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72     Corporate Governance Statement                                                                                                                                                                                               73

            Leadership team biographies                                                                                                                                                                                                   Contents

            Chairman and Executive Directors                                                                                                                                                                                              Strategic Report

            Simon Moore                                                        Donald Kerr                                         Andrea Hodgson                    Simon Lindley                    Mike Hudson                         Corporate Governance Statement
            Chairman                                                           Chief Executive Officer                             Chief Financial Officer           Chief Development Officer        Chief Risk Officer

            Simon joined Cambridge &          (subject to regulatory approval)   Donald is a career banker having                  Andrea joined Cambridge &         Simon has over 30 years’ experience   Mike joined Cambridge & Counties
            Counties Bank when it was formed   and is also non-executive       joined Bank of Scotland after                       Counties Bank as CFO and          in financial services predominantly   Bank in January 2020, before
            in 2012, as Non-Executive Director   chairman of RCI Bank UK. He   graduating from university. He                      Board member in 2017, prior to    centred on business development   which he was the CRO for 7 years
            and chair of the Nominations and   is a trustee of the Wallscourt   has held leadership roles at                       which she held similar roles at a   and property lending. After starting   at Brown Shipley & Co Ltd. With
            Remuneration Committee. He was    Foundation, supporting the       Lloyds Banking Group, Virgin                        start-up challenger and USS Ltd.   his career in 1985 working for   nearly 40 years’ experience in
            appointed Chairman of the Bank in   students and teaching objectives   Money and Co-operative Bank.                    Andrea qualified as a chartered   NatWest, Simon moved around the   Financial Services working across
            October 2016.                     of the University of the West    Experience gained in corporate and                  accountant with KPMG before       Midlands to broaden his knowledge   all the risk categories, Mike has   Independent Auditor’s Report
                                              of England, Bristol, and a lay   transactional banking led Donald                    moving into financial services and   by leading business development   spent most of his career within
            After leaving the British Army,   member of the Audit and Risk     to specialise in SME banking with                   has 20 years’ experience ranging   teams for Bank of Ireland, Yorkshire   banking and lending, helping
            Simon began his banking career    Committee of the Recruitment     customers that he believes are the                  from banking licence application,   Bank and latterly leading the   ensure firms have the appropriate
            in 1992. He completed his training   and Employers Confederation.   backbone of the UK economy.                        acquisition, and integrations     Handelsbanken in Leicester.      risk and control environment.
            with Lloyds Bank in 1994 and spent   Formerly he was a governor at   Managing Director positions                       through to strategy development.
            the bulk of his career with Chase   the University of the West of   in distribution, operations, risk                  Andrea has a proven track record   After joining Cambridge & Counties   At Cambridge & Counties Bank, he
            Manhattan Bank in London and      England and non-executive board   management and strategy                            from her executive leadership     Bank in 2012 as its first Business   is responsible for the management
            New York. He also worked with     member of the Government         culminated in his appointment                       roles with Lloyds Banking Group,   Development Manager, Simon took   and oversight of the Bank’s credit
            Barclays Bank where he was the    Office of the Southwest.         as Chief Executive Officer for                      Bank of Scotland, and National    over responsibility for the national   risk and control framework which
            regional director for the corporate                                Cambridge & Counties Bank in                        Australia group. Previously, she has   Property Finance team in 2015 and   also includes helping the Bank
            banking business in Wales and the                                  November 2020.                                      also served as a Non-Executive    has been at the centre of the Bank’s   meet its regulatory obligations,   Financial Statements
            Southwest of England.                                                                                                  Director and Deputy Chair for a   successful balance sheet growth   as well as its legal and company
                                                                                                                                   large NHS Foundation Trust.       due to his commitment to delivering   secretarial accountabilities. Mike
            Simon was a member of the                                                                                                                                a service led and broker-centric   also oversees the bank’s response
            management board of the                                                                                                Andrea is passionate about        business. Simon was appointed to   to climate change, as well as
            Confederation of British Industry                                                                                      motivating teams to ensure        the Board as Chief Development   broader environmental, social and
            (CBI) from 2013 until 2016 and the                                                                                     that the Finance & Treasury       Officer In 2017, when he took    governance activities.
            director responsible for London,                                                                                       functions are valued and trusted   over responsibility for the asset
            the South of England, and Financial                                                                                    business partners at the heart of   finance sales team. Furthermore,   He’s passionate about ensuring the
            Services. Prior to that, he spent                                                                                      the business.                     Simon’s remit increased in 2020 to   broader Risk Management team
            three years as CBI International                                                                                                                         include customer deposits as well   provide the appropriate support to
            Director leading the work of the                                                                                                                         as marketing.                    the Bank, allowing it to continue to
            CBI in support of its members                                                                                                                                                             grow securely.                      Notes to the Financial Statements
            outside Europe.                                                                                                                                          Outside of the Bank, Simon is a very
                                                                                                                                                                     proud Non-Executive Trustee of
            Simon has recently been appointed                                                                                                                        Age UK Leicestershire and has acted
            as non-executive director and                                                                                                                            as the charity’s treasurer for over
            chairman to the board of PCF Bank                                                                                                                        15 years.
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