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50  Corporate Governance Statement                                                                              51

 Internal control and   approval of loan terms (at origination and   Board activity  Nominations & Governance
 governance framework  subsequent amendment), including pricing,   Committee report
 within limits delegated by the Board Risk &   The Board leads the setting of the
 Compliance Committee.  Bank’s strategy and oversights the
 Risk management is governed within the   implementation of that strategy by the   Membership and operation of the Committee
 corporate governance structure detailed   Impairment & Provisions Committee  Executive. At each Board meeting, the
 on page 30, with ultimate ownership at   Board receives a performance report and   The Nominations & Governance Committee
 Board level via the Risk & Compliance   The Impairment & Provision Committee is   a report from the Chief Officers.  was chaired by Caroline Fawcett until
 Committee. In addition, the Board Audit   chaired by the CFO and is responsible for   September 2022 when she handed over
 Committee oversees third line review   monitoring current and potential non-  During the year the Board has also   to Patrick Newberry. In addition to Patrick
 of all aspects of risk management, and   performing lending on an ongoing basis for   considered further matters to ensure the   (Chair of Board), the Committee members in
 the Nominations & Governance and   the purposes of identifying and agreeing   Bank conducts itself in a proper manner.   2022 were Tim Harvey-Samuel (Shareholder
 Performance & Remuneration Committees   provisions for under recovery across the   The Board has paid particular attention to   Representative), Christiane Wuillamie
 have a role in the management of conduct   Bank’s loan portfolios.  the Bank’s progress against the feedback   (Shareholder Representative), Mike Peck
 risk, including risk culture.  provided by the PRA, as part of the PRA’s   (Chair of the Audit Committee), and Caroline
 Risk Management Committees  annual engagement with the Bank.   Fawcett (SID and Chair of Performance and
 An explanation of the Bank’s committees   Linked to our engagement with the PRA,   Remuneration Committee). Nick Treble as
 and sub-committees is set out below:  The Risk Management Committee is
 chaired by the CRO (Chief Risk Officer) and   the Board has maintained its oversight   Chair of Risk & Compliance Committee
 Executive Committee  is responsible for reviewing and managing   and scrutiny of the Bank’s liquidity and   attends occasionally, in line with the
 all aspects of the Bank’s exposure to non-  capital management, and specifically   responsibilities of his role. The Chief Executive
 The Executive Committee is chaired by   financial risks, including legal, compliance   approved the Bank’s ILAAP and ICAAP.   Officer, Chief People Officer and General
 the CEO and its members include all the   and regulatory, financial crime, operational,   Also, as a result of the cessation of the   Counsel (Committee Secretary) also attend
 Bank’s executive officers and General   conduct and operational resilience risks.  LIBOR benchmark and feedback on the   committee meetings.
 Counsel. The Executive Committee is the   conversion mechanism, the Board also   The Committee is responsible for making
 Bank’s principal executive committee and   The Model Risk Governance Committee is   approved refinements to the Additional   recommendations for appointments to
 collectively supports the Chief Executive in   chaired by the CRO, is responsible for the   Tier 1 instrument.  the Board, including Board Committee
 developing and implementing the Bank’s   management and oversight of financial   One of the strategic challenges for   membership and chairpersonship; monitoring
 strategy as agreed by the Board, monitoring   models used within the firm and reports to   the year has been the delivery of the   the governance arrangements of the Bank
 the Bank’s performance, and agreeing any   the Risk Management Committee.
              change programme and specifically       including recommending changes to
 actions that are required to manage issues
              the Real Estate Finance Transformation,   ensure consistency with best practice and
 that affect the Bank.
              where regular monthly updates on        corporate governance standards; making
 Other executive committee sub-committees   progress have been provided to ensure   recommendations in respect of regulatory
 include:     that the identified change and benefits   and strategic developments relevant to
              are realised.                           the markets in which the Bank operates.
   • Business Change Committee                        In practice this means that the Committee
   • ESG Committee  In setting the tone from the top and   reviews the structure, size and composition of
   • Customer and Product Committee  integral to the culture and identity of the   the Board, ensuring an appropriate balance of
              Bank, the Board has reviewed updates on
 Asset and Liability Committee  the culture of the Bank, the maturation   skills, knowledge, experience and diversity. It
                                                      leads the process for Board appointments and
              of our approach to ESG, consideration of
 The Asset and Liability Committee is chaired   the B Corp accreditation and feedback   renewals, in line with the Board succession
 by the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and is   from colleagues and customers on how   plan. It oversights the Executive succession
 responsible for reviewing and managing all   the Bank is performing. This information,   plan, taking account of the skills and expertise
 aspects of the Bank’s exposure to financial   together with competitor and market   that will be needed in the future to achieve
 risks, including strategic risk, capital   analysis requested by the Board, helps   the Bank’s strategic goals and business
 adequacy, liquidity and funding, tax, and   inform the strategic direction of the Bank.  plan. The Committee monitors, reviews and
 market risks.                                        recommends changes to the governance
              The Board has also spent time on matters   arrangements in line with best practice. This
 Credit Committee  that have the potential to materially   Committee is responsible for overseeing that
              impact the Bank’s business model over   Directors fulfil their responsibilities under
 The Credit Committee is chaired by the CLO   the course of its strategic plan. This   the Senior Management Regime. The Senior
 (Chief Lending Officer) and is responsible for   has included focus on the Bank’s cyber   Independent Director also conducts a similar
 reviewing and managing all aspects of the   awareness and responsiveness. It has also   appraisal of the Chair’s performance.
 Bank’s exposure to credit risk.
              included briefings on Consumer Duty and
 The Credit Approval Sub-committee   approval to our plan to implement the   The Nominations and Governance Committee
                                                      met five times during the year.
 reports to the Credit Committee and is   Consumer Duty in 2023.
 responsible for the review, challenge, and
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