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            opportunities and confidence building
            activities designed to get them back/into
            the working environment; to Soft Touch      Management                                                                                                                                                                        Strategic Report
            Arts through their Stars programme,
            which allows the charity to take young      proactively
            peoples’ passion for art and design and
            provide pathways into higher education      introduced a hybrid
            or employment; and TCV who are
            working with young people to develop        operating model for
            a connection between them and the
            vital, but often shrinking, green spaces in   staff to flexibly work
            their community.
                                                        fifty percent of their
            The Bank continues to maintain a                                                                                                                                                                                              Corporate Governance Statement
            strong relationship with Leicestershire     time from home.
            Cares, which is a charity that brokers
            partnerships between the business sector
            and local communities that are in need,
            particularly children and young people.
            The Bank supports a number of their
            initiatives, including:

               ∞ Interview Techniques, which provides   Creating an inclusive workplace
               14/15 year-olds with interview practice                                                                                                 can view on catch-up. Increased Bank-    continued to add to its headcount during
               that can help shape their careers;   The safety and well-being of our people                                                            wide connectivity and accessibility has   2021, and is proud of how well it has on-
                                                    is always our top priority, and the ongoing                                                        also been achieved through the launch    boarded new colleagues across the Bank.
               ∞ Bags of Hope – raising close to £2,000   Covid 19 pandemic has reinforced how                                                         of the Bank’s new intranet during the
               from staff donations that allowed toys   important it is that we look after each                                                        year, enabling more efficient access to   Diversity and inclusion remain at the    Independent Auditor’s Report
               and essential items to be purchased for   other. Early in 2020 we made the decision                                                     information and creating greater social   heart of the Bank’s culture, and we use
               under-privileged children and families.  not to furlough any of our colleagues                                                          interaction. This is supported by the Bank’s   active initiatives and formal policies to
                                                    and provided additional measures                                                                   newsletter ‘The Natter’ delivering formal   help support colleagues be themselves at
            A key part of the culture of the Bank is the   including extending dependent leave                                                         and informal communications and updates   work with access to equal opportunities.
            support and encouragement of colleague’s   and flexible working arrangements to                                                            on departmental initiatives.             The Staff Forum continues to provide the
            involvement in charitable efforts through   support people with home schooling and                                                                                                  ‘voice of the organisation’, influencing staff
            a number of routes, including the       carer commitments as well as additional                                                            The Bank has maintained its association   meeting agendas, policy development, and
            matching of their fundraising efforts by   assurance and support to vulnerable                                                             with the Financial Services Culture Board   evaluation. As signatories to the Women
            the Bank. Despite the on-going Covid    colleagues. Throughout 2021, we have                                                               (FSCB) and for the sixth year, participated   in Finance Charter, we are committed to
            19 uncertainty in 2021, this included a   continued to follow government guidelines                                                        in the FSCB Employee Survey where        achieving more women in senior positions
            number of sponsored walks and runs, and   during these challenging times, and after                                                        results continue to be positive, recorded   and driving greater gender balance in the   Financial Statements
            a colleague helping with the creation of   the ‘return-to-office’ advice last summer,                                                      an improvement on prior year, and        industry as a whole. Gender diversity is
            a borehole in Malawi. The Bank also has   management proactively introduced a                                                              reflect strongly in comparison to other   one element of our inclusivity strategy,
            a number of employees that are active   hybrid operating model for staff to flexibly                                                       organisations. The Bank also continues to   and we are actively promoting equality
            members in the organising and running of   work fifty percent of their time from home.                                                     record consistently high participation rates   for all regardless of age, gender, ethnicity,
            local charities, including the treasurer of                                                                                                and strong scores in the Bank’s employee   religion, disability, sexual orientation,
            Age UK Leicestershire.                  Maintaining the flow and frequency                                                                 engagement survey, the latest conducted   education, or other characteristics that may
                                                    of communication channels with all                                                                 in October 2021.                         result in people being marginalised. The
            Treating businesses fairly and helping our   our colleagues in a remote operating                                                                                                   Bank believes that greater diversity leads
            customers grow                          environment has been more important                                                                The Board pays close attention to the    to wider thinking and skill sets, creating
                                                    than ever, enabling us to understand                                                               Bank’s culture and key people measures,   increased innovation and ultimately, better
            The Bank is committed to treating       how people are feeling as they adapt                                                               including turnover rates, sickness levels   customer service.
            businesses fairly and helping them grow   to new working practices and how we                                                              and time taken to fill vacancies. All of these
            through prompt payment of invoices      can continue to better support them. In                                                            remain positively low, although some     There has been no change to our pay       Notes to the Financial Statements
            and are pleased to confirm an improved   addition to our annual engagement survey,                                                         specialist roles within Risk and Finance take   and bonus schemes during the year
            performance with 99% of suppliers being   we ran frequent ‘pulse’ surveys, ‘speed                                                          longer to fill given continued high levels of   where most staff benefit from the Bank’s
            paid within 30 days for the year ending   friending’, and Bank-wide monthly webinars                                                       demand for these specialisms. The Bank,   discretionary profit-sharing scheme capped
            31 December 2021 (2020: 98%).
                                                    in which every colleague participates or                                                           despite the restrictions of lockdown, has   at 10% of basic salary.
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