Page 123 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
P. 123

122  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                          123

 Interest rate risk consists of asset-liability gap risk   which have similar, although not identical,   The interest rate sensitivity exposure of the Bank at 31 December 2021:
 and basis risk.  characteristics. This risk is managed by
 matching and, where appropriate, through the              More than
   – Asset-liability gap risk
 use of derivatives with established risk limits   More than   6 months  More than
 Where possible the Bank seeks to match the   and other control procedures.  3 but less   but less  1 year but   Non-
 interest rate structure of assets with liabilities,   The Bank’s forecasts and plans take account   31 December 2021  Within 3   than 6   than 1  less than 5  More than   Interest
 creating a natural hedge. Where this is not   of the risk of interest rate changes and   £’000  months  months  year  years  5 years  Bearing   Total
 possible the Bank will enter into interest rate swap   are prepared and stressed in line with PRA   Assets
 transactions to convert the fixed rate exposures   guidance. The following table summarises the
 on loans and advances, customer deposits and   re-pricing periods for the Bank’s assets and   Cash and balances
 debt securities into variable rate exposures.  at central banks  240,158  –  –  –     –         –    240,158
 liabilities. Items are allocated to time bands by
   – Basis risk  reference to the earlier of the next contractual   Loans and advances to:
 interest rate change and the maturity date. The
 Basis risk is the risk of loss arising from changes   Banks  12,293  –  –   –         –         –     12,293
 interest rate sensitivity exposure of the Bank at
 in the relationship between interest rates,
 31 December 2022 was:  Customers        904,921     9,551    15,054     59,898     4,335   (15,925)  977,834
                 Debt Securities              –         –     10,210     26,958        –        (31)   37,137
 More than       Other                        –         –          –         –         –      7,449     7,449
 More than   6 months  More than   Total Assets  1,157,372  9,551  25,264  86,856   4,335    (8,507)  1,274,871
 3 but less   but less  1 year but   Non-
 31 December 2022  Within 3   than 6   than 1  less than 5  More than   Interest   Off balance sheet
 £’000  months  months  year  years  5 years  Bearing   Total  derivatives  12,000  –  –  9,000  –  –  21,000
 Assets          Liabilities                  –         –          –         –         –         –         –

 Cash and balances   Customers’ accounts  (792,286)  (52,903)  (108,183)  (146,374)    –     (4,027) (1,103,773)
 at central banks  286,680  –  –  –  –  –  286,680
                 Other Liabilities            –         –          –         –         –     (7,281)    (7,281)
 Loans and advances to:
                 Total Equity            (22,900)       –          –         –         –   (140,917)  (163,817)
 Banks  13,931  –  –  –  –  –  13,931
                 Total liabilities      (815,186)  (52,903)  (108,183)  (146,374)      –   (152,225) (1,274,871)
 Customers  949,297  6,742  13,197  78,708  6,349  (16,583) 1,037,710
                 Off Balance
 Debt Securities  –  –  19,699  10,713  –  –  30,412  sheet derivatives  (21,000)  –  –  –  –    –     (21,000)

 Other  –  –  –  –  –  7,812  7,812  Interest Rate
                 Sensitivity Gap         333,186   (43,352)   (82,919)  (50,518)    4,335  (160,732)       –
 Total Assets  1,249,908  6,742  32,896  89,421  6,349  (8,771) 1,376,545
                 Cumulative gap          333,186   289,834    206,915   156,397  160,732          –        –
 Off balance sheet
 derivatives  –  –  –  9,000  –  –  9,000
 Liabilities  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  Sensitivity analysis
                                                                      – Foreign currency risk
 Customers’ accounts  (807,274)  (74,602)  (138,310)  (154,432)  –  (7,648) (1,182,266)  The Bank considers a 200 basis points (bps)   The Bank has no deposit accounts
                 movement to be appropriate for scenario testing
 Other Liabilities  –  –  –  –  –  (9,433)  (9,433)  given the current economic outlook and industry   denominated in € or $ and is not exposed

 Total Equity  (22,900)  –  –  –  –  (161,946)  (184,846)  expectations.  to any foreign currency risk.
                                                                      – Equity price risk
 Total liabilities  (830,174)  (74,602)  (138,310)  (154,432)  –  (179,027) (1,376,545)  The Bank estimates that a +/-200bps movement in
                 interest rates paid/received would have impacted    The Bank does not undertake any equity
 Off Balance     the overall balance sheet values as follows:        investments and therefore is not exposed
 sheet derivatives  (9,000)  –  –  –  –  –  (9,000)                  to equity market risk.
                 +200bps: -£1.8m (2021: -£2.3m)
 Interest Rate
 Sensitivity Gap  410,734  (67,860)  (105,414)  (56,011)  6,349  (187,798)  –  -200 bps: £1.8m (2021: £2.4m)

 Cumulative gap  410,734  342,874  237,460  181,449  187,798  –  –  This calculation assumes that the change occurred
                 at the balance sheet date and had been applied to
                 risk exposures existing at that date.
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