Page 113 - CCB_Full-Annual-Report-2021
P. 113

112  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                           113

 Write-off  The majority of slot 1 to 3 accounts relate to   IFRS9   Definition  Provisioning  Cure Criteria
 performing loans where the loans are fully up to   Stage    Basis
 A write-off is a direct reduction in a financial assets                                                           Contents
 gross carrying value when there is no reasonable   date and no significant change in credit risk has   Stage 1    – All performing loans which do   12m   N/A
 expectation of recovering the financial asset in its   been identified.  not feature on the watchlist.  Expected
 entirety or a portion thereof. A write off therefore        Credit
 constitutes a derecognition event. The Bank has   The majority of slot 4 loans are in stage 2 as a result     – Loans which have no   Losses
 experienced a total of 20 write offs on its REF   of accounts falling into arrears or other deteriorating   arrears on them.
 portfolio and 12 write offs on its AF portfolio since   credit factors having been identified, and the   Stage 2    – The customer is at least   Lifetime   Movement back to Stage 1 will only occur
 its inception in 2012. The Bank will write off all or   account placed on the Bank’s Credit watch–list.  30 days past due.  Expected   where the borrower meets all the following:  Strategic Report
 part of the gross carrying amount of a financial            Credit
 asset under the following circumstances:  All slot 5 customers are in stage 3 with the majority     – The customer is on the Bank's   Losses    – Arrears have been fully cleared on the
 categorised as being in default as a result of arrears   watchlist, save for those accounts   account.
 in excess of 90 days.     which have been added as a
   – Where the underlying collateral of a loan has                         – The account has been 'performing' for a
 been sold, with the proceeds having been   result of the death of a customer,   period of at least 6 consecutive months.
 received by the Bank, and there is no reasonable   The Bank’s Asset Finance and Classic Car exposures   and where the death of that
 expectation of recovering the remainder of the   are allocated a Probability of Default (PD) at   customer has not given rise to     – The account has met all terms of any
 outstanding balance due;  origination which is reviewed on a monthly basis.   any significant increase in credit   forbearance measure granted and a
 The PD is calculated using Moody’s Risk Calc   risk as payments continue and are   period of at least 6 consecutive months
   – The write off has been approved in line with the   system. The exposures are allocated a IFRS 9 stage   expected to continue to be made.   has passed since the forbearance
 Bank’s policy; and   depending on the status of the account and the       ending, and the account has been
 PD. Accounts which have triggered the Bank’s SICR     – The underlying loan collateral   ‘performing’ for this period.  Corporate Governance Statement
   – The Bank have explored reasonable avenues of   is located in a particular
 recovering the outstanding loan amount.  (Significant Change In Credit Risk) criteria or are   region or sector as defined     – The account has been removed
 over 30 days in arrears are as a minimum in stage 2.
 The release of provisions and the write-  Accounts over 90 days in arrears or are considered   by the credit committee.   from the Bank's watchlist and is not
 off of any bad debt is subject to appropriate   unlikely to pay are classified in stage 3.    – Any other significant decline   considered to have increased credit risk
 delegated authorities.    in credit quality has been                      for internal risk management purposes.
 Provisioning stages       identified by the Bank.                         – There are no other indicators that
 Credit risk grades                                                        suggest credit risk has increased
 Under IFRS 9 all the Bank’s lending exposures are     – Management specifically
 The Bank allocates each exposure a credit risk grade   allocated a stage based on the current status of the   place the case in stage 2  significantly since initial recognition.
 (slot) using its Credit Grading Model. Each exposure   loan. The Bank has set the following definitions for     – There are no other connected accounts
 has been allocated a credit risk grade on initial   each of the three stages within IFRS 9:  which meet the definition of a stage 2
 recognition. Credit grades are formally reviewed                          asset.
 as a minimum on an annual basis. The grades are
 reassessed earlier if the customer falls into arrears   Stage 3    – The account is over 90 days past due.  Lifetime   Movement from Stage 3 back to Stage 2   Independent Auditor’s Report
 or contacts the Bank with information that impacts     – The customer has been   Expected   will only occur when the borrower meets
 its credit quality.       declared bankrupt.                Credit     all the following:
                           – The company has been wound                    – The account is no longer more
 The table below presents the Bank’s loan portfolio                        than 90 days down.
 split by slot. Each loan account is allocated a slot   up or a liquidator/administrator
 between 1 and 4, with accounts in default allocated   has been appointed.    – No connected accounts are more
 a slot 5.                 – The account is part of a connected            than 90 days down.
                           exposure where the borrower meets               – The customer has not been more
 Lending split    Stage 1   Stage 2   Stage 3    Total  at least one of the above criteria   than 90 days down for a consecutive
 by slot as at   (£m)  (£m)  (£m)  (£m)  across any connected account.     period of 3 months.
 31 December            These criteria can be overridden by             Where forbearance was extended, all terms   Financial Statements
                        management if the account:                      of the forbearance agreement were met,
 1 – 2  632.9  4.1  –  637.0                                            and full payments have been made for a
                              – Is not guaranteed by other
 3  109.2  56.3  –  165.5     members of the group.                     consecutive period of at least 3 months.
                                                                           – The Bank are actively seeking
 4  16.7  52.9  –  69.6       – Does not share the same security.
                                                                           resolution and have obtained
 5  –  –  28.3  28.3          – Is a separate legal entity.                cooperation from the borrower to
                                                                           work to resolve the arrears.
 Real Estate   758.8  113.3  28.3  900.4    – Is not deemed to spread contagion
 Gross loans*                 to other group members.                      – There are no other indicators of default
                                                                           which would warrant the accounting
 Asset Finance   89.2  2.7  0.2  92.1    – The account is in forbearance   remaining in stage 3.
 Gross loan*                  and that forbearance is                                                              Notes to the Financial Statements
                              considered to be ‘significant’
 *   Includes effective interest rate   (see relevant section below).
                           – Management judgement.
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