Page 69 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
P. 69

68  Corporate Governance Statement                                                                              69

 Executive Director Remuneration
 The table below summarise the Executive Directors’ remuneration policy for 2022:
              The choice of the performance metrics   departing Executives. The Performance &
              applicable to the annual bonus scheme   Remuneration Committee is satisfied that
 Element of   Purpose and Link   Operation  Maximum  Performance   reflects the Board’s belief that any incentive   the advice it has received has been objective
 Remuneration  to Strategy  Targets
              compensation should be appropriately    and independent.
 Salary  The Performance &   Reviewed   There is no prescribed   An element of   challenging and tied to the delivery of the   In addition, management received
 Remuneration Committee   annually   maximum annual increase.   performance-  defined financial and risk management   external advice, including market data and
 is committed to adhering   Takes periodic   The Performance &   related pay   objectives, along with specific individual   legal counsel, from a number of other
 to the Financial Services   account of   Remuneration Committee   applies  objectives. An element of deferral applies to   providers which is not considered to be
 Remuneration Code,   practices   is guided by the general   the executive directors’ bonus scheme.  material in assisting the Performance &
 thus ensuring that the   of financial   increase for the broader   Benefits offered to executive directors apply   Remuneration Committee to consider
 Bank has risk-focused   institutions of   employee population and   from the commencement of employment.  Directors’ remuneration.
 remuneration policies
 similar size,   on occasions may need to
 Reflects skills and   characteristics,   recognise, for example, an   Highest paid Director –   Remuneration policy for other employees
 experience over time  and sector   increase in the scale, scope,   2022 remuneration disclosure  The Bank’s approach to annual salary
 comparators  or responsibility of a role.            reviews is consistent across the business
 Reflects the value of the   The total remuneration paid to the Bank’s
 individual and their role  highest paid Director for qualifying services   with consideration given to affordability,
              as a Director in the period from 1 January to   the level of experience, responsibility,
 Provides an appropriate   31 December 2022 is included in Note 11 to   individual performance, and salary level in
 level of basic fixed income  the financial statements.  comparable companies.
 Avoids excessive risk                                Pension and benefits provided to all
 taking from over reliance   Consideration by the Directors of matters   employees are broadly in line with the
 on variable income  relating to Directors’ Remuneration  policy for Executive Directors, although the
 Benefits  To aid retention and   Company car   Not applicable  Not applicable  The Performance & Remuneration   commencement of benefits may be subject
 recruitment  allowance,   Committee engage Deloitte LLP (Deloitte)   to longer periods of eligibility at the start
 provision of   to provide independent advice on      of employment.
 private medical   remuneration matters. Deloitte is a member
 insurance, life   of the Remuneration Consultants Group   Remuneration policy for
 assurance and   and, as such, voluntarily operates under the   Non‑Executive Directors
 permanent    code of conduct in relation to executive   All Non-Executive Directors are appointed
 health insurance  remuneration consulting in the UK.   for an initial term of 36 months and may be
              Deloitte has provided independent advice
 Bonus  Incentivises annual delivery   Paid in cash  50% of salary  A combination   on matters under consideration by the   terminated by either party upon 3 months’
 of financial and strategic   Not pensionable  of 50%   Performance & Remuneration Committee   written notice. Non-Executive fees are set
 goals  company and   including compliance with regulations,   in line with the policy in the table below.
 50% individual   advice on market trends and data,   Non-Executive Directors are not eligible to
 performance   remuneration policy and implementation   participate in any of the benefits provided to
 measures     of remuneration arrangements, including   employees or Executive Directors except for
                                                      private medical insurance.
 with a deferred   support in remuneration arrangements for
 element of
 amounts over
 20% of salary   Element of   Purpose and Link         Operation       Maximum                  Performance
 paid over 3 years  Remuneration  to Strategy                                                   Targets
 Pension  Provides retirement benefits  Defined   Bank contribute 10% of   Not applicable  Fees  Reflects time commitments   Cash fee paid  There is no prescribed   Non-executive
 contribution  salary provided executives   and responsibilities       maximum annual           directors do
 Opportunity for executives   contribute a min 3% of salary.   of each role  Reviewed on an   increase. All increases   not participate
 to contribute to their own                            annual basis    are guided by market     in variable pay
 retirement plan  Executives may request   Reflects fees paid by   NED fees are   rates and the general   elements
 a salary sacrifice for the   financial institutions of   considered and   increase for the executive
 equivalent of their personal   similar size, characteristics,   approved by the   director population
 pension contribution.       and sector comparators    Shareholders
 This arrangement is also                              and Chair       NEDs who chair Board
 available for other staff.                                            Committees receive an
                                                       Chair fees are   additional responsibility
 For EDs who have exceeded                             approved by     allowance of £6k
 their lifetime allowance and/                         Performance &
 or tapered allowance, there                           Remuneration    The Senior Independent
 is the option of taking a 10%                         Committee       Director receives an
 pension allowance in cash                                             additional responsibility
 (taxable allowance).                                                  allowance of £6k
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