Page 105 - CCB_Full-Annual-Report-2021
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104  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                           105

 23  Central Bank Facilities  25  Capital and reserves  £’000  2021  2020  26 Employee benefits
 During the year, the Bank has utilised facilities      Share capital  FVOCI reserve as at   26  2  Defined contribution pension plans  Contents
 provided by the Bank of England through its Sterling   31 December   The defined contribution plan is a post-employment
 Monetary Framework. These facilities enable either   £’000  No. of shares   FVOCI financial assets –   (411)  29  benefit plan under which the company pays fixed
 funding or off-balance sheet liquidity to be provided   (000)  net change during the year  contributions into a separate entity and will have
 on the security of designated pools of the Bank’s   2021  2020  2021  2020  no legal or constructive obligation to pay further
 customer loans and advances and debt securities   Related tax  (90)  (5)  amounts. Obligations for contributions to defined
 with the amount available based on the value of   Ordinary shares         FVOCI reserve as at   (475)  26  contribution pension plans are recognised as an
 the security given, subject, where appropriate, to a   of £1 each   31 December   expense in the income statement in the periods   Strategic Report
 haircut. Drawings under the Term Funding Scheme   authorised,   during which services are rendered by employees.
 for SMEs (‘TFSME’) have a maturity of four years and   issued and   Convertible loan note interest payments
 bear interest at BBR. The remaining maturity of the   fully paid
                                                                 The Bank operates a defined contribution Personal
 Bank’s drawings is 45 months. As these drawings   1 January  44,955 44,955 44,955 44,955  The following convertible loan note interest   Pension Scheme, which is provided by Royal
 were provided at rates below those available   payments were recognised as distributions to   London Mutual Insurance Society Limited and
 commercially, by a government agency, they were   Shares issued   –  –  –  –  owners during the year ended 31 December:  contributes to the personal pension plans of certain
 accounted for under IAS 20. Of the £78m drawn,   during the year
                                                                 employees. The pension cost for the year represents
 £2.4m relates to deferred government assistance.  £’000  2021  2020
 31 December   44,955 44,955 44,955 44,955                       the contributions payable by the Bank under these
               Convertible loan note        1,283    1,440       arrangements and amounted to £1,023k (2020:
 Drawings under the Funding for Lending Scheme   interest 5.602 pence per   £992k). There was an outstanding contribution due
 (‘FLS’) were used to provide off balance sheet   Perpetual   loan note  of £2k (2020: £23k) at the end of the year.  Corporate Governance Statement
 liquidity and formed part of the Bank’s High Quality   subordinated   (2020: 6.288 pence per
 Liquid Assets (‘HQLA’). Fees were charged under   contingent   loan note)
 the FLS at 0.25% of the market value of the liquidity   convertible
 drawn. The £57m outstanding drawings at 31   loan notes  Total  1,283  1,440
 December 2020 were repaid in 2021.
 1 January  22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900
 Further loan assets of the Bank have been pre-  Authorised   –  –  –  –
 positioned with the Bank of England for future use   notes issued
 in Sterling Monetary Schemes (note 28).   during the year
 Fully paid   22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900
 £’000  2021  2020  notes as at 31
 On   Off-  On   Off-  December
 balance   balance   balance   balance                                                                             Independent Auditor’s Report
 sheet  sheet  sheet  sheet
 The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to
 TFSME  78,000  –  –  –  receive dividends as declared from time to time and
 are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of
 FLS  –  –  –  57,000
 the Bank. During the year there were no new shares
 Total  78,000  –  –  57,000  authorised or issued (2020: nil). There were no new
 issues of any convertible loan notes (2020: nil).
 24 Other liabilities
 Dividends on ordinary shares are recognised in
 £’000  2021  2020  equity in the period in which they are approved by
 shareholders. No ordinary share dividends were
 Accruals  4,284  3,407
 paid in 2021 (2020: nil).                                                                                         Financial Statements
 Lease liability  2,056  2,202
 Cambridgeshire Local Government Pension
 Other creditors  940  1,302
 Scheme holds the perpetual subordinated
 Total  7,280  6,911  contingent convertible loan notes. Interest on
 these securities is due and payable only at the sole
 See Note 29 for more details on the lease liability.
 discretion of the Board.
 Fair value through other comprehensive income
 reserve (FVOCI reserve)
 The FVOCI reserve includes the cumulative net
 change in the fair value of financial assets until
 the investment is derecognised or impaired. The                                                                   Notes to the Financial Statements
 decrease in 2021 reflects the impact of the maturity
 of one security and the purchase of a new longer-
 term instrument.
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