Page 103 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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102  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                          103

 20 Other assets and prepayments  On initial designation of the hedge, the Bank
 formally documents the relationship between   Fair value hedges of interest rate risk  2022    2021
 the hedging instruments and the hedged items,   £’000
 £’000  2022  2021
 including the risk management objective, together   Instrument type:  Assets  Liabilities  Assets   Liabilities
 Other debtors  84  132  with the method that will be used to assess the   Interest rate  –  1,010  –     254
 effectiveness of the hedging relationship. The Bank
 Cash Ratio Deposit   1,415  1,205
 makes an assessment, at inception of whether the   Total                –       1,010          –         254
 Prepayments   1,074  754  hedging instruments are expected to be highly
 effective in offsetting the changes in the fair value
 Total  2,573  2,091  The fair value of the Bank’s derivatives in place at the year-end was a liability of £1,010k (2021: £254k).
 or cash flows of the hedged items during the
 period in which the hedge is designated. On a   Credit risk derivative risk management
 The Bank is required to hold a Cash Ratio Deposit   monthly basis the Bank must be able to continue to   The Bank mitigates the credit risk of derivatives by entering into transactions under International Swaps
 by the Bank of England. This is calculated twice   demonstrate that the critical terms of the derivative   and Derivatives (ISDA) master netting agreements. The Bank has executed a Credit Support Annex (CSA) in
 yearly at 0.18% of average eligible liabilities over the   and the hedged item continue to be closely aligned   conjunction with the ISDA agreement, which requires the Bank and its counterparty (NatWest Markets PLC) to
 previous six months in excess of £600m.  in order to conclude that the relationship remains   post collateral to mitigate counterparty credit risk in the event of specific triggers being met.
 highly effective.
 21  Derivatives held for risk management
 All the Bank’s hedging relationships are currently
 Derivatives held for risk management purposes   fair value hedges.  % of exposure that is subject to   Principal type of   (received)/given
                                                 collateral requirements
 include all derivative assets and liabilities that are
 not classified as trading assets or liabilities. The Bank   •  Fair value hedges  Type of credit exposure  2022  2021
 has designated its derivatives as fair value hedges in   Where a derivative financial instrument is designated
 order to reduce volatility in the income statement.   as a hedge of the variability in fair value of a   Derivatives held for risk
 Where a derivative financial instrument meets   recognised asset or liability, or an unrecognised   management  100%  100%  Cash   £1.1m
 the requirements of a fair value hedge, changes
 firm commitment, all changes in the fair value of
 in the fair value of the hedged item are taken to   The following table sets out the Bank’s financial assets and financial liabilities that are subject to an enforceable
 the derivative are recognised immediately in the
 the income statement offsetting the effect of the   master netting arrangement, irrespective of whether they are offset in the statement of financial position.
 income statement. To the extent to which the
 related movements in the fair value of the derivative.   The values reflect the instruments fair value. The Bank’s ISDA does not meet the criteria for offsetting in the
 hedge is effective, the carrying value of the hedged
 As at 31 December 2022, the Bank had £9m   statement of financial position. This is because it creates a right of set-off of recognised amounts that is only
 item is adjusted by the change in fair value that is
 nominal value of derivatives (2021: £21m), all related   attributable to the risk being hedged (even if it is   enforceable following a predetermined event.
 to the hedging of fixed rate deposit balances.
 normally carried at cost or amortised cost) and any   Cash is pledged and received as collateral against derivative contracts which are used by the Bank to manage its
 gains or losses on measurement are recognised   exposure to market risk. Collateral is pledged to derivative contract counterparties where there is a net amount
 Nominal value  Fair value  immediately in the income statement (even if   outstanding to the counterparty, and collateral is received from derivative contract counterparties where there
 those gains would normally be recognised directly   is a net amount due to the Bank. All derivatives are marked to market on a daily basis, with collateral pledged
 £’000  2022  2021  2022  2021
 in reserves).   or received if the aggregate mark to market valuation exceeds the CSA variation margin threshold. The Bank’s
 Instrument   On the discontinuance of a hedge, any adjustment   derivative contracts have an outstanding contractual period of up to 3.5 years (2021:5 years).
 made to the carrying amount of the hedged item as   At 31 December 2022 the Bank had pledged £1.1m (2021: £280k) of collateral, which is included in the total
 Interest rate  9,000  21,000  (1,010)  (254)  a consequence of the fair value hedge relationship,   loans and advances to banks category on the balance sheet.
 is recognised in the income statement over the
 Designated   remaining life of the hedged item.
 in fair value                                                                  Related amounts not
 hedges  The Bank uses interest rate swaps to minimise                          offset in the statement
 interest rate risk exposure in specific periods by   £’000                     of financial position
 Total   hedging the interest rate risk associated with fixed
 interest rate   rate deposit balances. The terms of the hedged   Gross   Gross amounts
 derivatives  9,000  21,000  (1,010)  (254)  amounts of   of financial   Net amounts of
 items and hedging instrument are aligned to
 minimise hedge ineffectiveness arising. Hedge   recognised   liabilities offset in   financial liabilities   Financial   Cash
 Under IFRS 9 the Bank is not required to undertake   ineffectiveness, the difference between the hedging   Type   financial   the statement of   in the statement of  instruments  collateral  Net
                                                               financial position
                                              financial position
 a monthly retrospective test for hedge effectiveness   gains or losses of the hedging instrument and the
 as it can demonstrate the critical terms of the hedge   hedged item recognised in the income statement   2022
 instrument and the hedged item are matched.  was £nil (2021: £2k charge).
                 Derivatives held for
                 risk management
                 Assets                    –                –                –          –         –        –
                 Liabilities               –             1,010               –          –         –     1,010
                 Derivatives held for
                 risk management
                 Assets                    –                –                –          –         –        –
                 Liabilities               –              254                –          –         –       254
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108