Page 103 - CCB_Full-Annual-Report-2021
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102  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                           103

 On the discontinuance of a hedge, any adjustment made to the carrying amount of the hedged item as a   £’000  Related amounts not offset in the
 consequence of the fair value hedge relationship, is recognised in the income statement over the remaining life of   statement of financial position
 the hedged item.                                                                                                  Contents
               Type       Gross amounts  Gross amounts   Net amounts     Financial  Cash collateral   Net amount
                           of recognised   of financial   of financial   instruments   received
 The Bank uses interest rate swaps to minimise interest rate risk exposure in specific periods by hedging the interest   financial assets  liabilities   liabilities in   liabilities
 rate risk associated with fixed rate deposit balances. The terms of the hedged items and hedging instrument are   offset in the  the statement
 aligned to minimise hedge ineffectiveness arising. Hedge ineffectiveness, the difference between the hedging gains   statement   of financial
 or losses of the hedging instrument and the hedged item recognised in the income statement was £2k (2020: £1k).
                                           of financial     position
   Fair value hedges of interest rate risk  2021  2020                                                             Strategic Report
 £’000         2021
 Instrument type:  Assets  Liabilities  Assets  Liabilities
               Derivatives held for
 Interest rate  –  254  9  –  risk management
 Total  –  254  9  –  Assets         –             –             –             –             –            –
               Liabilities           –           254             –             –             –          254
 The fair value of the Bank’s derivatives in place at the year-end was a liability of £254k, compared to an asset of   2020
 £9k in 2020.
               Derivatives held for
 Credit risk derivative risk management  risk management                                                           Corporate Governance Statement
               Assets                 9            –             –             –             –             9
 The Bank mitigates the credit risk of derivatives by entering into transactions under International Swaps
 and Derivatives (ISDA) master netting agreements. The Bank has executed a Credit Support Annex (CSA) in   Liabilities  –  –  –  –  –  –
 conjunction with the ISDA agreement, which requires the Bank and its counterparty (NatWest Markets PLC) to
 post collateral to mitigate counterparty credit risk in the event of specific triggers being met.
            22  Deposits from customers                          Deposits are the Bank’s primary source of debt
 Type of credit exposure  % of exposure that is subject to   Principal type   Collateral   IFRS 9 stipulates that all financial liabilities be   funding. The Bank hedges interest rate risk arising
 collateral requirements  of collateral  received/given          from its fixed rate deposit balances. As at 31
               classified at amortised cost, except for those
 2021  2020    recognised at fair value through profit or loss   December 2021 £21m (2020: £23m) of the Bank’s
                                                                 fixed rate deposits are hedged using interest rate
               (including derivative contracts). This includes:
 Derivatives held for risk management  100%  100%  Cash   £280k  derivatives. These deposits are held at amortised
                                                                 cost but a fair value adjustment is applied in respect
                  – financial liabilities which have been designated
 The following table sets out the Bank’s financial assets and financial liabilities that are subject to an enforceable   as FVTPL on the basis that this provides more   of the hedged risk.
 master netting arrangement, irrespective of whether they are offset in the statement of financial position.   relevant financial information;  Independent Auditor’s Report
 The values reflect the instruments fair value. The Bank’s ISDA does not meet the criteria for offsetting in the   £’000  2021  2020
 statement of financial position. This is because it creates a right of set-off of recognised amounts that is only     – Financial liabilities which arise when a transfer of   Instant access  77,309  52,259
 enforceable following a predetermined event.  a financial asset do not qualify for derecognition
                 (or when the continuing involvement approach    Term and notice accounts
 Cash is pledged and received as collateral against derivative contracts which are used by the Bank to manage its   applies);  Payable within 1 year  801,011  771,037
 exposure to market risk. Collateral is pledged to derivative contract counterparties where there is a net amount
 outstanding to the counterparty, and collateral is received from derivative contract counterparties where there     – Financial guarantee contracts;  Payable after one year  147,453  93,912
 is a net amount due to the Bank. All derivatives are marked to market on a daily basis, with collateral pledged     – Commitments to provide a loan at a below market
 or received if the aggregate mark to market valuation exceeds the CSA variation margin threshold. The Bank’s   rate of interest; or  Total  1,025,773  917,208
 derivative contracts have an outstanding contractual period of up to 5 years (2020:2 years).  Fair value adjustment   (253)  7
                  – Contingent consideration recognised by an
                                                                 for hedged risk
                 acquirer in a business combination to which IFRS                                                  Financial Statements
 At 31 December 2021 the Bank had pledged £280k (2020: nil) of collateral, which is included in the total loans
 and advances to banks category on the balance sheet.  3 applies.   Total deposits       1,025,520   917,215
               The Bank has assessed all financial liabilities to   from customers
               classify and measure them appropriately. As with
               financial assets, financial liabilities are initially   £’000                 2021       2020
               measured at their fair value, plus or minus any
               transaction costs which are directly attributable to   Variable rate deposit   658,229  590,652
               the financial liability.                          balances
                                                                 Fixed rate deposit balances   367,544  326,556
               In respect of Customer Deposits, the Bank classifies
               its customer deposits as being held at amortised cost,   Total            1,025,773   917,208
               which is consistent with the criteria outlined above.                                               Notes to the Financial Statements
                                                                 Fair value adjustment       (253)         7
                                                                 for hedged risk
               The Bank pays commission to certain brokers in
               respect of its deposit accounts. The commission is   Total deposits       1,025,520   917,215
               charged as a percentage of the customer balance   from customers
               and is recognised within interest payable.
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