Page 59 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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58  Corporate Governance Statement                                                                              59

 Future developments              and regulatory and internal stress testing   Statement of Directors’
                                  of the Bank’s profit, capital and funding
 The future development of the Bank is   forecasts have been completed. In doing   responsibilities in
 set out in the Chief Executive Officer’s   so, the Directors considered the increasing   respect of the financial
 statement on pages 10 – 13.
                                  uncertainty of forecasts in the outer years   statements
                                  of the planning period from developments
 Political donations and expenditure
                                  in the economic environment, competition,
 No amounts were given for political   and regulatory developments. The   The directors are responsible for
                                                                          preparing the Annual Report and
 purposes during the year (2021: Nil)  Directors confirm that they have carried
                                  out a robust assessment of the emerging   financial statements in accordance with
 Financial risk management and    and principal risks facing the Bank, the   applicable law and regulations.
 hedging policies                 procedures in place to identify emerging   Company law requires the directors
                                  risks, and how such risks are managed or   to prepare financial statements for
 Details of the use of financial instruments,   mitigated, and, cognisant of the capital and   each financial year. Under that law
 together with risk management disclosures   funding resources, they have a reasonable   they have elected to prepare the
 can be found in the managing financial   expectation that the Bank will be able   financial statements in accordance with
 risk section of the financial statements in   to continue in operation and meet its   UK-adopted international accounting
 Note 21 and the Risk Management section   liabilities as they fall due in the period to   standards and applicable law.
 in the Strategic report on pages 30 – 41.
                                  December 2025.
                                                                          Under company law the directors must
 The Bank’s environmental and emissions
 Post balance sheet events        In making this assessment, the Directors   not approve the financial statements
 information is reported on pages 18 – 19.  have considered a wide range of
 There have been no significant quantifiable   information. Central to this assessment   unless they are satisfied that they give a
                                                                          true and fair view of the state of affairs
 events between 31 December 2022   Going concern  is the detailed 2023 business plan within   of the Company and of its profit or loss
 and the date of approval of the financial
 The Directors recognise their responsibility   the Bank’s 3 Year Strategic Plan. The   for that period. In preparing the financial
 statements which would require a change
 to assess the Bank’s ability to continue as   Board have continued to conduct a   statements, the directors are required to:
 to, or additional disclosure, in the financial
 a going concern, for a period of at least   number of internal capital adequacy and
 statements. Management and the Board   12 months from the date the financial   liquidity adequacy stress tests on the     • select suitable accounting policies
 continue to monitor the economic outlook   statements are approved. The Directors’   operating model, most particularly those   and then apply them consistently;
 across the UK and globally on a regular   assessment of going concern is integrated   effecting the Bank’s property lending     • make judgements and estimates that
 basis. As part of this monitoring the Bank   with the assessment of the viability of the   concentrations to provide insights into the   are reasonable, relevant and reliable;
 aims to identify and address the likelihood   Bank. The Directors, having considered   Bank’s financial stability. The stress testing
 of any financial impacts materialising.                                    • state whether they have been
 the matters noted in Note 4, are satisfied   analysis helps management understand
 that adequate funding, liquidity, and capital   the nature and extent of vulnerabilities to   prepared in accordance with
 Research and development activities                                        UK-adopted international
 resources will be in place to allow the   which the Bank is exposed. As a result,
 The Bank develops new products and   financial statements to continue to be   the Directors remain confident that the   accounting standards;
 services during the ordinary course of   prepared on a going concern basis, and are   Bank holds sufficient capital to withstand     • assess the Company’s ability to
 its business.  not aware of any material uncertainties that   severe contractions in both the number of   continue as a going concern,
 may cast doubt upon the Bank’s ability to   transactions in the market, and a significant   disclosing, as applicable, matters
 Overseas branches  continue as a going concern.  fall in capital values across both residential   related to going concern; and
                                  and commercial property, as well as the
 The Bank does not have any branches   Viability statement  capacity to absorb a material increase in     • adopt the going concern basis of
 outside of the United Kingdom.   impairment provision.                     accounting unless they either intend
 As more fully explained in the corporate                                   to liquidate the Company or to cease
 Corporate headquarters and   governance statement on page 42, the   In addition, the Directors have assessed the   operations, or have no realistic
 registered office  Bank has committed to voluntarily adopt   key strategic risks that could threaten the   alternative but to do so.
 the Code which includes provisions that   Bank’s prospects and business model more
 The corporate headquarters and registered   require the Directors to confirm that the   broadly. Access to required talent remains   The directors are responsible for keeping
 office address for Cambridge & Counties   Bank will be able to continue in operation,   a challenge, although during the year we   adequate accounting records that
 Bank Limited is Charnwood Court,   and to meet its financial liabilities as they   have been able to attract the services of   are sufficient to show and explain the
 5B New Walk, Leicester, LE1 6TE.                                         Company’s transactions and disclose
 fall due over a specified period taking   specialist skills in Risk, Compliance and   with reasonable accuracy at any time the
 account of the current position, and   Finance. The Board continues to review its
 Environmental information                                                financial position of the Company and
 principal risks of the Bank.     organisational structure and succession   enable them to ensure that its financial
 The Bank is committed to being a   The Directors have assessed the Bank’s   plans for both non-executive and executive   statements comply with the Companies
 responsible user of resources and   viability to December 2025. Key capital   posts and is confident that it has the skills   Act 2006. They are responsible for
 continues to consider ways it can   and leverage ratios have been forecast,   and capabilities to support the business   such internal control as they determine
 reduce its environmental impact.  through 2023 and beyond.
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