Page 96 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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96   Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                                                                                                                                            97

           15  Loans and Advances to customers                  Gross loans and advances to customers includes                       16  Allowance for impairment losses
                                                                Hire Purchase and Finance Lease agreements.
              Loans and advances to customers are initially     The table below shows the timing of the expected                        A description of the Bank’s credit risk management and methodology in respect of allowances for impairment
              measured at fair value plus incremental direct    cashflows on these agreements.                                          losses is provided below in Note 28. This Note also includes the sensitivity of the Bank’s impairment losses to
              transaction costs, and subsequently at their                                                                              changes in its forward-looking economic scenarios. The tables below set out the Bank’s provisions by IFRS 9
              amortised cost, using the effective interest method.                                                                      stage as well as a reconciliation of the opening to the closing allowance for impairment losses on loans and
                                                                £’000                        2022     2021                              advances to customers.
              The Bank has measured its loans and advances
              to customers at amortised cost on the basis that   Gross investment in finance
              the Bank holds these assets for the objective of   lease receivables*:                                                                                                    Not credit impaired Credit impaired
              collecting contractual cash flows, and the cash     Less than one year       33,866   29,317                                                                         Stage 1:      Stage 2:      Stage 3:         Total
              flows associated with the assets include only                                                                                                                      subject to    subject to    subject to
              payments of principal and interest (SPPI). For the   1 – 2 years             29,808   23,903                              £’000                                12-month ECL     lifetime ECL  lifetime ECL
              purposes of this assessment, ‘principal’ is defined   2 – 3 years            25,829   17,906
              as the fair value of the financial asset on initial                                                                       Real Estate Finance                          2,277         5,793         5,766        13,836
              recognition. ‘Interest’ is defined as consideration   3 – 4 years            22,396   13,123                              Asset Finance                                 559           161            210           930
              for the time value of money for the credit risk
                                                                  4 – 5 years               9,517    9,739
              associated with the principal amount outstanding                                                                          At 31 December 2021                          2,836         5,954         5,976        14,766
              during a particular period and for other basic      More than five years      6,115   10,756                              Real Estate Finance                          1,964         8,013         4,753        14,730
              lending risks and costs, as well as a profit margin.
                                                                Total                     127,531  104,744
              In making this assessment the Bank has considered                                                                         Asset Finance                                1,118          270            810         2,198
              whether the financial asset contains a contractual   Unearned future finance                                              At 31 December 2022                          3,082         8,283         5,563        16,928
              term that could change the timing or amount       income on finance charges  (16,488)  (13,900)
              of contractual cashflows such that it would not   Net investment in
              meet this condition. All the Bank’s loans contain   finance leases          111,043   90,844                                                                         Stage 1:      Stage 2:      Stage 3:         Total
              prepayment features. A prepayment feature is                                                                              Impairment provision movement 2022       subject to    subject to    subject to
              consistent with the SPPI criteria if the prepayment   The net investment in                                               £’000                                12-month ECL     lifetime ECL  lifetime ECL
              amount substantially represents unpaid amounts    finance leases may be
              of principal and interest on the principal amount   analysed as follows:                                                  Closing Balance at 31 December 2022          3,082         8,283         5,563        16,928
              outstanding, which may include reasonable           Less than one year       27,752   24,500
              compensation for early termination of the contract.                                                                       Opening Balance at 1 January 2022            2,836         5,954         5,976        14,766
                                                                  1 – 5 years              77,604   56,635
              Gross loans and advances is net of an EIR liability of                                                                    Increase (decrease) in provision              246          2,329          (413)        2,162
              £4.1m (2021: £4.1m).                                More than five years      5,687    9,709
                                                                                          111,043   90,844
                                                                                                                                        Increase (decrease) in provision
              £’000                      2022       2021       * Excludes effective interest rate
                                                                                                                                        New loans originated                          847           279             93         1,219
              Gross loans
              and advances           1,054,638    992,600                                                                               Derecognised loans                            (536)         (553)          (45)        (1,134)
                                                                                                                                        Loan commitments                              (235)           –             –           (235)
              Less: allowance for
              impairment losses                                                                                                         Allowance utilised in respect of write-offs     (1)          (41)        (3,193)       (3,235)
              (see note 16)            (16,928)   (14,766)
                                                                                                                                        Transfers between Stages and increase
              Net loan receivables   1,037,710   977,834                                                                                (decrease) in credit risk
                                                                                                                                          · Transfers from Stage 1                    (288)         229             59            –

                                                                                                                                          · Transfers from Stage 2                    500         (1,269)          769            –
                                                                                                                                          · Transfers from Stage 3                      –           433           (433)            –
                                                                                                                                          · Increase in credit risk                    (41)        3,251         2,337         5,547
                                                                                                                                                                                      246          2,329          (413)        2,162
                                                                                                                                        P&L charge

                                                                                                                                        Increase (decrease) in provision              246          2,329          (413)        2,162
                                                                                                                                        Write-Offs                                    437            68          2,293         2,798
                                                                                                                                        P&L impairment charge                         683          2,397         1,880         4,960

                                                                                                                                        Income Adjustment*                                                        (187)         (187)
                                                                                                                                        Total P&L impairment charge                   683          2,397         1,693         4,773
                                                                                                                                       * Interest originally charged on the gross carrying amount for credit impaired stage 3 assets which has subsequently been recalculated on the
                                                                                                                                        net carrying amount. This resulted in a reduced interest income and impairment charge in the income statement of £187k.
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