Page 55 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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54  Corporate Governance Statement                                                                              55

 During 2022, the Committee reviewed   Performance
 regular reports from management   & Remuneration
 assessing the adequacy of the allowance
 for credit impairment losses. These   Committee report
 reports assessed the adequacy of historic
 provisions against subsequent recoveries,   Membership and operation of
 the planned recovery strategies for   the Committee
 individual bad debt cases, reviewed
 management’s governance arrangements   The Performance & Remuneration
 over the adequacy of provisions as well as   Committee is chaired by Caroline Fawcett
 the governance over impairment models   and its members in 2022 included Patrick
 and benchmarked the Bank’s metrics   Newberry (Chair of Board), Tim Harvey-
 against other banks.  Samuel (Shareholder Representative),
 Christiane Wuillamie (Shareholder
 The Committee also reviewed and
 Representative) and Nick Treble (Chair
 challenged the Bank’s effective interest   Remuneration package  were able to review and confirm the Bank’s
 of Risk Committee). The Chair of the
 rate assumptions and model outputs                   risk-focused remuneration approach,
 Audit Committee attends meetings of the   The annual pay review for all staff in
 considering the Bank’s approach to                   which holds individuals to account for
 Performance & Remuneration Committee   2022 made increases totalling 3% of total
 early repayment charges as well as                   their conduct and competence. ESG
 from time to time to ensure alignment   salaries. In February 2022 the Committee
 reviewing historic performance against               and Diversity metrics had been included
 between the work of the Performance &   agreed to change the benefits package
 future forecasts.                                    in variable schemes for 2022 and the
 Remuneration Committee and the Audit   to make it fairer across all levels in the   Committee agreed to add additional
 The Audit Committee appraises the   Committee. Performance & Remuneration   Bank, resulting in the same benefits being   requirements to the performance
 performance of the internal audit function   Committee meetings are also attended   available to all colleagues from the start   balanced scorecard, including linking
 and their continued independence. The   by the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief   of their employment regardless of their   remuneration to embedding the Consumer
 Committee has assessed internal audit   People Officer and the Company Secretary.   grade or job type. At the same time, the   Duty principles.
 resources and is satisfied that these are   The Chief Risk Officer attends annually   Bank was able to offer additional salary
 appropriate to fulfil their responsibilities.   to present his views on the Executives’   sacrifice schemes for pension contributions   Socio‑economic Impact
 The Committee reviews the Bank’s   management of risk and performance   and electric car hire as well as increasing
 external audit strategy including the   against the Senior Management Regime   annual holiday entitlement to 30 days   The Committee has been mindful
 appointment of the external auditors and   requirements and company framework.   for everyone.  throughout 2022 of the socio-economic
 approval of the audit fees.  No members or attendees participate in the   climate and its impact on staff’s wellbeing,
 discussion of issues directly affecting their   Variable Pay  working arrangements and performance.
 The Audit Committee also considered the   own remuneration. The Committee invites   Supporting the Bank’s hybrid working
 output of work undertaken to embed a   specialist external advisors to attend at least   During the year, the Committee reviewed   model with colleagues dividing their
 Regulatory Reporting Framework within   annually to support their work and educate   and approved payment of the Bank’s profit   time between office and home working,
 the Bank that established a more mature   on best practice.  share scheme, sales and executive bonus   the Committee has pledged to ensure
 framework for governance and oversight   schemes based upon agreed metrics and   that there is no bias in remuneration
 of regulatory reporting undertaken by   The Committee is responsible for   performance criteria, as well as upon   decisions based on individual’s working
 the Bank.  reviewing and approving the remuneration   advice from the Bank’s Risk function.   arrangements and to ensure that lower
 and performance arrangements at the   In total, it approved payment equalling
 The Bank’s external auditors,   Bank, including reviewing the Bank’s   £2,214k under these schemes; £711k being   paid colleagues are supported during
 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC),   remuneration policy to ensure that it   paid under the profit share scheme which   periods of high inflation. In July 2022, the
 were appointed in 2022 following a   remains up to date and consistent with   most colleagues are part of, £270k under   Committee awarded a one-off cost of
 tender process. The Audit Committee   the relevant requirements of the Financial   the Sales bonus scheme and £1,233k under   living payment of £1,000 for all colleagues
 has received a report from PwC   Conduct Authority (FCA) remuneration   the executive bonus scheme. It approved   below Executive Committee members.
 confirming their independence, which   code (SYSC 19D) and the Prudential   continuation of these schemes, agreeing   In September 2022, the Committee
 the Audit Committee has considered and   Regulation Authority (PRA) rulebook,   participants and additional requirements for   supported a pyramid approach to 2023
 concluded that PwC remain independent   as well as supporting the business   2023 to the performance criteria required   annual pay review process, which means
 and effective as the external auditor.   strategy and values of the Bank. In doing   for each scheme.  that the Bank’s lowest paid colleagues will
 PwC verified the Bank’s 2022 interim   this, it oversees the performance and   receive the highest percentage increases
 earnings and provided an opinion on   remuneration of the Chair and members   Regulatory Requirements  in April 2023. The levels within the pyramid
 our country-by-country reporting.   of the Executive. Remuneration of NEDs   range from 5–11% and this means that
 These processes were audit related   is the responsibility of the Shareholders in   The Committee’s review of the FCA letter   40% of colleagues will get an increase
 non-audit services. These services were   consultation with the Chair of Board.  to the Chair of Remuneration Committee   equal to 11%.
 approved by the Audit Committee albeit   confirmed alignment between the FCA’s   The Bank’s remuneration policy is included
 the threat to audit independence is   The Performance & Remuneration   and the Bank’s areas of focus around   on pages 61 – 69.
 clearly insignificant.  Committee met three times during 2022.  remuneration, and as such, the Committee
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