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72   Corporate Governance Statement                                                                                                                                                                                               73

           Leadership team biographies
           Non‑Executive Directors

           Caroline Fawcett                                  Tim Harvey‑Samuel                                                       Mike Peck                                         Nick Treble

           Senior Independent Non‑Executive Director         Non‑Executive Director                                                  Independent Non‑Executive Director and Chair of   Independent Non‑Executive Director and
           and                                                                                                                       Audit Committee                                   Chair of Risk & Compliance Committee
           Chair of Performance & Remuneration Committee     Tim is the shareholder representative of Trinity
                                                             Hall, Cambridge where he has been Bursar                                Mike joined Cambridge & Counties Bank as          Nick joined Cambridge & Counties Bank in
           Caroline has over 30 years’ experience in financial   since March 2020. Prior to that, he was Bursar                      non-executive director in August 2022 and         January 2020 as Chair of the Board Risk &
           services, specialising in marketing and customer   of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge for                               was appointed Chair of the Audit Committee        Compliance Committee. He has 40 years’
           experience in both the UK and US. After a decade   seven years.                                                           in October.                                       experience in financial services with broad
           as Marketing Director of the Legal & General      He has 26 years’ banking experience, mainly                             Starting his executive career in 1984 at a        experience of corporate and SME banking,
           Group, Caroline progressed to become one of       at Schroders and Citigroup, where he led the                            predecessor firm of KPMG, Mike became a partner   asset & liability management, risk management,
           the first Customer Experience Directors within the   Equity Capital Markets Group for Europe, the                         in 1996 specialising in retail, commercial and    trading, and general management.
           UK Insurance sector. She has since led customer   Middle East and Africa. Tim’s speciality for 20                         wholesale banking, wealth management, leasing     He started his executive career in 1982 at the
           driven change programmes across a range of other
                                                             years was in financial institutions where he                            and asset finance. During this period, Mike led   Allied Irish Banks Group and served as Group
           organisations in the public and private sectors.
                                                             oversaw Citigroup’s equity underwriting activity,                       multi-disciplinary teams delivering assurance,    Treasurer, Group Chief Risk Officer and Chief
           Caroline has held several Non-Executive Director
                                                             recapitalising a wide range of European banks                           regulatory and capital markets in these sectors, as   Executive of AIB Group UK. Nick was also
           positions in the financial services industry and public
                                                             in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. He                     well as acting as Reporting Accountant on several   director of AIB Capital Markets Ltd, Allied Irish
           sector over the past fifteen years. She is currently
                                                             is also the Treasurer of Gates Cambridge, the                           Bank IPOs. He also acted as Interim CFO (on       Capital Management Ltd, AIB Group (UK) plc
           on the Board of Lifesight Ltd (the Trustee for Willis
                                                             charity founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates                           secondment) at Gerrard Plc, the UK’s largest private   and was a member of the AIB Group Executive
           Towers Watson’s Master Trust pension scheme) as
                                                             Foundation, to support outstanding graduate                             client stockbroker. Mike retired from KPMG in 2020.  Committee before retiring in 2012.
           Chair of the Discretions Committee and also on the
                                                             students’ study at Cambridge University.
           Board of Alzheimer’s Society as Chair of the Policy,                                                                      Since 2017, Mike has been the Finance             Alongside Cambridge & Counties Bank, Nick is
           Research and Communications Committee.                                                                                    & Operations Committee Chair and Trustee at       also a Non-Executive Director at Bank Leumi UK
                                                                                                                                     the Design Museum, responsible for overseeing     plc, Eskmuir Properties Group and Chair of the
                                                                                                                                     Finance, IT, Facilities and HR. Mike also consults as   Saffron Building Society.
                                                                                                                                     a risk and assurance expert.

                                                                                                                                       The biographies of the Bank’s Directors can be found at‑us/our‑directors
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