the value   responsibility                                                    leaver elements
 of the individual   of a role.                                                             ∞ Cancellation
 and their role
                                                                                            elements apply
   ∞ Provides an   Pension     ∞ Provides           ∞ Defined           ∞ Bank contribute     ∞ Not applicable
 appropriate level of         retirement benefits  contribution        10% of salary
 basic fixed income                                                    provided
                               ∞ Opportunity
   ∞ Avoids excessive         for executives                           executives                                  Independent Auditor’s Report
 risk taking from             to contribute                            contribute a min
 over reliance on             to their own                             3% of salary
 variable income
                              retirement plan                           ∞ Executives may
 Benefits    ∞ To aid retention     ∞ Company car     ∞ Not applicable    ∞ Not applicable  request a salary
 and recruitment  allowance, provision                                 sacrifice for the
 of private medical                                                    equivalent of their
 insurance, life                                                       personal pension
 assurance and                                                         contribution. This
 permanent health                                                      arrangement is
 insurance                                                             also available
                                                                       for other staff                             Financial Statements

                                                                        ∞ For EDs who have
                                                                       exceeded their
                                                                       lifetime allowance
                                                                       and/ or tapered
                                                                       allowance, there
                                                                       is the option
                                                                       of taking a 10%
                                                                       pension allowance
                                                                       in cash (taxable
                                                                       allowance)                                  Notes to the Financial Statements
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