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22  Strategic Report                                                                                             23


 Financial Performance

 Macroeconomics  Prudential framework  Financial review    ∞ The Bank continues to maintain a strong               Strategic Report
 The Bank’s                                            liquidity and capital position. At the end
 In 2021 the UK economy saw a strong bounce   The prudential framework has remained   primary   Despite the uncertain economic   of December 2021, the Bank held liquid
 back from the greatest contraction in GDP in   relatively unchanged during 2021. The   financial   environment, the Bank has delivered a   assets of over £289m with an LCR of
 modern history recorded in 2020. The fiscal   implementation of CRRII takes place from   statements are   strong financial performance in 2021:  287%, significantly above the regulatory
 and financial initiatives to limit the potential   the 1 January 2022, with the key change   reported on   requirement of 100%. The Bank’s total
 permanent damage of the national lockdowns   from the Bank’s perspective being the   pages 86 – 89    ∞ Net Interest income increased by £7m   capital ratio was 23.0% at the end of
 look to be working, with unemployment   implementation of the Net Stable Funding   compared to the prior period as a result   December with a CET1 ratio of 19.9%.
 remaining low despite the end of the   Ratio (NSFR) ratio with a regulatory   of the growth in customer loans and   The Bank’s leverage ratio was 12.8%,
 Government furlough arrangements.   requirement of 100%.   advances and a lower cost of deposits.
               Whilst pricing in both the lending and   significantly above the regulatory limit
 The Bank of England increased bank base rate   The improved outlook for the UK economy   deposit markets remains competitive,   of 3.25%.   Corporate Governance Statement
 by 0.15% to 0.25% in December 2021, the first   in 2022 is reflected in the announcement   the Bank delivered a NIM of 3.8%     ∞ The Board are committed to continuing
 increase in rates in over three years. Further   by the FPC that the Counter Cyclical Buffer   (2020: 3.7%) and maintained a strong   to support our customers and the SME
 rate increases are expected during 2022 as   (CCyB) would increase to 1% in December   liquidity position with an LDR of 95% and   market through the recovery. The Board
 the Monetary Policy Committee seeks to   2022 and anticipating continued UK   reported an LCR of 287% at the year end.
                                                       are planning for continued growth in the
 control UK inflation within its target range.   economic recovery broadly in line with the   Bank’s balance sheet as well as ongoing
 MPC’s central projections in the November     ∞ Whilst the economic conditions in 2021
 The Bank continues to take a cautious   Monetary Policy Report and absent a   were less favourable than those in recent   investment in its people and systems.
 outlook on the economy, with the medium-  material change in the outlook for UK   years they were better than many had   The Bank’s performance is presented on a
 term impact of Covid 19 on customers and   financial stability, the CCyB rate will to be   anticipated, and this enabled the Bank’s   statutory basis and structured consistently
 the wider economy still uncertain.  increased to 2% in 2023.  impairment loss charge to reduce from
               £5.8m in 2020 to £3.5m in 2021. Balance   with the key elements of the business
               sheet provisions increased from £12.5m   model explained on pages 6 - 7. The 2021
               to £14.8m reflecting the growth in loan   financial statements have been prepared
               balances, maintaining an impairment   under International Financial Reporting                       Independent Auditor’s Report
               coverage ratio of 1.5% (2020: 1.5%).   Standards (IFRS). The Bank’s primary
                                                    financial statements are reported on pages
                                                    86 - 89, with a summary of these shown
               ∞ Recognising that the Bank’s people
               are its key differentiator in achieving its   below. There have been no changes in the
               service levels and customer support,   Bank’s accounting policies in 2021.
               the Board maintained their commitment
               to invest in infrastructure, capacity,
               and capability to ensure that the Bank
               continues to develop the skills and
               expertise it needs to support both the                               2021
               current business demands and future                                                                 Financial Statements
               growth aspirations. The average number                          ROCE
               of employees increased by 11% to 183
               during the year. Despite the continued           increased from
               investment in the business, the Bank
               reduced the cost income ratio from                                     %
               55.6% in 2020 to 51.0% in 2021.                              6.4 

               ∞ Despite the challenging conditions                                  to
               the Board are pleased with the Bank’s
               performance delivering a post-tax profit                   9.5%
               of £15.5m (2020: £9.4m) and ROE of
               9.5% (2020: 6.4%).                                                                                  Notes to the Financial Statements
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