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38  Strategic Report                                                                                            39

 Principal Risk  Governance  Risk Appetite Statement  Key Mitigants  Comments  Principal Risk  Governance  Risk Appetite Statement  Key Mitigants  Comments

 Conduct  Conduct Risk   The Bank maintains a   Monitoring of the   The Bank   Financial   Model Risk   The Bank maintains a   Materiality assessment   The Bank’s
 Framework  low appetite for Conduct   Conduct Risk KPI’s  prides itself   Models  Governance   low appetite for Model   for models at inception,   Model Risk
 The risk that   Risk, employing a strategy   on its strong   Framework &   Risk. We aim to minimise   and annually thereafter  Governance
 customers   Customer   that is customer-centric,   Complaints monitoring   risk culture   The risk that   Policy  incidents and losses arising   Policy
 suffer loss or   & Product   transparent, and built on   and analysis.  and focus   the Bank incurs   from model risk issues by   Regular independent   articulates the
 detriment due   Committee  integrity, professionalism,   Customer surveys  on customer   financial loss   Model Risk   maintaining and operating   model validation   principles and
 to failures at   Risk   and fairness, ensuring   outcomes. A   because of   Governance   within an appropriate   for high/medium   standards for
 any stage of   Management   that all our employees   Independent review of   Conduct Risk   decisions   Committee  governance framework,   rated models  model use at
 the customer   Committee  understand and fully   customer calls  Framework is in   that could be   Risk   supported by a Model   Regular model   each stage of
 journey,   operate within regulatory   Annual product reviews  place to ensure   principally based   Management   Governance Policy. We   self-validation for low   its life cycle,
 including   Risk &   requirements (including   continued   on the output   Committee  have a clear definition of   rated models  with control
 inadequate   Compliance   the FCA Conduct Rules),   Analysis of the   compliance   of (internal)   a model and maintain an   and assurance
 product design,   Committee  further the Bank’s Strategic   ‘customer journey’  with all   models, due   Risk &   inventory of all models   Ongoing model   requirements
 sales/marketing   Priorities (including   Annual report from the   requirements   to errors in the   Compliance   within the Bank. We adopt   monitoring for   commensurate
 processes and   maintaining a culture of   Chief Risk Officer on   in this regard,   development,   Committee  a proportionate risk-based   key models.  with the
 operational   ‘doing the right thing’   Conduct issues, feeding   including   implementation,   approach according to the   End User Computing   model’s
 delivery, data   for our customers and   into the remuneration   detailed   or use of   materiality of each model,   (EUC) framework   materiality and
 management   staff’ and ‘delivering clear   policy and practice.  reporting   such models.  with specific requirements   enhancements –   level of risk.
 and record   and simple products’).   to the risk   regarding model    requiring minimum
 keeping or   All our employees are   Linkage of all variable   committees.  development, independent   standards for databases
 the failure of   responsible for proactively   pay schemes to   validation, approval,
 its staff or key   managing Conduct   customer satisfaction   implementation, monitoring
 providers of   Risk and maintaining   measures.  and recommended
 services, to act   customer interests as the   Development   enhancements and future
 with integrity   highest priority.  of Consumer   developments. Oversight
 and treat the   Duty Principles.              is provided by the second
 customers’ best   The Consumer Duty           line of defence and the
 interests as the   regulation comes into      quarterly Model Risk
 highest priority.  force in 2023 and the Bank   Governance Committee.
 continues to prepare for
 these changes — ensuring   Operational   Maintaining   Operational Resilience   The Bank completes   The Bank’s
 we adopt the spirit of the   Resilience  Operational   and Supplier Risk   annual testing of its   resiliency
 regulation as well as the    Resilience is a   Management arrangements   Important Business    remains strong.
 principles into the business.  key regulatory   have been significantly   Services and has     All actions from
                              and operational   enhanced during 2022,   completed its second    test activity is
                              requirement to   including Board approval   cycle of this work.   logged and
                              ensure the Bank   of Important Business   Testing includes the    oversighted.
                              can prevent,     Services (IBS’s) and Impact   mapping, identification
                              respond to,      Tolerances along with    of vulnerabilities and
                              recover, and learn   workshops held to assess   stress testing of these.
                              from operational   continuity of business
                              disruptions.     services for the critical   Resiliency is also tested
                              As several key   scenarios. Continual     via IT Disaster Recovery,
                              IT services are   developments are being   Crisis Management
                              outsourced,      made and are subject     Planning (both desktop
                              including the    to Board and Executive   and simulated scenario)
                              Bank’s core      level oversight.         and business continuity.
                              platform,                                  Our third party’s
                              satisfactory                              resiliency forms
                              performance of its                        part of the Bank’s
                              service providers is                      internal testing.
                              an ongoing part of
                              ensuring continued
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