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22   Strategic Report                                                                                                                                                                                                             23

              • Policies and procedures – throughout
             2022, we have continued to review
             people policies and procedures to
             ensure that they promote our beliefs              Diversity and
             and stance on inclusivity. We confirmed
             our hybrid working arrangements,          inclusion remain
             with colleagues able to work up to
             50% of their time at home, developing           at the heart of
             the infrastructure and management
             practices required to effectively support            our culture
             this way of working. This approach
             has been welcomed by colleagues
             who provided positive feedback in
             our internal colleague survey. In 2022,
             the Performance & Remuneration
             Committee decided to equalise benefits
             so that the Bank’s benefits package is   with 32% female representation in                                              Activity                                Financial Performance
             the same for all colleagues regardless   senior management, 30% on our Board,                                           During the year, the Bank has focussed
             of grade or position. The Board also    and 33% of our Executive Committee                                              on creating a cultural design framework   Macroeconomics
             committed actively to supporting        being female. Whilst we are proud of                                            that will underpin the Bank’s strategy
             colleagues with the cost-of-living      this, it is not enough, and our journey                                         and provide a basis for future review and   2022 has seen the impacts of higher
             challenge, making one off payments      continues as we seek to achieve female                                          measurement. This has been linked to the   energy costs, global supply chain
             to all staff below Executive level in July   representation at all levels of senior                                     results of our staff engagement surveys,   shortages, the conflict in Ukraine as well as
             2022 and making pay awards of 3% in     management to 40% by 2025 and 75%                                               our work with the Financial Services Culture   post Covid-19 and Brexit effects resulting
             April 2022. There has been no change    female representation on our apprentice,                                        Board, and our customer and broker      in a significant deterioration in the UK
             to our variable pay schemes during the   intern and graduate programmes. In                                             engagement surveys.                     economic outlook.
             year, and the majority of colleagues    2022, we reduced our Gender Pay Gap
             benefitted from the Bank’s discretionary   to 26% and have committed to targets to                                      We have also focussed on refining the   The Bank of England increased bank base
             profit-sharing scheme capped at 10%     reduce our Ethnicity Pay Gap by a third                                         constituent parts that drive the Bank’s   rate by 3.25% to 3.5% during 2022 with
             of basic salary. The Board pays close   over the next three years.                                                      culture, by:                            further increases expected in 2023 as
             attention to the Bank’s culture and key                                                                                    • being responsive to the cost of living   the Monetary Policy Committee seeks to
             people measures, including turnover                                                                                       crisis and how we remunerate staff;   reduce UK inflation.
             rates, sickness levels and time taken   Culture                                                                                                                 The Bank remains committed to supporting
             to fill vacancies. All of these remain                                                                                     • maintaining our representative forums   its customers and staff through the current
             positively low, although we have been                                                                                     that allow colleague engagement;      difficult economic environment.
             mindful of the increase of mental     Overview                                                                             • reviewing our approach to hybrid
             health concerns and as a result have                                                                                      working arrangements;                 Prudential framework
             extended our support to colleagues    Mindful that the culture of an organisation
             by providing additional counselling   is key to how customers and other                                                    • renewing our commitment to local   The prudential framework has remained
             services, training for managers and   stakeholders are treated, the Board plays                                           charities and communities;            relatively unchanged during 2022. The
             adjustment to working arrangements    a vital role in the leadership, development,                                         • refreshing our benefits and rewards   implementation of CRRII took place
             to support individuals;               and oversight of the Bank’s culture. We                                                                                   from the 1 January 2022, with the key
                                                   know that it is our culture that has enabled                                        system to improve and better align    change from the Bank’s perspective being
              • Talent and growth – the Bank’s ‘grow   us to differentiate ourselves as the specialist                                 benefits to colleagues needs including   the implementation of the Net Stable
             our own’ strategy supports our diversity   SME Bank of choice. Our culture is reflected                                   improvements to maternity, paternity,   Funding Ratio (NSFR) ratio. The Bank’s
             and inclusion ambitions, advocating that   in everything we do: we value building and                                     and adoption leave.                   NSFR at the end of December 2022
             all colleagues have a development plan   maintaining strong relationships, using our                                       • implementing our inclusion and diversity   was 134%, above the 100% minimum
             that supports them to be successful in   expertise, being open, caring, and down                                          plan; Continuing to support colleagues   regulatory requirement.
             their role and achieve their potential   to earth – a culture that enables us to                                          develop their competency through
             whilst enabling the Bank to have      understand and support our customers,                                               the learning and development of skills,   The Bank’s strong capital base has
             strong internal succession in place.   colleagues and communities in which we                                             knowledge and behaviours;             enabled it to meet the higher capital
             Gender diversity is one element of our   live and work. The Board regularly reviews                                                                             requirement set for all Bank’s as a result
             inclusivity strategy. In 2022, five years   and considers how the culture evolves                                          • reviewing the Bank’s cultural rituals,   of the Counter Cyclical buffer increasing
             after signing the Women in Finance    with the Bank’s growth as well as reviewing                                         norms and artefacts; and              to 1% in December 2022. The Bank is also
             Charter, we achieved our pledge to    the cultural indicators to assess how it is                                          • Board evaluation of how they visibly lead   ready and able to manage the further 1%
                                                                                                                                                                             increase in this buffer that is expected to
             increase women in senior management   embedded across the organisation.
                                                                                                                                       and advocate the culture.             be implemented in July 2023.
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