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40   Strategic Report                                                                                                                                                                                                             41

           Emerging Risks and Uncertainties

           The Bank regularly reassesses the key risks to which it is exposed including any which are emerging, within the
           environment in which it operates. The Bank’s emerging risks during the year and at the time of the preparation of
           this document are assessed to be:

            Emerging Risk    Definition                             The Bank’s Response                                               Emerging Risk    Definition                             The Bank’s Response

            Global macro‑    The onset of the Ukraine conflict, and wider   The Bank monitors a range of current                      Cyber Threat     The nature of cyber-attacks across the   The Bank’s technology infrastructure is
            economic         associated geo-political risks, has increased   and forward-looking measures covering                                     industry continues to change with the use   UK based and has a very small externally
            outlook          uncertainty in supply-chain disruption   all susceptive risk types (primarily                                             of more sophisticated unseen malware or   facing footprint, and the Bank’s websites
                             and increased forbearance arrangements   operational, conduct, strategic, and credit).                                    methods, as well as an increase in volume.  are outside its perimeter, greatly reducing
                             primarily through the impact on energy   These are reviewed by management                                                                                        the inherent exposure. Furthermore, the
                             and commodity prices and potential supply   and oversight forums on an ongoing                                            The Bank operations are inherently reliant   Bank profile, suppliers, and customer-
                             disruptions, the impact of sanctions, and   basis, and appropriate responsive action                                      upon its technology infrastructure, and the   base does not make it an obvious target
                             the potential for firms to adopt a ‘wait   undertaken. In mitigation to more severe                                       performance of third-party technology firms   for state-sponsored or other hackers.
                                                                                                                                                       to maintain cyber security defences.
                             and see’ approach to investment.       scenarios, documented arrangements are                                                                                    The Bank’s technology perimeter has
                                                                    in place for each of the Bank’s ‘Important                                                                                been reviewed without issue, and
                                                                    Business Services’, and for each business                                                                                 patching timescales are as aggressive
                                                                    area, identifying key points of failure and                                                                               as possible. Technology arrangements
                                                                    management’s contingency arrangements.
                                                                                                                                                                                              have been reviewed against the NCSC
            UK Macro‑        As the impact of the war in Ukraine and   Macro-economic risk is considered as                                                                                   guidance, and no deficiencies or areas
            Economic Risk    other economic challenges, such as the cost   part of the Strategic Planning process                                                                             for improvement were identified.
                             of living, rising interest rates etc continue,   and monitored via various reporting to                                                                          A Cyber Strategy and linked programme
                             there remains some risk of economic    Board and executive level committees.                                                                                     of focused work, including obtaining a
                             uncertainties, impacting the Bank and its                                                                                                                        NIST Level 3 status, has begun and will
                             customer base, resulting in the potential for                                                                                                                    continue throughout 2023 which includes
                             the Bank being unable to achieve its business                                                                                                                    strengthening both Board and colleagues
                             targets – both growth/credit risk related.
                                                                                                                                                                                              understanding and ownership of Cyber
                             These risks include broader economic                                                                                                                             risk and the actions they need to take.
                             pressures on the UK, inflation, and wider                                                                Legal,           Proposed regulation relating to a Strong   We continue to monitor developments,
                             economic uncertainty/recessionary                                                                        Compliance &     and Simple Regime along with Basel 3.1, is   as and when further clarity is provided,
                             pressures, property price movements etc.
                                                                                                                                      Regulatory.      expected to have an impact on the Bank,   consideration is given to the impact for the
            Development      The risk that pursuing the business growth   The key mitigant will be management                                          including the capital holding requirements.  Bank. We also engage with the relevant trade
            of the 2023+     targets outlined in the most recent Strategic   judgement, supported by Board                                                                                    bodies, as part of the wider industry response
            Growth Plan      Plan will bring additional operational   oversight in areas including due                                                                                        to these proposed regulatory changes.
                             pressures and create increased risk, either   diligence, management competency, and
                             Credit Risk or Operational/Fulfilment Risk.  ensuring that the Bank recruits sufficient
                                                                    resources/skills to manage the risk.                             The Strategic report on
            Climate Change   Climate Change is a growing risk and   This is a topic that the Bank takes very                         pages 4 – 41 was approved,
                             ongoing consideration needs to be given   seriously and has conducted a detailed report                 by order of the Board.
                             to the longer-term impacts, particularly   in response to the PRA’s Climate Change
                             in relation to the loan portfolio. If left   Requirements and plans for firms to manage
                             unchecked, it could lead to a medium/long   these risks. The Environmental, Social &
                             term risk to the credit quality of the book   Governance (ESG) Steering Committee,
                             because of extreme climate events such as   chaired by the Bank’s General Counsel
                             flood risk and poor preparedness and lack   and supported by the Chief Risk Officer,                    Richard Bryan
                             of attention given to this risk by the property   continues to develop action plans, in addition        Company Secretary
                             industry (which continues to see low EPC   to working with external bodies, such as                     30 March 2023
                             ratings) and impact on the Asset Finance   UK Finance, to assess sector preparedness,
                             and Classic Vehicles and Sports (CV&S) loan   planning and actions to ensure the Bank’s
                             books. Both physical and transitional risks   initiatives remain appropriate and relevant.
                             are being factored into Risk Appetite, Key   Regular progress reports are provided to
                             Risk Indicators, and broader lending activity.  key stakeholders, including the Board.
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