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70  Corporate Governance Statement                                                                              71

 Leadership team biographies
 Chair and Executive Directors

 Patrick Newberry  Donald Kerr  Andrea Hodgson                  Mike Hudson

 Chair and   Chief Executive Officer  Chief Financial Officer   Chief Risk Officer
 Chair of Nominations and Governance Committee
 Donald is a career banker having joined Bank   Andrea joined Cambridge & Counties Bank as CFO   Mike joined Cambridge & Counties Bank in
 Patrick’s executive career spans over 30 years with   of Scotland after graduating from university.   and Board member in 2017, prior to which she   January 2020, before which he was the CRO
 PricewaterhouseCoopers, where his primary focus   He has held leadership roles at Lloyds Banking   held similar roles at a start-up challenger and USS   for 7 years at Brown Shipley & Co Ltd. With
 was on strategy, performance improvement as well   Group, Virgin Money and The Co-operative   Ltd. Andrea qualified as a chartered accountant   nearly 40 years’ experience in Financial Services
 as all things regulatory within the financial services   Bank. Experience gained in corporate and   with KPMG before moving into financial services   working across all the risk categories, Mike
 and insurance sectors. During this time, he was   transactional banking led Donald to specialise   and has 20 years’ experience ranging from banking   has spent most of his career within banking
 the lead in major transformational programmes   in SME banking with customers that he   licence application, acquisition, and integrations   and lending, helping ensure firms have the
 and worked with large financial institutions to set   believes are the backbone of the UK economy.   through to strategy development. Andrea has a   appropriate risk and control environment.
 strategy and transform performance.  Managing Director positions in distribution,   proven track record from her executive leadership   At Cambridge & Counties Bank, he is responsible
 operations, risk management and strategy   roles with Lloyds Banking Group, Bank of Scotland,
 Over the last 8 years, Patrick has spent his time as           for the management and oversight of the Bank’s
 culminated in his appointment as Chief   and National Australia group. Previously, she has
 non-executive director and freelance consultant                credit risk and control framework which also
 Executive Officer for Cambridge & Counties   also served as a Non-Executive Director and
 for a number of financial and non-financial services           includes helping the Bank meet its regulatory
 Bank in November 2020.  Deputy Chair for a large NHS Foundation Trust.
 organisations. He joined Cambridge & Counties                  obligations, as well as its legal and company
 Bank as Non-Executive director in June 2021,   Andrea is passionate about motivating teams to   secretarial accountabilities. Mike also oversees
 taking responsibility as Chair from September. He   ensure that the Finance & Treasury functions are   the bank’s response approach to climate change,
 is currently on the Board as Chair of the Audit and   valued and trusted business partners at the heart   which is part of the broader environmental,
 Risk Committee at Brunel Pensions Partnership, is a   of the business.  social and governance activities.
 Commissioner of Historic England and Chair of its
                                                                He’s passionate about ensuring the broader
 Audit and Risk Committee. He is also a Governor of
                                                                Risk Management team provide the appropriate
 the Cornwall College Group.
                                                                support to the Bank, allowing it to continue to
                                                                grow securely.
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