Page 21 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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20  Strategic Report                                                                                            21

 Supporting our local communities  The Bank also has a number of employees   Developing a Diverse and     • Recruitment and selection – A key part of
 that are active members in the organising   Inclusive workplace  our strategy is widening our recruitment
 2022 saw ever increasing challenges   and running of local charities, including the   sources and attracting people who are
 upon local communities created by the   Treasurer of Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland.  Diversity and inclusion remain at the heart of   underrepresented in Financial Services
 cost of living crisis and the challenges   the Bank’s culture, being one of the founding   (FS) and/or would not consider or have
 following the Covid-19 pandemic. The   Treating businesses fairly and helping our   principles on which we have built and grown   easy access to the industry. The focus
 Bank remained committed to focusing its   customers grow  the Bank over the last 10 years. We are   on increasing direct recruitment, actively
 efforts on supporting local communities   actively promoting equality for all regardless   considering the wording of our adverts
 through a blend of monetary donations   The Bank is committed to treating businesses   of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability,   and sourcing from non- traditional paths
 and practical help through colleagues’ time   fairly and helping them grow through   sexual orientation, education, or other   is beginning to increase the diversity of
 and energy. In 2022, the Bank donated   prompt payment of invoices and are pleased   characteristics that may result in people   candidates. We know that including the
 more than £37,500 to charities and good   to confirm an improved performance with   being marginalised.  need for banking experience excludes
 causes, including matched funding of   98% of suppliers being paid within 30 days   We believe that the individual differences   capable and skilled candidates who
 £5,000 in support of colleagues fundraising   for the year ending 31 December 2022   and the contributions of everyone in our   have diverse thinking and experience,
 efforts. As a result of this we were proud to   (2021: 99%) reflected in the Bank’s ‘2022 Fast   team enables us to work effectively together   and therefore our focus has been on
 be awarded ‘Socially Responsible Business   Payer Award’ from the Good Business Pays   to deliver great customer experiences.   defining required skills and behaviours to
 of the Year’ by Embark CSR as part of their   Community Interest Company.  This underpins our strategy of actively   attract candidates with transferable skills
 inaugural Leicester Giving Day.
              attracting, employing and retaining a     rather than seeking only people with FS
 Our contributions to our local   diverse and adaptable team. Our aim is that   experience. As a result, in 2022, 57% of
 community included:  our workforce will be truly representative   roles have been filled from our own direct
              of all sections of society and that each   recruitment advertising and 12% of roles
   • Continued support of the IGNITE   employee feels respected and able to   were filled through colleague referrals. We
 programme, which is run by the National   give their best. We promote equality and   are actively working to build relationships
 Space Centre and inspires children   fairness for everyone who has contact with   with organisations that support and
 and families in Leicester by getting   the Bank, regardless of whether they are   represent under-represented groups in FS
 them excited about space and creating   actual or potential customers, employee   (disability, race, background) as well as local
 related pathways through education and   members, suppliers or other stakeholders.   schools and colleges to attract apprentices
 into employment;
              The Bank believes that greater diversity leads   straight from secondary education;
   • Involvement with the East Midlands   to wider thinking and skill sets, creating     • Voice – as the Bank has grown, we
 Chamber of Commerce where we   increased innovation and ultimately, better   recognise the importance of increasing the
 continued our sponsorship of the   customer service.   opportunity for everyone to be heard. We
 Leicestershire Environmental Impact   Having committed in 2021 to a three-year   have continued with our internal annual
 award for the second consecutive year;
              plan to further develop our inclusive     colleague survey, frequent ‘pulse’ surveys, as
   • Enabling the Green Gym with   workplace, we are proud of the progress we   well as our bank-wide monthly All Colleague
 The Conservation Volunteers (TCV),   made in 2022 towards successfully achieving   Meetings; these provide the opportunity
 which is part of Rolleston Primary   that plan. We have 5 core pillars within the   for colleagues to raise questions, ideas and
 School in Glen Parva;  plan which have been, and continue to be,   concerns. In 2022, we participated again in
              actively worked on:                       the FSCB survey, with our results continuing
   • Ongoing work with Leicestershire Cares             to be positive. The Bank continues to record
 supporting a number of initiatives from     • Data and reporting – having robust data   consistently high participation rates and
 Interview techniques, Eggstravaganza   is an issue for many firms due to the   strong scores in all its surveys. In 2022 we
 and their Bags of Hope for Christmas   reliance of self-disclosure by colleagues.   widened the use of colleague working
 initiative, that sees festive essentials   Through talking to our colleagues   groups, providing more colleagues with
 delivered to disadvantaged vulnerable   about what we are trying to achieve   opportunities to get involved with shaping
 groups in our local community;  and why, providing several routes for   how the Bank develops and operates.
                confidential disclosure, in 2022 we have
   • Continued work with the Leicestershire   increased our self-disclosure to 90%,   We already had active Green and Charity
 and Rutland Community Foundation,   covering a wider range of characteristics   teams as well as the more formal Colleague
 which has included funding for Soft   including experiences, education and   forum, all of which continued to evolve
 Touch Arts, where the Bank’s support   socio-economic backgrounds as well as   in 2022. Specific working groups set up
 has funded an Enterprise Project to   the protected characteristics. We believe   in 2022 have resulted in changes to our
 help young adults find a way of putting   we now have a core basis on which to   maternity, paternity and adoption pay, a new
 their passion for arts into related   report and properly measure our progress   performance management process, as well
 employment; and                                        as leading our celebration of events such
                across the whole subject of diversity,
   • Participating in the ‘We Care Food Bank’   informing our plans to become more   as black history month, Pride and various
                                                        religious celebrations;
 collection across our offices.  inclusive as we continue our growth;
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