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126  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                          127

                 Trinity Hall held a 31-day business notice account   33  Ultimate parent company
 2022  Computer Hardware   with the Bank. The account was closed in February   The legal title to the ordinary share capital of the
 Lease liability (£’000)  Property  – Printer  Total  2022. The account earned interest at the standard   company is held equally by:
                 rate for this type of account.
 Balance at 1 January 2022  1,993  63  2,056                          – Cambridgeshire County Council as Administering
                 The Bank used the services of Aula Hospitality Ltd
 Lease additions  52  –  52                                          Authority of the Cambridgeshire Local
                 for hospitality and conference facilities in 2022.
 Interest charged to P&L  122  4  126  Aula Hospitality Ltd is part of Trinity Hall.  Government Pension Fund; and
                                                                      – The Master or Keeper, Fellows and Scholars
 Lease payments  (211)  (28)  (239)
              •  Key management personnel compensation               of the Hall of the Holy Trinity in the University
 Balance at 31 December 2022  1,956  39  1,995                       of Cambridge (commonly called Trinity Hall,
                 The key management personnel of the company         Cambridge).
                 comprised the executive and non-executive
                 directors of the Bank. The compensation of key   34 Subsequent events
 2021  Computer Hardware   management personnel is shown in the following
 Lease liability (£’000)  Property  – Printer  Total  table (see also Note 11).  There have been no significant quantifiable events
                                                                  between 31 December 2022 and the date of
 Balance at 1 January 2021  2,116  86  2,202                      approval of the financial statements which would
                 £’000                        2022     2021
 Lease additions/modifications/disposals  –  –  –                 require a change to, or additional disclosure, in the
                 Directors’ remuneration      2,286    2,202      financial statements. Management and the Board
 Interest charged to P&L  127  5  132                             continue to monitor the economic outlook across
                 Social security costs         284      246
 Lease payments  (250)  (28)  (278)                               the UK and globally on a regular basis. As part of this
                 Amounts receivable under                         monitoring the Bank aims to identify and address
 Balance at 31 December 2021  1,993  63  2,056
                 long term incentive schemes     –       50       the likelihood of any financial impacts materialising.
                 Amounts paid to third                            Standards issued but not yet adopted
                 parties in respect of
 The majority of the Bank’s lease costs relates to its   31  Commitments  Directors’ services  13  53  A number of new revised standards issued by the
 Leicester Head Office. This lease is for a period of   At 31 December 2022, the Bank had undrawn credit   Total  2,583  2,551  International Standards Board have not yet come
 15 years, ending on 13 August 2034. The rent was   line commitments of £103m (2021: £111.5m) and   into effect. None of these are expected to have a
 fixed for the first five years and is next subject to a   capital commitments of £nil (2021: £nil).  *  Emoluments of the highest paid director were £591k   material impact on the Bank’s financial statements.
 rent review on 14 August 2024.  (2021: £596k).
 At 31 December 2022, the Bank had contingent
 The Bank has not recognised right-of-use assets   liabilities of £nil (2021: £nil).  •  Transactions with key management personnel:
 and liabilities for leases for which the lease term            COUNTRY‑BY‑COUNTRY REPORT
 ends within 12 months of the date of initial   32  Related parties  The amounts paid to third parties in respect of
 application – namely its Sheffield regional office.   director’s services relate to the non-executive   DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS UNDER CRD IV
 The short-term nature of these leases provides   Related parties of the Bank include key   director fees for Richard Perry in 2022 and 2021.   COUNTRY‑BY‑COUNTRY REPORTING
 the Bank with the flexibility to move premises as   management personnel and entities that have a   These amounts were paid to Cambridgeshire
 business needs change. The Sheffield office is   significant voting power. The following transactions   Local Government Pension Fund for the period   The Bank is required to disclose the following
 located in a major UK city and alternative premises   with related parties are included in the income   January to March 2022 (January to April 2021   information in the Annual Report and Accounts
 are readily available should the Bank require larger   statement for the period.  to Cambridgeshire County Council, May 2021   to comply with the Regulations of Article 89
 or smaller offices. Whilst the leases include renewal   to December 2021 Cambridgeshire Local   of the Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRD
 options, the renewal is not certain and therefore   •  Transactions with Controlling parties  Government Pension Fund).  IV) country-by-country reporting (CBCR). This
 no value for the lease is recorded within the Bank’s             regulation requires us to disclose financial
                 Caroline Fawcett, an Independent Non-Executive
 property, plant, and equipment balance sheet   £’000  2022  2021  Director, is the Director of a company which had   information by country.
 category. During the year, the expense incurred on
                 a balance of £48k on deposit at the 31 December   Cambridge & Counties Bank operates as a single
 all the Bank’s short term property leases was £39k   Cambridgeshire   2021. The account was closed during 2022. The   entity exclusively in the United Kingdom. Therefore,
 (£79k). The Bank is expected to make payments   County Council  account earns interest at the standard rate for this   total income and profit before tax shown in the
 totalling £38k in respect of the Sheffield lease in   Sums paid in respect of   type of account.  Income Statement and corporation tax paid shown
 2023. These payments are recorded as an operating   Directors’ services  13  53  in the Statement of Cash Flows, as well as the
 expense in the income statement.  Mike Hudson, an Executive Director, is a trustee   average number of employees disclosed in note 10
 Interest payments on   of a not-for profit organisation that had £83k
 The maturity profile of the Bank’s lease liabilities is   perpetual subordinated   (2021: £81k) on deposit at the end of the year.   to the financial statements, are related to the United
 shown in the table below:                                        Kingdom. No public subsidies were received in
 contingent convertible   The account earns interest at the standard rate   2022 or 2021.
 loan notes   1,439  1,283  for this type of account.
 £’000  2022  2021
 Trinity Hall, Cambridge  There were no other transactions with key
 Less than one year  256  228  management personnel in 2022 (2021: nil).
 Hospitality services  4  –
 Between one and five years  921  905  There were no loans outstanding to any directors
 Interest on 31-day   at 31 December 2022 (2021: nil).
 More than five years  1,616  1,843  business notice account  –  1
 Total  2,793  2,976
   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132