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12  Strategic Report                                                                                             13


 Strategy   Whilst the Bank’s primary purpose is                         Our Purpose and
            serving UK businesses, the impact of the
 Despite the challenges the pandemic has   current conflict in the Ukraine, increases   Business Model
 posed for our customers, communities   Our people have been   in global energy prices, and inflationary           Strategic Report
 and people, the Bank continues to offer a   spiral will impact the UK economy and the
 competitive and customer focused range   pivotal to the success   markets in which we operate. The higher   Purpose statement
 of straight-forward finance products.   corporate leverage and Government   Cambridge & Counties Bank is a UK Bank
 The Board’s strategy is one of sustainable   of 2021, embracing   deficits could mean tighter fiscal policy   that specialises in providing lending and
 organic growth in our existing markets   over the medium term following the   deposit products for Small and Medium
 without material uplift in risk. Our strategic   new ways of working   significant stimulus that accompanied   Enterprises (SMEs).
 objectives are:
 and finding a positive   the onset of Covid 19. Our conservatism        Ownership
   ∞ to develop our lending products to   in provisions and loss absorbing capacity
            will continue to be assessed as part of the
 meet climate change challenges and   operating rhythm.  Bank’s regular stress testing exercises.   Established in June 2012, Cambridge &
 help support our customers ensure their   Expected interest rate rises could add   Counties Bank has a stable and supportive   Corporate Governance Statement
 properties are energy efficient;                                        ownership structure being jointly owned
            upside to our income growth rate outlook.
            Over the medium term as the coronavirus                      by Trinity Hall, a college of the University
   ∞ to continue to invest in our customer   is likely to become less virulent, and the risk   of Cambridge, and Cambridgeshire County
 contact strategy and geographical   of entrenched high inflation is mitigated   Council as Administering Authority of
 footprint to maintain our high customer   through stabilisation of energy markets,   the Cambridgeshire Local Government
 service and satisfaction levels, and   The Bank’s relationship model has been   we look forward to the resolution of the   Pension Fund.
 access underserved markets; and  fundamental in supporting our customers   Ukrainian conflict.
 and proving a dependable lender, providing                              The Bank is authorised by the Prudential
   ∞ use proven technology to support our   a human interface to help navigate the   The pandemic has accelerated the pace   Regulation Authority, regulated by the
 colleagues’ interactions with brokers    pandemic challenges. The Bank has stayed   of digitalisation and further investment   Financial Conduct Authority and the
 and customers.   true to its commitment to put our customers   will be key to boost UK productivity   Prudential Regulation Authority, and is
 and brokers at the centre of our purpose,   growth, mitigating concerns of a double   registered under the Financial Services
 The investment made in support functions   and this is reflected in our 95% customer   dip recession. We are investing in straight   Compensation Scheme.  Independent Auditor’s Report
 over the last 2-3 years has resulted in a solid   satisfaction measure and growth in new   through processing and accelerating digital
 and stable platform upon which to grow the   business volumes. We were delighted that   capabilities; our development in credit risk
 Bank to the next level.   Cambridge & Counties Bank were again   and credit grading models enables us to
 nominated by our broker community in   embed our USP in manual underwriting in
 The Bank’s “people led – technology   the NACFB 2021 Awards, and we value the   risk assessment and pricing.
 enabled” strategy has not changed, and our   strength of the broker community support.
 priority continues to focus on providing   The Bank remains in great shape and with
 excellent customer support and service   Our people have been pivotal to the   strong growth prospects. We are confident
 levels across our market relevant proposition.   success of 2021, embracing the new ways   we can deliver our strategy, building on the
 Through targeted investment in front line   of working and finding a positive operating   investment we have made over the past
 systems and processes, we expect to be able   rhythm despite the challenging backdrop.   couple of years and the momentum we
 to drive efficiencies and improved service   We maintained market leading engagement   have coming into 2022. Whilst significant   Financial Statements
 levels enabling revenue growth to exceed   scores through the pandemic reflecting   uncertainty persists, we also see significant
 cost growth. This will not only improve cost   the commitment of our colleagues and the   opportunities emerging. We have the
 efficiency in the short to medium term, but   management team. These results would not   right strategy, business model, people and
 also ensure that the Bank is well placed   have been possible without the incredible   ambition to deliver on this potential.
 to continue to grow in an increasingly   efforts of every team in the Bank, and I
 competitive environment over a longer   would like to place my deep gratitude to
 time horizon..  them all on record.
            Donald Kerr
 Supporting our customers and our people  Outlook
            Chief Executive Officer
 Doing the right thing has always been at   The Bank remains well capitalised, with   12 April 2022
 the core of the Bank’s culture and how   strong liquidity and an asset backed lending                             Notes to the Financial Statements
 we operate, and this year’s performance   portfolio. Our credit loss provision provides
 reflects that alignment of the Bank’s   a robust level of coverage across our loan
 strategic aspirations, with our social and   portfolio, enabling the Bank to face into
 environmental contribution evidenced   the continuing challenging economic
 across the ESG agenda.   environment from a position of strength.
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