Page 117 - CCB_Full-Annual-Report-2021
P. 117

116  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                           117

 Scenario weighting:  Bank base rate:  Sensitivities             The expected credit loss (ECL) on loans in stage
                                                                 3 are estimated on an individual basis and all
 Scenario  Weighting Applied  Year end   2022  2023  2024  2025  2026  The expected credit loss provision is sensitive   relevant considerations that have a bearing on   Contents
 change relative   to judgement and estimations made with        the expected future cash flows across a range of
 2021  2020  to Q4 2021  regard to the selection and weighting of   economic scenarios are taken into account. These
               multiple macroeconomic scenarios. As a result,
 1. Base Case  45%  45%  1  Base Case  0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%  management has assessed and considered the   considerations can be particularly subjective and
 2. Downside  30%  30%  2  Downside  0.75% 1.13% 1.38% 1.38% 1.38%  sensitivity of the provision as follows:  can include the business prospects for the customer,
                                                                 the realisable value of collateral, the reliability of
 3. Severe Downside  12.5%  12.5%  3  Severe   1.00% 1.50% 1.75% 1.75% 1.75%  1.  The tables below show the Real Estate and   customer information and the likely cost and duration   Strategic Report
 4. Upside  12.5%  12.5%  Downside  Asset Finance ECL assuming each scenario has   of the work-out process. The level of the impairment
                                                                 allowance is the difference between the value of the
 4  Upside  0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%  been 100% weighted to show the impact of   discounted expected future cash flows (discounted
 Macroeconomic variable forecasts:  alternative scenarios.
                                                                 at the loan’s original effective interest rate), and its
 The Bank uses the following macro-economic   •  Real Estate     carrying amount. Furthermore, judgements change
 forecasts in its scenario modelling. The Bank’s Asset   Rental income:  with time as new information becomes available or
 Finance scenarios use the GDP, unemployment   Scenario  Current   100%   as work-out strategies evolve, resulting in frequent
 and equity forecasts, with the Real Estate scenarios   Year end   2022  2023  2024  2025  2026  weighted   weighting  revisions to the impairment allowance as individual
 applying bank base rate, rental income and property   change relative   Scenario  ECL £’000  decisions are taken. Changes in these estimates
 price forecasts  to Q4 2021        ECL £’000                    would result in a change in the allowances and have a
 1  Base Case  1.5%  3.4%  5.4%  7.3%  9.2%  1. Base Case  11,609  direct impact on the impairment charge
 GDP:                                                                                                              Corporate Governance Statement
 2  Downside  -9.3% -8.3% -7.3% -6.3% -5.4%  2. Downside  15,029  •  Credit risk
 Year end   2022  2023  2024  2025  2026  3  Severe   -20.0% -20.0% -20.0% -20.0% -20.0%  13,836  –  loans and advances to banks and debt securities
 change relative   Downside  3. Severe Downside     21,839
 to Q4 2021    4. Upside                            10,990       Credit risk exists in respect of Loans and Advances
 4  Upside  1.5%  3.4%  5.4%  7.3%  9.2%                         to Banks and Debt securities where the Bank has
 1  Base Case  3.9%  7.2%  8.4%  9.8% 11.3%
            •  Asset Finance                                     acquired securities or placed cash deposits with
 2  Downside  -2.3%  3.3%  5.3%  7.6%  9.1%                      other financial institutions. No assets are held for
 Commercial property prices:                                     speculative purposes or actively traded. Certain liquid
 3  Severe   -3.9%  1.4%  3.1%  5.4%  7.0%  Scenario  Current   100%
 Downside                            weighted    weighting       assets are held as part of the Bank’s liquidity buffer.
 Year end   2022  2023  2024  2025  2026
 4  Upside  7.7%  9.6% 10.6% 12.1% 13.4%  change relative   Scenario  ECL £’000  The Bank holds balances in its Bank of England
 to Q4 2021                         ECL £’000                    reserve account, along with a nostro accounts held

 1  Base Case  6.3%  9.1% 11.2% 13.0% 14.6%  1. Base Case  820   with National Westminster Bank. The counterparties   Independent Auditor’s Report
 Unemployment:                                                   to which the Bank is exposed are domestically
 2  Downside  -12.5% -4.7% -1.4%  1.7%  4.1%  2. Downside  1,067  and globally systemic banks, and as such the Bank
 Year end   2022  2023  2024  2025  2026  3  Severe   -31.3% -18.5% -14.0% -9.6% -6.3%  3. Severe Downside  1,148  considers that the risk of default across these
 change relative   Downside                                      balances is extremely low.
 to Q4 2021    4. Upside                              781
 4  Upside  6.3%  9.1% 11.2% 13.0% 14.6%                         The Bank’s debt securities are currently issued by
 1  Base Case  8.8%  1.3%  0.5%  3.1%  4.3%
               2.  The table below shows the impact of           the European Investment Bank (£17m) and the
 2  Downside  44.1% 52.7% 52.0% 45.4% 36.6%  changes to the impairment assumptions in   International Bank Reconstruction & Development
 Residential property prices:  the IFRS 9 models.                (£20m). The Bank considers that the loans and
 3  Severe   66.3% 73.3% 65.0% 62.7% 51.9%
 Downside                                                        advances to Banks and the debt securities are of low
 Year end   2022  2023  2024  2025  2026                         credit risk and as such provide for a 12-month ECL,
 4  Upside  -10.5% -23.1% -21.6% -12.1% -7.5%  change relative   Scenario  Provision   consistent with the assets being classified in stage 1.   Financial Statements
 to Q4 2021                                         impact
 1  Base Case  4.8%  6.2%  9.1% 13.1% 17.2%          £’000       The Bank monitors its exposures to all counterparties
 Equity:                                                         on an ongoing basis and whether there have been
 2  Downside  -10.6% -10.3% -0.7%  4.8%  9.0%  Residential house price increases   (107)  any changes in the credit rating which may cause
               by 20% more than the base case.
 Year end   2022  2023  2024  2025  2026  3  Severe   -25.9% -26.9% -10.6% -3.6%  0.8%  an increase in the probability of said counterparty
 change relative   Downside  Commercial property prices increase   default. As at 31 December 2021 the Bank held no
 to Q4 2021    by 20% more than the base case                    provisions against loans and advances to banks given
 4  Upside  4.8%  6.2%  9.1% 13.1% 17.2%  A reduction from 40% to 35% in the   (1,503)  the low credit risk of these financial instruments,
 1  Base Case  -2.2% -2.0% -0.4%  3.5%  6.7%
               Bank’s forced sale discount                       their high propensity to meet contractual cash flow
 2  Downside  -20.4% -13.1% -7.7% -0.6%  2.4%                    obligations as they fall due, and the instant access
               A reduction of from 35% to 30% in      559
 3  Severe   -33.5% -29.7% -23.1% -13.5% -6.4%  the assumed Cure rate  terms of these balances.                    Notes to the Financial Statements
               A 12 months reduction in the assumed   (946)      The table below sets out the credit quality of the
 4  Upside  7.9%  5.3%  5.0%  5.6%  8.8%  time to sell defaulted properties  Bank’s on-balance sheet loans and advances to
                                                                 Bank’s, debt securities and derivative assets. Full
               A 10% increase in the Bank’s Asset      35        details on the Bank’s derivative instruments can be
               Finance LGD
                                                                 found in Note 21.
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