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14  Strategic Report                                                                                             15

             Stakeholder    Description        Engagement
             Shareholders   The Bank has two   Both shareholders are represented on the Board and Board sub-       Contents
                            shareholders each   committees by Non-Executive Directors and are therefore fully involved
                            holding 50% of the   in the decision making of the company.
                            Bank’s ordinary
                            share capital
 We have a simple and   Section 172 Companies   Customers  The Bank has   The Bank undertakes regular activity to gather customer feedback. The
 proven Business Model  Act 2006 Statement  around 8,500   results of which are shared with staff and the Board and incorporated
                            deposit customers   into its future business development plans.                        Strategic Report
                            and 1,400 lending
 Distribution network  Statement by the directors in   customers  The Bank engages with lending and deposit intermediaries who
 performance of their statutory duties         introduce business to the Bank as well as having regular dialogue with
 Cambridge & Counties Bank provides            the borrower and deposit customer.
 lending products through a network   The Board of directors of Cambridge &   Customer support remains a key strategic priority for the Bank in
 of relationship managers who deal via   Counties Bank Limited consider, both   its response to the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic. The Bank’s
 business introducers as well as directly with   individually and together, that they have   Relationship Managers assessed the impact of Covid 19, and the support
 customers. We seek to be straight forward   acted in the way they consider, in good   required on an individual basis with regular updates to both the Bank’s
 and easy to deal with in our interactions   faith, would be most likely to promote   Executive Committee and Board Risk & Compliance Committee. The
 with introducers and deliver a banking   the success of the company for the   Bank focused on the individual needs of its customers with regular
 experience that attracts and retains   benefit of its members as a whole (having   reporting of the number of customers requiring support.  Corporate Governance Statement
 customers. The Bank delivers a range of   regard to the stakeholders and matters
 savings accounts via the internet, post, and   set out in s172(1) (a-f) of the Act) in the   Employees  The average   The Bank undertakes an annual internal staff survey as well as
 savings intermediaries.  decisions taken during the year ended 31   number of people   participating in industry wide culture surveys undertaken by the Financial
 December 2021.             employed by the    Services Culture Board (FSCB). We continue to record consistently high
 Lending                    Bank during the    participation rates in our employee engagement survey (84%) and record
 Stakeholder engagement     year was 183       strong scores.
 The Bank’s commercial real estate loans
 are secured on property. We lend to   The Bank has maintained regular   The Bank has a staff forum which meets monthly and is chaired by the
 experienced commercial and residential   dialogue with all its key stakeholders   Bank’s CEO. As a result of staff feedback at the staff forum, we have
 property investors as well as to owner   throughout the year. The table below   introduced two new green benefits; salary sacrifice for the purchase of
 occupied businesses to invest in their own   sets out the Bank’s key stakeholders and   electric cars and bicycles. We have also increased our holiday provision
 commercial premises.  the main methods by which the Board   from 27 to 30 days for all staff. The Board reviews the employee staff
 and management engage.                        survey results and also receives regular reports from the CEO on the
 The Bank provides finance for businesses to   activities of the Employee Forum.                                   Independent Auditor’s Report
 acquire essential assets such as equipment,   During the year the Board has had regular updates on employee
 plant, machinery, or vehicles, using hire     issues arising from Covid 19, including the response to lockdowns,
 purchase and finance lease facilities. The    the continuation of home working and return to workplace planning.
 Bank also provides finance for the purchase
 of classic cars using hire purchase and   Suppliers  Business and   Management regularly meets with the Bank’s key suppliers, particularly
 finance lease products.    individuals who    those providing important business services and information
                            provide services and   technology systems.
 Deposits                   goods which the
                            Bank uses to deliver   During the year the Bank has engaged with each of its key suppliers to
 The Bank’s lending is primarily funded by   its products to its   ensure that its own preparations, and those of its suppliers, mitigate any
 the acquisition of UK savings balances. It   end customers  impacts from any vulnerability to Log4j were in place. The Bank is also
 offers a range of deposit accounts that are   actively engaging with property valuers to incorporate their views on   Financial Statements
 available directly to business customers.     climate change considerations into the Bank’s lending protocols.
 These accounts are also available to retail   Regulators  The Bank is   The Bank’s senior management are committed to fostering open and
 customers through a network of Deposit   regulated by the   honest engagement with its Regulators in line with the cornerstone
 Intermediaries. Business customers include
 several broader organisations such as   PRA and FCA  principle of the UK regulatory environment. The CEO, CFO and CRO meet
 charities, clubs, societies, and associations.  regularly with the Bank’s PRA Supervisory team through the framework of
                                               ‘proactive engagement and continuous assessment’ meetings and report
                                               on key themes discussed through committee and Board meetings as
                                               appropriate. The CRO reports to the Board Risk & Compliance Committee
 The Bank has maintained                       on material matters of regulatory liaison, and the Bank’s assessment of the
                                               quality of the relationship with each Regulator. In addition, the Chairman,
 regular dialogue with                         Senior Independent Director and Chair of Risk maintain a direct relationship   Notes to the Financial Statements
                                               with the Bank’s Regulators on key themes as appropriate.
 all its key stakeholders   Communities  The geographic   The Bank is a member of several local trade bodies such as Chamber
                                               of Commerce and Business Networking groups in the regions in which
                            locations in which
 throughout the year.       the Bank has       it operates. The Bank also supports its staff in working with community
                                               charities such as Leicestershire Cares.
                            offices, employees,
                            and customers
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