Page 19 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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18  Strategic Report                                                                                            19

 Carbon Neutral Plus

 status for the third

 Environmental, Social   year running    The table below sets out our emissions in   We have defined our intensity ratio as
 and Governance  respect of Scope 1, 2 and 3. Scope 1 covers   scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in tonnes
              direct emissions from owned or controlled   of CO e per £m of income as this is a
              sources, of which the Bank has none.    common business metric across the
 Introduction  Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the   banking sector. For completeness, we have
              generation of purchased electricity, steam,   also provided the ratio of scope 1, 2 and 3
 The environmental, social and governance   a property in a high flood risk area. Work is   heating and cooling. Scope 3 includes all   emissions in tonnes of CO e per employee.
 (ESG) agenda is a key focus for the   now underway to understand the potential   other indirect emissions that occur in the   2
 Board, with regular debate and reports   impact of that risk and how it might   Bank’s value chain.  The Bank has qualified for the
 received from the Executive relating to   materialise. Properties financed by the   Carbon Neutral Plus status for the third
 environmental, community, and wider   Bank have a range of EPC gradings, with   Total emissions in 2022 were 67.9 tonnes   year due to offsetting 100 tonnes of CO
 industry issues. The Bank’s governance   94% having an EPC rating at E or above.   of CO e, a decrease of 14.8% since the   emissions through the UK Tree Planting
 policies and processes are set out in detail   The Bank is now contacting customers   prior year (2021). In comparison to our   project, buddied with the VCS verified
 on pages 42 – 73.  with property EPC grades of F and G to   baseline year (2019), our Scope 1 and   Reduced Deforestation (REDD) project
 understand their proposals for the property.  2 emissions have reduced by 41.8%.   around the world. The Bank has in total
 The Board recognises the importance of   As we have improved at capturing our   offset 400 tonnes of CO e emissions over
 culture to the Bank’s health and creates the   The Board is proud of the engagement and   scope 3 emissions, these have shown   the past 4 years. The carbon credits were
 tone from the top so that the Board delivers   commitment of our people in reducing the   an increase of 47.5% over the same   supplied by Carbon Footprint Ltd from the
 on its responsibilities to all its various   Bank’s environmental impact and achieving   period. Employee-owned grey fleet travel   VSC 981 project. Details of this project with
 stakeholders, especially our customers.  carbon neutrality. Core to our colleague
 engagement is the active “Green Team”,   contributed the largest element of the   full project documentation is available on
 Reducing our environmental impact  which is a cross-function team of Bank   Bank’s emissions with 47.6% of the total   Verra’s website
 employees who volunteer to internally   in the year. Home-workers emissions
 Climate change is a significant challenge   promote the green agenda facilitating   decreased in the year as a result of   projectDetail/VCS/981.
 facing society, with a growing focus for   numerous communications, initiatives and   improved data collection processes.
 all stakeholders, and the Bank continues   activities focusing on upcycling, recycling,
 to maintain a proactive approach to its   and health and wellness, to help protect the
 environmental responsibilities.
 wider ecosystem.  Scope        Activity               2019 tCO e 1  2020 tCO e  2021 tCO e  2022 tCO e
 In 2022, the Bank returned to a hybrid
 working pattern, supporting remote   Environmental information  Scope 1  No operations  –  –  –     –
 working for up to 50% of the working week.   The Bank is committed to being a   Scope 2   Leicester – electricity   14.52  8.83  7.34  8.45
 This has led to new considerations of the   responsible user of resources and   generation and
 impact upon the environment of a hybrid   continues to consider ways in which it   transmission
 working pattern and how to mitigate the   can reduce its environmental impact.   & distribution 2
 environmental impact of both maintaining   This section reflects the Bank’s emissions
 an office environment on a full-time   as required by the UK Streamlined Energy   Scope 2 Sub Total  14.52  8.83  7.34   8.45
 basis and supporting remote working.   and Carbon Reporting (SECR) Regulations   Scope 3  Home-workers  n/a  44.05  44.36  15.75
 We have begun work to understand   for a ‘large unquoted organisation’.
 the environmental impact of remote   Grey Fleet             31.21        3.18        16.67       32.33
 working, changes to travel patterns of   In calculating our emissions, we have   Sheffield site  n/a  2.77  10.97  9.07
 employees and more limited use of office   followed the latest Department for
 space. The Bank achieved its plans to be   Environment, Food and Rural Affairs   Bristol site  n/a  0.94  0.31  1.99
 carbon neutral across its head office site   (DEFRA) guidance released in 2013   Water (and wastewater)  n/a  n/a  n/a  0.29
 in Leicester in 2019, and from 2020 has   and the 2019 Department for Business,
 maintained its Carbon Neutral Plus status.  Environment & Industrial Strategy   Scope 3 Sub Total  31.21  50.94  72.31  59.43
 (BEIS) UK Government environmental
 The Bank is currently focusing on   reporting guidance. We have calculated   Total emissions as tonnes of CO e   45.73  59.77  79.64  67.88
 understanding the potential impact on   our emissions using the most up to date   Tonnes of CO e per employee 3  0.28  0.32  0.40  0.32
 its loan security values and customers’   2022 emission factors developed by   2
 investments from increased flooding, as   DEFRA and BEIS.  Tonnes of CO e per £m  1.07  1.58  1.61  0.89
 well as potential new legislation relating to   Carbon Offsetting
 minimum Energy Performance Certificate   In relation to our organisational boundary,
 (EPC) gradings. Through 2022, the Bank has   we have used the financial control   Verified Carbon Offsets  (100)  (100)  (100)  (100)
 continued its analysis on properties subject   approach. In relation to operational scope,   1   Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
 to a high flood risk and has identified 143   we have measured our scope 1, 2 and   2   This includes a small amount of Scope 3 emissions from transmission and distribution.
 properties out of a total of over 2,972   certain scope 3 emissions.  3   Based on employee headcount as at the end of each financial year.
 properties where the Bank has exposure to
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