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60   Corporate Governance Statement                                                                                                                                                                                               61

                               necessary to enable the preparation     Fair, balanced, and understandable                                                Remuneration policy
                               of financial statements that are free   The Board has ultimate responsibility for
                               from material misstatement, whether     reviewing and approving the annual report.
                               due to fraud or error, and have general   In voluntarily adopting the principles of the                                   Purpose & Objective                     Policy
                               responsibility for taking such steps as are   Code that are considered appropriate for the                                This policy describes the approach taken   The Bank’s policy is to:
                               reasonably open to them to safeguard the   Bank, the directors confirm that they consider                                 by Cambridge & Counties Bank in relation
                               assets of the Company and to prevent and   that the annual report, taken as a whole, is fair,                             to its management of remuneration and   1  Attract, develop and retain high
                               detect fraud and other irregularities.                                                                                                                              performing people with the ability,
                                                                       balanced, and understandable and provides the                                     describes how it complies with the relevant   experience and skill to deliver the
                               Under applicable law and regulations,   information necessary for the shareholders to                                     requirements of the Financial Conduct     business strategy and objectives.
                               the directors are also responsible for   assess the company’s position, performance,                                      Authority (FCA) remuneration code         The aim is for our workforce to be
                               preparing a Strategic Report and a      business model and strategy. When arriving                                        (SYSC 19D) and the Prudential Regulation   truly representative of all sections of
                               Directors’ Report that complies with that   at this conclusion the Board was assisted by a                                Authority (PRA) rulebook.                 society and our customers, and for
                               law and those regulations.              number of processes including:
                                                                                                                                                         The Board of Cambridge & Counties Bank    each employee to feel respected and
                               The directors are responsible for the   The annual report is drafted and                                                  is committed to ensuring that the Bank has   able to give their best. This policy
                               maintenance and integrity of the        comprehensively reviewed by appropriate                                           risk-focused remuneration policies, which   supports the Bank’s strategy on
                               corporate and financial information     senior management with overall                                                    are consistent with and promote effective   inclusion & diversity, through fair and
                               included on the Company’s website.      coordination by the CFO.                                                          risk management and do not expose the     equal remuneration decisions.
                               Legislation in the UK governing the     A verification process is undertaken to                                           Bank to excessive risk.                 2  Offer competitive and market aligned
                               preparation and dissemination of financial   ensure factual accuracy, with additional                                     The purpose of this Remuneration Policy   remuneration packages in which
                               statements may differ from legislation in   review of compliance with content and                                         is to document clearly the policies,      fixed salaries are the significant
                               other jurisdictions.
                                                                       disclosure requirements by the Bank’s                                             practices and procedures linked to salary,   component and that people,
                                                                       General Counsel; and                                                              compensation and reward of employees.     regardless of their gender, are paid
                                                                                                                                                         It is reviewed and approved annually by the   the same rate for the same job
                                                                       The annual report is reviewed by the Bank
                                                                       senior management including the CFO, CRO,                                         Performance & Remuneration Committee.   3  Encourage and incentivise employees
                                                                       the Bank’s Executive Committee and the Audit                                      Policy Scope                              to create sustainable results, which
                                                                       Committee prior to approval by the Board.                                                                                   are consistent with strategic goals
                                                                                                                                                         This policy relates to the remuneration   and appropriate risk management,
                                                                       Disclosure of information to auditor
                                                                                                                                                         of all employees; it covers both fixed    and align the interests of the Bank’s
                                                                       The directors who held office at the date                                         (non-variable) and variable elements of pay   shareholders, customers, employees
                                                                       of approval of this directors’ report confirm                                     and reward. Fixed elements are defined as   and other key stakeholders
                                                                       that, so far as they are each aware, there is                                     salary, and allowances paid as a result of   4  Drive behaviour consistent with the
                                                                       no relevant audit information of which the                                        contractual obligations (e.g. car allowance,   Bank’s values and the FCA Code of
                                                                       Company’s auditor is unaware; and each                                            holiday pay, medical insurance, pension   Conduct Handbook (COCON) so that
                                                                       director has taken all the steps that he/                                         and death in service). Variable elements   employees do what is right for the
                                                                       she ought to have taken as a director to                                          consist of schemes designed to reward     customer, for colleagues, the Bank
                                                                       make himself/ herself aware of any relevant                                       performance at both the corporate, team   and other stakeholders
                                                                       audit information and to establish that the                                       and individual level (e.g., Profit share,
                                                                       Company’s auditor is aware of that information.                                   performance bonus schemes).             The remuneration policy and structure
                                                                                                                                                                                                 are consistent with the Bank’s long-term
                                                                                                                                                         Specific remuneration rules may apply
                                                                       Auditors                                                                                                                  strategy including the overall business
                                                                                                                                                         to board members and employees, who,
                                                                       Pursuant to section 487 of the Companies                                          because of their function, may have a   strategy, the risk strategy and the risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                 appetite across all types of risk such as
                                                                       Act 2006, the auditor will be deemed to be                                        material impact on the risk profile of the   credit, market, operational, liquidity,
                                                                       reappointed and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                                        Bank (collectively referred to as “Material   reputational and other risks identified by
                                                                       will therefore continue in office.                                                Risk Takers”). The method through which   the Bank.
                                                                                                                                                         the Bank determines Material Risk Takers
                                                                       By order of the Board.
                                                                                                                                                         is set out in Appendix 1 of this policy
                                                                                                                                                         statement (the “Identification of Material
                                                                                                                                                         Risk Takers”).

                                                                                                                                                         It also covers fees made to
                                                                                                                                                         non-executive directors.
                                                                       Richard Bryan
                                                                       Company Secretary
                                                                       30 March 2023
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