Page 24 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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24   Strategic Report                                                                                                                                                                                                             25

           Financial review                                                                                                           Summary Income Statement £’000                                       2022          2021

              • The Bank has delivered a strong financial                                                                             Interest income                                                     75,977        55,335
             performance in 2022 despite the                                                                                          Interest expense                                                   (16,753)      (10,408)
             deteriorating economic environment
             evidenced during the year.                                                                                               Net interest income                                                 59,224        44,927
              • Net Interest income increased by £14m                                                                                 Other income                                                           28            23
             compared to the prior period as a                                                                                        Total Operating Income                                              59,252        44,950
             result of the growth in customer loans
             and advances and an increase in the                                                                                      Operating expenses (including depreciation)                        (25,940)       (22,936)
             net interest margin. Whilst pricing in
             both the lending and deposit markets                                                                                     Impairment charge                                                   (4,773)        (3,524)
             remains competitive, the increases and                                                                                   Profit Before Tax                                                   28,539        18,490
             the timing of bank base rate rises, the
             mix of the Bank’s loans and deposits in                                                                                  Taxation charge                                                     (5,337)        (3,024)
             terms of fixed and variable rates enabled                                                                                Profit After Tax                                                    23,202        15,466
             the Bank to increase its NIM to 4.5%
             (2021: 3.8%) and maintained a strong                                                                                     Summary Balance Sheet £’000                                          2022          2021
             liquidity position with an LDR of 94% and                                                                                Liquid assets                                                      331,023       289,588
             reported an LCR of 361% at the year end.
                                                                                                                                      Loans and advances to customers                                   1,037,710      977,834
              • The Bank’s loans and advances to
             customers continue to perform with                                                                                       Other assets                                                          7,812        7,449
             low levels of defaults despite the       • The Bank continues to maintain a strong                                       Total Assets                                                      1,376,545    1,274,871
             deteriorating economic conditions.      liquidity and capital position. At the end
             The Bank is cognisant of the economic   of December 2022, the Bank held liquid                                           Customer deposits                                                 1,103,256     1,025,520
             uncertainty and this has resulted in its   assets of over £331m with an LCR of                                           Central Bank facilities                                             78,000        78,000
             impairment loss charge increasing from   361%, significantly above the regulatory
             £3.5m to £4.8m in 2022. Balance sheet   requirement of 100%. The Bank’s total                                            Derivative financial liabilities                                     1,010          254
             provisions increased from £14.8m to     capital ratio was 23.6% at the end of                                            Other liabilities                                                    9,433         7,280
             £16.9m reflecting the growth in loan    December with a CET1 ratio of 20.7%.
             balances, and an increased impairment   The Bank’s leverage ratio was 13.9%,                                             Shareholders’ funds                                                184,846       163,817
             coverage ratio of 1.6% (2021: 1.5%).    significantly above the regulatory limit                                         Total Liabilities and Equity                                     1,376,545     1,274,871
                                                     of 3.25%.
              • Recognising that the Bank’s people                                                                                    Key Performance Metrics                                              2022          2021
             are its key differentiator in achieving its     • The Board are committed to continuing
             service levels and customer support,    to support our customers and the SME                                             Gross new lending                                                   £310m         £323m
             the Board maintained their commitment   market through the current economic                                              Net interest margin                                                   4.5%          3.8%
             to invest in infrastructure, capacity,   downturn. Despite the less favourable
             and capability to ensure that the Bank   operating environment the Board are                                             Cost:income ratio                                                     44%          51.0%
             continues to develop the skills and     planning for continued growth in the                                             Cost of risk                                                        47bps          38bps
             expertise it needs to support both the   Bank’s balance sheet as well as ongoing
             current business demands and future     investment in its people and systems.                                            Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio                                   20.7%         19.9%
             growth aspirations. The average number   The Bank’s performance is presented on a                                        Total capital ratio                                                  23.6%         23.0%
             of employees increased by 13% to 206   statutory basis and structured consistently
             during the year. Despite the continued   with the key elements of the business                                           Liquidity Coverage Ratio                                             361%          287%
             investment in the business, the Bank   model explained on page 13. The 2022                                              Return On Capital Employed (ROCE)                                    12.6%          9.5%
             reduced the cost income ratio from    financial statements have been prepared
             51.0% in 2021 to 44% in 2022.                                                                                            Definitions:
                                                   under UK-adopted international financial                                           Gross new lending – new loans drawn down during the period
              • Despite the challenging conditions   reporting standards (IFRS). The Bank’s                                           Net interest margin – net interest income / average interest earning assets (at the start and end of the period)
                                                                                                                                      Cost:income ratio – total operating costs / total operating income
             the Board are pleased with the Bank’s   primary financial statements are reported                                        Cost of risk – loan loss impairment charge / average gross lending balance (at the start and end of the period)
             performance delivering Profit after tax   on pages 84 – 87, with a summary of these                                      Impairment coverage – impairment provisions / gross loans and advances to customers
             of £23.2m (2021: £15.5m) and ROCE of   shown below. There have been no changes                                           Common equity tier 1 capital ratio – ordinary shares and reserves (common equity) / risk weighted assets (at the reporting date)
                                                                                                                                      Total capital ratio – all forms of capital (CET 1 and AT1) / risk weighted assets (at the reporting date)
             12.6% (2021: 9.5%).                   in the Bank’s accounting policies in 2022.                                         All capital ratios include IFRS9 transitional relief
                                                                                                                                      Return On Capital Employed (ROCE) – Profit after tax / Total equity (Retained Earnings + Ordinary Shares + AT1 capital)
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