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18     Strategic Report                                                                                                                                                                                                             19


            A highlight of 2021 was the recognition                                                                                  Scope                     Activity                     2019 tCO e 1   2020 tCO e    2021 tCO e
            of the Bank’s approach to green initiatives                                                                                                                                             2              2             2
            by Investors in the Environment (IIE) who                                                                                Scope 1                   No operations                         –             –             –        Strategic Report
            awarded the Bank ‘Best Water Reduction                                                                                   Scope 2                   Leicester – electricity            14.52          8.83          7.34
            2021’ at their annual awards presentation.
                                                                                                                                                               generation and transmission
                                                                                                                                                               & distribution 2
            The Board is proud of the engagement
            and commitment of our people in                                                                                          Scope 2 Sub Total                                            14.52          8.83          7.34
            reducing the Bank’s environmental impact                                                                                 Scope 3                   Home-workers                         n/a         44.05         44.36
            and achieving carbon neutrality. Core to
            our colleague engagement is the active                                                                                                             Grey Fleet                         31.21          3.18         16.67
            “Green Team”, which is a cross-function
                                                                                                                                                               Sheffield site                       n/a          2.77         10.97
            team of Bank staff who volunteer to
            internally promote the green agenda                                                                                                                Bristol site                         n/a          0.94          0.31       Corporate Governance Statement
            facilitating numerous communications,
            initiatives and activities focussing on                                                                                  Scope 3 Sub Total                                            31.21         50.94         72.31
            upcycling, recycling, and health and                                                                                     Total emissions as tonnes of CO e                            45.73         59.77         79.64
            wellness, whilst protecting the ecosystem                                                                                                         3
            during the national lockdowns.                                                                                           Tonnes of CO e per employee                                   0.28          0.32          0.40
                                                                                                                                     Tonnes of CO e per £m                                         1.07          1.58          1.61
            Environmental information
                                                                                                                                     Carbon Offsetting
            The Bank is committed to being a
            responsible user of resources and                                                                                        Verified Carbon Offsets                                       (100)         (100)         (100)
            continues to consider ways in which it
                                                                                                                                   1   tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent
            can reduce its environmental impact. This                                                                              2   This includes a small amount of Scope 3 emissions from transmission and distribution.
            section reflects the Bank’s emissions as                                                                               3   based on employee headcount as at the end of each financial year
            required by the UK Streamlined Energy and                                                                              The Bank’s carbon footprint calculations have been verified by Carbon Footprint Ltd.                   Independent Auditor’s Report
            Carbon Reporting (SECR) Regulations for
            a ‘large unquoted organisation’. This is the
            first year in which the Bank is required to                                                                                                We have defined our intensity ratio as   and many of our colleagues live and work.
            report on emissions, having used less than   purchased electricity, steam, heating and                                                     scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in tonnes     This support, both in monetary donations
            40KwH during the prior financial year.  cooling. Scope 3 includes all other indirect
                                                    emissions that occur in a company’s                                                                of CO2e per £m of income as this is a    and also practical help in the form of
            In calculating our emissions, we have   value chain.                                                                                       common business metric for the banking   colleagues’ time, is seen by the Bank as
                                                                                                                                                       sector. For completeness, we have also
                                                                                                                                                                                                more important than ever, given the on-
            followed the latest Department for                                                                                                         provided the ratio of scope 1, 2 and 3   going challenges presented post Covid 19
            Environment, Food and Rural Affairs     Emissions from the Bank’s head office
            (DEFRA) guidance released in 2013 and the   have fallen in the year although our total                                                     emissions in tonnes of CO2e per employee.  pandemic and other social factors.
            2019 Department for Business, Environment   reported emissions have risen as result of
            & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) UK Government   higher Scope 3 emissions. Our Scope 3                                                         Cambridge & Counties Bank Ltd has also   The Bank’s charitable giving and          Financial Statements
            environmental reporting guidance. We have   emissions have increased during the year as                                                    qualified for the new Carbon Neutral +   coordination continues to be facilitated
                                                                                                                                                                                                by a cross-functional team of Bank staff
            calculated our emissions using the most up   a result of:                                                                                  for the second year due to offsetting 100   representing a diversity of background and
            to date 2021 emission factors developed by                                                                                                 tonnes of CO2 emissions through the UK   thinking. The approach of the charities
            DEFRA and BEIS.                            ∞ An 11% increase in headcount. Emissions                                                       Tree Planting project, buddied with the   team continues to be a proactive one, with
                                                       from homeworking are calculated to                                                              VCS verified Reduced Deforestation (REDD)
            In relation to organisational boundary, we   have increased by 0.7%, (home workers)                                                        project around the world. The Bank has in   close to £35k donated in 2021.
            have used the financial control approach.                                                                                                  total offset 300 tonnes of CO2e emissions   Notable charitable efforts include working
            In relation to Operational scope, we have     ∞ An increase in business travel arising                                                     over the past 3 years. The carbon credits   closely with the Leicestershire and Rutland
            measured our scope 1, 2 and certain scope   as COVID-19 restrictions have eased             %                                              were supplied by Carbon Footprint Ltd    Community Foundation to support a
            3 emissions.                               (Grey fleet)                              11                                                    from the VSC 981 project. Details of this   number of charities, including Turtle Dove,
                                                                                                                                                       project with full project documentation is
            The table below sets out our emissions     ∞ Increased usage of our Sheffield office   increase in                                         available on Verra’s website: https://registry.  Soft Touch Arts, and a new relationship   Notes to the Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                                                                                with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV).
            in respect of Scope 1, 2 and 3. Scope      as COVID-19 restrictions have eased,                                                       These charities provide amazing services
            1 covers direct emissions from owned       partially offset by a reduction in our    headcount                                             Supporting our local communities         and support to many vital groups within
            or controlled sources, of which the        Bristol site following a move to new                                                                                                     our communities, from Turtle Dove, who
            Bank has none. Scope 2 covers indirect     offices during the year.                                                                        2021 saw the Bank continuing to support   provide vulnerable young women with
            emissions from the generation of                                                                                                           the communities in which we operate,
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