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56  Corporate Governance Statement                                                                              57

 Our proven

 business model

 enables us to face
 Risk & Compliance                                                        Power of Directors
 Committee report  the challenging                                        The Directors are responsible for managing
 economic                                                                 the business of the Bank and may exercise
 Membership and operation of the Committee                                all the powers of the Bank so long as the
                                                                          Articles or applicable legislation do not
 The Risk & Compliance Committee is chaired   environment                 stipulate that any such powers must be
 by Nick Treble, and its members include                                  exercised by the shareholders.
 the Chair, Patrick Newberry, Christiane   from a position
 Wuillamie, Tim Harvey-Samuel (Shareholder                                Directors’ indemnities
 Representatives), and the Chair of the Audit   of strength               Each of the Directors has the benefit of
 Committee Mike Peck. Committee meetings                                  a deed of indemnity which constitutes a
 are attended by members of the Executive                                 ‘qualifying third party indemnity provision’.
 committee including the Chief Executive
                                                                          This indemnification for Directors
 Officer, the Chief Risk Officer, the Chief
                                                                          provided by the Bank has been arranged
 Financial Officer and the Chief Development
                                                                          in accordance with the Articles and the
 Officer. The Company Secretary, or an
                                                                          Companies Act 2006. The indemnities
 appropriate delegate, acts as the secretary to
                                                                          remain in force at the date of signing
 the committee.
                                                                          these financial statements and are
              Directors                                                   available for inspection at the Company’s
 Risk & Compliance Committee   Directors’ report
 responsibilities and activity in 2022  The Directors of the company who were   registered office.
              in office during the year, or from the date
 During the year, the Committee completed   Introduction  of their appointment, and up to the date of   Directors’ emoluments waiver
 its regular business relating to risk receiving
              signing the financial statements were:                      Richard Perry, whilst the Shareholder
 the Chief Risk Officer’s reports, reviewing   The Directors of Cambridge & Counties   representative for Cambridgeshire County
 the Bank’s risk metrics, its Internal Liquidity   Bank Limited present their report and   Simon Moore  1  Chair & Independent   Council as Administering Authority of the
 Adequacy Assessment Process and Internal   audited financial statements for the year   Non-Executive Director  Cambridgeshire Local Government Pension
 Capital Adequacy Assessment Process, setting   ended 31 December 2022, in accordance   Fund, did not receive a fee for his services
 the Bank’s credit protocols and lending   with section 415 of the Companies   Patrick Newberry  Chair   & Independent   as a Non-Executive Director. These fees
 policies and approving the Funding Plan.   Act 2006.  Non-Executive Director  were payable and distributed directly to
 Part of the work for the year has also been   The following information is incorporated   Caroline Fawcett  Senior Independent   the Pension Fund and Cambridgeshire
 in improving the Bank’s approach to cyber   into this Directors’ Report:  Non-Executive Director  County Council.
 risk. As part of the review and challenge of
 the Chief Risk Office’s report the Committee     • The information in the Section 172   Mike Peck  3  Independent Non-Executive Director  Governance arrangements
 assessed and challenged the potential impacts   statement on page 14 on employee   Nick Treble  Independent Non-Executive Director
 of the uncertain economic environment, the   engagement and fostering business   The Board has chosen to voluntarily
 war in Ukraine as well as high rates of inflation   relationships with customers, suppliers,   Tim Harvey-Samuel  Non-Executive Director  adopt the principles of the UK Corporate
 and energy cost increases.  and others;  Richard Perry  4  Non-Executive Director  Governance Code (Code) to the extent
                                                                          that they are applicable or considered
 The Committee is also responsible for the     • The internal control and financial risk   Christiane Wuillamie  5  Non-Executive Director  appropriate for the Bank. Details of the
 Bank’s compliance, including oversight   management systems described in   aspects of the Code not applicable or
 of the Bank’s compliance monitoring and   ‘how the business is managed’ section of   Donald Kerr  Chief Executive Officer  considered appropriate for the Bank,
 financial crime programmes. The Committee   the corporate governance statement on   Andrea Hodgson  Chief Financial Officer  together with the areas where the Bank has
 completed its annual review of the Bank’s   pages 42 – 73; and           deviated from the recommendations of the
 whistleblowing report.  Mike Hudson  Chief Risk Officer
   • The diversity and inclusion section                                  Code and the rationale for this, are set out
 The Bank’s Important Business Services   of the Nominations and Governance   Simon Lindley  6  Chief Development Officer  within how the business is managed in the
 are overseen by the Risk & Compliance   Committee report on pages 51 – 52.  1   Retired 30 September 2022  Bank’s Corporate Governance statement
 committee and the work during the year has   2   Appointed as Chair with effect from Simon Moore’s retirement   on pages 42 – 73.
 included reviewing its approach to identifying   Results and dividends  3   Appointed 27 October 2022
              4   Resigned 31 March 2022
 important business services, setting the   5   Appointed 24 March 2022 and resigned 31 December 2022  Share capital
 appropriate impact tolerances and concluding   The statement of comprehensive income   6   Retired on 31 January 2023  Details on the Bank’s shareholders and
 its self-assessment.  and statement of financial position for the
 Bank can be found on pages 84 & 85. The                                  share capital at 31 December 2022
 Finally, the Committee considered the role of   Directors do not propose to pay a dividend   are provided in Notes 25 and 33 to the
 second line in regulatory reporting and the   in respect of ordinary shares for the year   financial statements.
 output of initial work in this regard.  ended 31 December 2022 (2021: Nil).  The biographies of the Bank’s Directors are available at
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