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62   Corporate Governance Statement                                                                                                                                                                                               63

                                                                                                                                                                             None of this would

                                                                                                                                                                             be possible without

                                                                                                                                                                             the contribution

                                                                                                                                                                             and commitment

                                                                                                                                                                             of our people

                                                                                                                                                                                • ensuring its pension provision is in line
                                                                                                                                                                               with its regulatory obligations under
                                                                                                                                                                               auto-enrolment as well as its business
                                                                                                                                                                               strategy and values
                                                                                                                                                                                • requiring its employees to undertake
                                                                                                                                                                               not to use personal hedging strategies
                                                                                                                                                                               or remuneration or liability-related
                                                                                                                                                                               contracts of insurance to undermine the
                                                                                                                                                                               risk alignment effects embedded in the
                                                                                                                                                                               remuneration arrangements
                                                                                                                                        • maintaining the view that all flexible
           This is achieved through the application   Remuneration Principles                                                          remuneration schemes are discretionary     • Setting appropriate ratios between
           of the following 6 principles which     The Bank will comply with the                                                       and subject to the approval of the      fixed and variable components of total
           are adhered to when designing or        Remuneration Principles by:                                                         Performance & Remuneration Committee    remuneration so that the fixed element
           implementing any aspect of remuneration:                                                                                     • having an independent Risk & Compliance   represents the highest proportion of the
                                                      • the Board annually reviewing the Bank’s                                                                                total remuneration package
           i  We offer a competitive total reward    Remuneration Policy to ensure that                                                function which has a direct reporting line
             package that is designed to be          it is consistent with the corporate /                                             into the Risk Committee. The CRO reports     • confirming that payments related to the
             motivating and compelling and is        strategic plan, agreed risk appetites and                                         annually to the Remuneration Committee  early termination of a contract reflect
             regularly reviewed against market rates                                                                                                                           performance achieved over time and
                                                     regulatory requirements                                                            • ensuring that total variable remuneration   are designed in a way that does not
           ii  Reward is linked to employees’         • using the Rolling Objectives My Plan                                           does not limit the Bank’s ability to    reward failure
             behaviours and values as well as        (ROMP) process to ensure that detailed                                            strengthen its capital base by ensuring
             achievement: the ‘how’ as well as       performance objectives are drawn up                                               that all variable and non-variable pay     • the Bank will use the regulators’
             the ‘what’.                                                                                                               are linked to specific financial targets   remuneration principles in assessing
                                                     and reviewed for all employees which                                              and are subject to the approval of the   its exposure to risks arising from its
           iii  Our remuneration structures are      are aligned to the Bank’s business                                                Performance & Remuneration Committee    remuneration policy as part of the
             straightforward; as such they are       strategy including its risk management                                            who can declare that all variable and   Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment
             transparent, communicated and           objectives and appetite                                                           non-variable pay will not be paid in the   Process (ICAAP)
             understood by all employees and all      • formally linking annual salary reviews,                                        event of a potential capital shortfall
             our stakeholders                                                                                                                                                  • applying the same overall principles to
                                                     profit share and bonus payments                                                    • regularly reviewing the regulatory capital   all directors and employees, regardless
           iv  There is a clear link between business,   to the overall performance of                                                 levels at the Bank’s Risk Committee     of whether they meet the definition of
             team and individual performance and     individuals, including achievement of                                             which includes the Non-Executive        “Material Risk Takers” and/or “Code Staff”.
             reward, and people can explain when     performance objectives                                                            Directors who sit on the Performance
             and why adjustments for performance      • ensuring that the Senior Management                                            & Remuneration Committee. The           • “Signing Bonus” “buy-out” and/or
             have been applied                                                                                                                                                 “golden handshake” are not routinely
                                                     variable pay contain specific                                                     Performance & Remuneration Committee    used and are always subject to Chief
           v  Our remuneration practices are         performance metrics linked to the                                                 members are therefore always aware of   Executive Officer and Board approval. All
             consistent with and promote sound       long-term performance of the                                                      potential capital issues                variable remuneration is subject to Malus
             and effective risk management and       Bank, including compliance and risk                                                • ensuring that the allocation of variable   and Clawback for a period of seven years
             are fully compliant with all appropriate   management objectives                                                          remuneration components within the      from the date of award.
             governance, regulatory requirements      • ensuring that a Conflict of Interest Policy                                    Bank also considers all types of current
             and codes of practice
                                                     is in place and is always adhered to                                              and future risks, and assessments of
           vi  Our remuneration policies, packages     • subjecting the implementation of the                                          financial performance used to calculate
             and processes are designed to be        remuneration policy to central and                                                variable remuneration components
             affordable, consistent and efficient,   independent internal review from the                                              or pools of variable remuneration
             and do not limit the Bank’s ability to   Compliance function at least annually                                            components must be based principally
             strengthen its capital base.                                                                                              on profits
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