Page 93 - CCB_Full-Annual-Report-2021
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92  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                            93

 For loans in stage 1 and 2 the Bank estimates the   The key estimate relates to the expected life of each type   Included within interest income for the year ended   8  Auditors’ remuneration
 probability of default (PD) and the loss given default   of instrument and hence the expected cash flows relating   31 December 2021 is a total of £267k (2020: £176k)   The profit on ordinary activities is arrived at
 (LGD). The probability of default is calculated using   to it. A critical estimate in determining the effective   relating to interest on impaired financial assets.   after charging:  Contents
 both quantitative and qualitative data including   interest rate is the expected life to maturity of the Bank’s
 character, property type and location. The LGD is   commercial loans, as a change in the expected life will   Management uses its judgement to estimate the     £’000  2021  2020
 calculated using the expected realisable collateral   have an impact on the period over which the directly   expected life of each type of instrument and hence
 value and associated sales costs.  attributable costs and fees are recognised. See Note 6 for   the expected cash flows relating to it. A critical   The remuneration of the Bank’s
 the sensitivity analysis regarding this.  estimate in determining the effective interest   external auditors:
 The expected credit loss (ECL) on loans in stage   rate is the expected life to maturity of the Bank’s   Audit services
 3 are estimated on an individual basis and all   6  Interest income and expense  commercial loans, as a change in the expected life   Strategic Report
 relevant considerations that have a bearing on   In accordance with IFRS 9 interest income and expense   will have an impact on the period over which the   Audit of these financial   542  310
 the expected future cash flows across a range   are recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss and   directly attributable costs and fees are recognised.  statements
 of economic scenarios are taken into account.   Other Comprehensive Income for all instruments   Audit related assurance services
 These considerations can be particularly subjective   measured at amortised cost using the Effective Interest   The Bank’s effective interest rate is sensitive to
 and can include the business prospects for the   Rate method (EIR).  changes in customer redemptions and the value   Amounts receivable by the
 customer, the realisable value of collateral, the   of new lending drawn in the year. If customer   company’s auditor and its
 reliability of customer information and the likely   The EIR is a method of calculating the amortised cost of   redemptions increase this is likely to result in   associates in respect of:
 cost and duration of the work-out process. The   a financial asset or financial liability and of allocating the   increased fee income being received in the form
 level of the impairment allowance is the difference   interest income or interest expense over the relevant period.   of early repayment charges and the acceleration   All other services  75  –
 between the value of the discounted expected   The EIR is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future   of the recognition of arrangement fee income.   Total remuneration payable to   617  310
 future cash flows (discounted at the loan’s original   cash flows through the expected life of the instrument,   New lending values will impact the value of loan   the Bank’s external auditors  Corporate Governance Statement
 effective interest rate), and its carrying amount.   or where appropriate a shorter period, to the net carrying   arrangement fees to be recognised in future periods
 Furthermore, judgements change with time as   amount of the financial asset or the financial liability. When   as well as being a key driver of the value of fees   All services undertaken by the Bank’s external
 new information becomes available or as work-out   calculating the EIR, the Bank considers all contractual   expected to be generated in future years from   auditor are subject to approval by the Bank’s Audit
 strategies evolve, resulting in frequent revisions to   terms of the financial instrument but does not consider   subsequent early redemptions.   Committee. The Bank has a non-audit services
 the impairment allowance as individual decisions   future credit losses. The calculation includes all fees paid or   policy, which states that non-audit related services
 are taken. Changes in these estimates would result   received between parties to the contract that are an integral   The following sensitivities have been calculated to   provided by the Bank’s external auditors should not
 in a change in the allowances and have a direct   part of the EIR, transaction costs and all other premiums   show the sensitivity of the EIR income to changes   exceed 70% of the average of the fees paid in the
 impact on the impairment charge.  in these items:               previous three consecutive financial years. The Bank
 or discounts. In accordance with IFRS 9, the application of
 EIR has been applied to the gross carrying amount of non-       has complied with this policy during 2021 and 2020.
 The Bank assesses and discusses all individual   credit impaired financial assets and to the amortised cost of     – If the value of Real Estate Loans that had repaid in
 customer loans in arrears at the monthly Provisions   credit impaired financial assets. Early Repayment Charges   the past 12 months was 1% lower for each tranche   9  Administrative expenses
 Committee meeting chaired by the CFO. All cases   (ERC) are reported within the EIR expected cashflows and   of lending, the EIR income recognised in the Bank’s
 that have an existing specific provision, are in arrears   reported within net interest income.  profit or loss would have been £0.5m lower;  £’000  2021  2020
 at month-end, or are on the watch list are reviewed.     – If the Bank’s new lending in 2021 had been 25%         Independent Auditor’s Report
 The expected credit losses across all stages are   Interest income and expense presented in the Statement of   lower, the effective interest rate (EIR) income   Staff costs (see Note 10)  14,915  12,924
 adjusted for the impact of the forward-looking   Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income includes:  recognised in the Bank’s income statement would   Other administrative   7,050  7,312
 economic scenarios outlined above. See Note 28   have been £0.1m lower; and  expenses
 for the sensitivity analysis regarding this.
   – Interest on financial assets and liabilities measured at     – If the Bank’s Asset Finance & CV&S loans average   Total  21,965  20,236
 amortised cost calculated on an EIR basis;
 Revenue recognition – effective interest rate  life was 10% shorter than the contractual term,
   – Interest on fair value through other comprehensive   the EIR income recognised in the Bank’s income   10. Staff numbers and costs
 The Bank has made a key estimate in relation to the   income investment securities  statement would have been £0.2m higher.
 effective interest rate.                                        The average number of persons employed by the
   – Income from finance leases and instalment   7  Other income  Bank (including directors) during the year was 183
 credit agreements.                                              (2020: 165). The increase in staff costs is higher than
               Other income includes fees and commissions relating                                                 Financial Statements
               to services provided to customers, which do not meet   the increase in average staff numbers reflecting the
 £’000  2021  2020                                               timing of the recruitment of staff as well as a higher
               the criteria for inclusion within interest income. The
 Interest income  income is recognised as the service is provided.   salary cost associated with these new starters and a
                                                                 higher value variable pay award.
 Loans and advances to banks  196  490
               Other income also includes the fair value movement
 Loans and advances to customers  55,079  50,385  in derivatives held for risk management purposes.   The aggregate payroll costs of these persons,
               Interest rate swaps are held to hedge against fixed   including directors, were as follows, (directors’
 Investment securities  60  22                                   remuneration is separately disclosed in Note 11):
               rate savings products. The fair value movement
 Total interest income  55,335  50,897  represents both hedge ineffectiveness and the receipt
               of proceeds from the early settlement of derivatives   £’000                   2021      2020
 Interest expense
               during the year.                                  Wages and salaries          12,323   10,735
 Deposits from customers  (10,285)  (12,624)                     Social security costs        1,569    1,197       Notes to the Financial Statements
               £’000                        2021     2020
 Other  (123)  (161)                                             Contributions to defined     1,023      992
               Fair value movement             (2)     12
 Total interest expense  (10,408)  (12,785)                      contribution pension plans
               Other operating income         25       18
 Net interest income  44,927  38,112                             Total                       14,915   12,924
               Total other income             23       30
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98