Page 49 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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48  Corporate Governance Statement                                                                              49

 Board and Committee attendance  Performance evaluation and   Company Secretary and independent
              professional development                professional advice
 The following table sets out individual
 director’s attendance at the scheduled   Each year all the Directors are subject to   Richard Bryan, the Bank’s General
 Board, Risk & Compliance, Audit,   a formal appraisal. The Chief Executive   Counsel, has served as the Company
 Performance & Remuneration and   Officer carries out appraisals of the Chief   Secretary throughout the year ended
 Nominations & Governance Committee   Financial Officer, the Chief Risk Officer   31 December 2022. The Company
 meetings during 2022 (attendance is shown   and the Chief Development Officer   Secretary is responsible to the Board
 only where a director is a member of the   based on a range of agreed personal and   for ensuring compliance with corporate
 committee and includes any meeting   business objectives. The Chair of the Board   governance requirements. The Board
 where a director is appointed or retired).  completes the Chief Executive Officer’s   has access to the Company Secretary
              appraisal, performance also being assessed   individually and collectively. As well as
              against a range of agreed personal and   the support of the Company Secretary,
 Director  Board  Risk &   Audit   Performance &   Nominations   business objectives.  any Director may take independent
 Compliance   Committee  Remuneration   & Governance   The Chair conducts appraisals of the   professional advice at the Company’s
 Committee  Committee  Committee  independent Non-Executive Directors,   expense in the furtherance of their duties,

 No. of meetings in 2022  11  12  5  3  5  basing the assessment of each Director’s   where considered necessary.
              contribution to the Board’s performance
 Caroline Fawcett  11  N/M  4  3  5  using criteria such as attendance,   Principal accountant fees and services
 Tim Harvey-Samuel  11  11  5  3  5  performance at meetings, and additional   An analysis of fees for professional services
              training and development requirements.  provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP,
 Andrea Hodgson  11  N/M  N/M  N/M  N/M               the Company’s external auditor for the
              The Board conducts an annual review
 Michael Hudson  11  N/M  N/M  N/M  N/M  of its effectiveness, as do each of the   year ended 31 December 2022, is set out in
                                                      note 8 to the Bank’s financial statements.
 Donald Kerr  11  N/M  N/M  N/M  N/M  Board committees.
 Simon Lindley  1  11  N/M  N/M  N/M  N/M
 Simon Moore  2  8  8  N/M  1  3

 Patrick Newberry  10  11  4  3  1  4  5
 Mike Peck  5  2  1  1  N/M  1
 Richard Perry  6  3  2  1  1  1

 Christiane Wuillamie  7  6  8  3  1  3
 Nick Treble  11  12  5  3  N/M
 N/M: not a member of this Committee
   retired on 31 January 2023
   retired on 30 September 2022
   ceased to be a member on 23 September 2022
   became a member on 23 September 2022
   appointed on 27 October 2022
   resigned on 31 March 2022
   appointed on 24 March 2022 and
 retired 31 December 2022

 A strong team well

 equipped to lead the Bank
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