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                                                                                                                                        The Bank's capital ratios exceeded its

                                                                                                                                        regulatory requirements throughout                                                                Strategic Report

                                                                                                                                        the year.

                                The Enterprise Risk Management           Governance of Risk Management                             Second line of defence                   Key Risk Indicators). The regular review of                   Corporate Governance Statement
                                Framework describes the risks the Bank is   Risk management is governed by the                     The Chief Risk Officer and team operate as   the Bank’s appetite for risk is facilitated and
                                willing to take in pursuit of, and the risks   corporate governance framework and                  the second line of defence, working closely   challenged by the second line of defence,
                                inherent within, its strategy, its governance   committee structure described in the               with executive management and their      driven by the recommendations of the
                                of risk management, and the methodologies   Bank’s corporate governance statement on               respective teams. The Chief Risk Officer is   appropriate executives and subject matter
                                used to measure and monitor these within   pages 42 - 75, with ultimate ownership by               independently responsible for managing,   experts. This process includes ensuring that
                                its ‘Risk Management Cycle’:                                                                                                                the key risks identified remain appropriate
                                                                         the Board.                                                designing, and continually updating the   against the strategic plan, current business,
                                                                                                                                   Enterprise Risk Management Framework     macroeconomic, geopolitical, regulatory,
                                                                         Three lines of defence model                              and risk assessment and evaluation tools   and legal environment, and experience
                                                                                                                                   and systems, providing training, review,
                                                                         The Bank manages risk using the ‘three lines              and challenge to the first line, and ensuring   of risk throughout the preceding year.
                                                                         of defence’ model, via clear responsibilities             that the Bank operates within all applicable   On at least an annual basis, the second
                                     Identify            Measure         established for all colleagues in relation to             regulatory guidelines and in line with   line of defence provides a review and
                                                                         risk management, including executive and                                                           challenge before presenting to the relevant
                                                                                                                                   emerging industry good practices in
                                                                         non-executive responsibilities documented                                                          executive committee (Risk Management                          Independent Auditor’s Report
                                                                                                                                   relation to risk management. A key role of
                                                Risk                     as applicable under the Senior Managers                   second line is to provide an independent   Committee, Credit Committee or Asset &
                                           Management                    and Certification Regime. The model                       view to management and the Board of the   Liabilities Committee) for further review
                                                                                                                                                                            and challenge and recommendation to the
                                                                         operates as follows:
                                               Cycle                                                                               risks within the Bank.                   Board Risk & Compliance Committee for
                                                                         First line of defence                                                                              approval. The Risk Appetite Statement is
                                     Monitor/            Manage/                                                                   Third line of defence                    refreshed and updated annually.
                                      Report             Mitigate        The Chief Executive Officer, executives                   The third line of defence is comprised of
                                                                         and their teams are responsible for
                                                                                                                                   Internal Audit, outsourced to Deloitte under   The Bank’s performance against Risk
                                                                         managing risk on a day-to-day basis,
                                                                                                                                   the administrative supervision of the Chief   Appetite is monitored via reporting to
                                                                         including identification of risks as they
                                                                                                                                   Risk Officer and Chief Financial Officer,   the executive risk committees. This is
                                                                         emerge, evaluating and reporting them
                                                                                                                                   reporting to the Bank’s Audit Committee.   summarised within the Chief Risk Officer
                                                                         and ensuring that the Bank operates within                                                                                                                       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                   Internal Audit is responsible for providing   Risk Management Report, which is
                                                                         risk appetite. This includes producing
                                                                                                                                   independent assurance that the Enterprise   presented to Risk Management Committee
                                A Risk Register is maintained to record and   Key Risk Indicators and other metrics,               Risk Management Framework, including its   and appropriate Board committees
                                monitor the full list of risks to which the   Committee and Board reporting, making                operation by the first and second lines, is   monthly. The periodic reporting shows
                                Bank is exposed. The Register is regularly   sure that all colleagues are adequately               operating effectively.                   status against each Key Risk Indicator (KRI)
                                refreshed, primarily as part of the Risk and   trained, and that the executives and senior                                                  and overall rating, based on parameters
                                Control Self-Assessment programme,       management provide leadership of the                      Risk Appetite                            set within the Enterprise Risk Management
                                to ensure that it provides an up-to-date   governance of risk as members of the                                                             Framework, using a Red/Amber/Yellow/
                                record of the Bank’s overall risk profile.   relevant committees. In support of this, a            The Risk Appetite is the amount and type of   Green scale and the expert judgement of
                                A forward-looking approach is ensured    dedicated first line risk function is in place            risks the Board is willing to take in pursuit   the first and second lines. These KRI’s detail
                                using quarterly stress testing and scenario   to provide risk management expertise                 of its strategy and objectives. The overall   the Bank’s Risk Appetite and are reviewed
                                analysis, feeding into the annual Internal   within an operational setting. The first line         objective is to protect the Bank from    at least annually or in the event of a major
                                Capital and Liquidity Adequacy Assessment   risk function undertakes an active role in             unacceptable levels of risk while supporting   change to strategy and/or environment                   Notes to the Financial Statements
                                processes (ICAAP and ILAAP) through      maintaining and improving internal control                and enabling overall business strategy   within which the Bank operates.
                                which the Bank ensures that it has sufficient   frameworks, remediating weaknesses in              (including the assessment of new business
                                capital and liquidity in place to cover the   operational processes, and supporting                opportunities). The Bank’s Risk Appetite
                                risks the Bank faces.                    business areas in the implementation of the               Statement outlines a mixture of qualitative
                                                                         Bank’s key risk management processes.                     and quantitative measures (Statements and
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