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                                              SME Bank of
                                              Choice                                                               Contents

                                        Growing Number   Improved
                                        of Satisfied   Shareholder
                                        Customers   Returns

                                 Excellent    Sustainable   Reduced
                                 Customer     Growth       Cost to                                                 Strategic Report
                                 Service                   Income Ratio

                           Capital to   Growth      Diverse      Improved
                           Sustain      of Broker   Funding      Efficiency
                           Growth       Network     Base

                    Environmental,   Front Line   BI and Data   Customer   People and
                    Social and   Recruitment  Governance   Journey     Culture
                    Governance                             Transformation

              Robust Risk Management and   Strong Broker Relationships and   Established Manual Underwriting       Corporate Governance Statement
              Enabling Functions        Reputation               Capacity

 Chief Executive Officer’s Review  The Bank is focused on becoming the “Specialist SME Bank of Choice”. To achieve this
            the Bank has set itself a number of goals building on its core foundations.

 In my first full year as the Bank’s CEO,   Our strategy has continued to deliver
 my focus has been on supporting our   improved financial momentum throughout
 customers through the financial impacts   the year. Underlying performance for 2021
 of the pandemic, while ensuring the well-  was strong. Profit before tax increased 66%                            Independent Auditor’s Report
 being of our colleagues. Concurrently   to £18.5m (2020: £11.2m) delivering a return   to attract steady inflows into notice accounts   by the Covid 19 pandemic and the adverse
 the management team evolved the   on shareholder equity of 9.5% (2020: 6.4%).   and fixed rate bond products, and maintains   economic environment. It is important
 Bank’s strategy to reflect the continued   a prudently funded loan to deposit ratio   that we play our part in supporting the
 opportunities in our chosen segments,   The year presented continued challenge   (LDR) of 95% (2020: 91%)   economic recovery through lending to
 building on our core foundation of a   from an interest income perspective as   customers and the investment in our
 people-led approach while at the same time   a result of the continued low interest   The Bank’s improved cost income ratio   front-line relationship management teams,
 modernising and simplifying the business.  rate environment. Despite this, the Bank   of 51.0% (2020: 55.6%) reflects good cost   infrastructure development in simplifying
 maintained a healthy net interest margin   control in year while continuing to invest   and automating our end-to-end lending
 This framework encapsulates our   (NIM) of 3.8% (2020: 3.7%) with the growth   in key skills and capabilities in IT and   processes, and additional recruitment
 commitment to deliver disciplined growth   in net income of 18% to £44.9m reflecting   infrastructure.   activity underway is well placed to deliver
 and sustaining the business for the long   the return to growth in gross customer   on that.
 term. The early signs are encouraging:   assets of 18% to £992m as the Bank played   We have not yet experienced any   Financial Statements
 We have returned the business to strong   its part in funding SME lending activity   meaningful crystallisation of credit losses   Since the previous credit crisis in 2008/9
 double-digit growth both in balance sheet   unlocked by the economic recovery.  as a result of Covid-19. Until the full   the UK banking sector has more than
 and income terms; successfully managed   downstream impacts of the pandemic   tripled its capital capacity across the sector
 all customers through Covid forbearance,   The Bank’s liability portfolio benefited from   are understood, we continue to adopt a   including buffers designed to absorb
 while at the same time managing the risks   relatively stable market pricing in 2021 due   cautious and conservative outlook, reflected   the ‘capital shock’ of any potential credit
 in our business prudently.  to the significant liquidity in the system. We   in our balance sheet impairment provision   losses that could emerge in an economic
 were able to safely reduce the deliberate
 Strong performance against a difficult   liquidity headroom retained to mitigate   coverage ratio of 1.5% (2020 1.5%), and have   downturn. The Bank’s capital capacity has
            not taken any material provision release in
                                                    never been stronger at £164m with the
 economic backdrop  Brexit, the pandemic, and recessionary   year. The Bank’s loan impairment charge   sustainable retained earnings contributing
 risks. The Bank’s liquidity position remains
 The Bank has navigated the Covid 19 crisis   robust with a 287% liquidity coverage ratio   reduced from £5.8m in 2020 to £3.5m in   59% of the Bank’s capital base. The Bank
 well, and this is testament to the team’s   (LCR) (2020: 419%), a diversified product   2021 and this combined with the growth in   closed the year with a total capital ratio of   Notes to the Financial Statements
 commitment during this challenging period,   and customer base, and multiple deposit   loan balances results in reduction in the cost   23.0% (2020: 24.3%) and a CET1 ratio of
 maintaining the passion and engagement   acquisition channels including direct,   of risk from 72bps in 2020 to 38bps.  19.9% (2020: 20.7%).
 of our people, and delivering continued   online, and intermediary brokers. With the
 support for customers and brokers.  The Bank delivered a strong performance in   We remain liquid, well capitalised, and well
 Bank in its 10th year, Cambridge & Counties   2021 but this was still significantly impacted   positioned for the year ahead
 Bank is an established brand and continues
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