Page 104 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
P. 104

104   Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                                                                                                                                            105

           22  Deposits from customers                                                                                               25  Capital and reserves
                                                                £’000                      2022       2021
              IFRS 9 stipulates that all financial liabilities be                                                                    •  Share capital
              classified at amortised cost, except for those    Variable rate
              recognised at fair value through profit or loss   deposit balances         643,438   658,229
              (including derivative contracts). This includes:                                                                          £’000                                          2022         2021          2022          2021
                                                                Fixed rate deposit balances   460,829  367,544
                 – Financial liabilities which have been designated   Total            1,104,267  1,025,773                             Ordinary shares of £1 each authorised,
                as FVTPL on the basis that this provides more                                                                           issued and fully paid
                relevant financial information;                 Fair value adjustment                                                   1 January                                    44,955        44,955    44,955,000    44,955,000
                                                                for hedged risk            (1,011)    (253)
                 – Financial liabilities which arise when a transfer of                                                                 Shares issued during the year                     –            –             –            –
                a financial asset do not qualify for derecognition   Total deposits
                (or when the continuing involvement             from customers         1,103,256  1,025,520                             31 December                                  44,955        44,955    44,955,000   44,955,000
                approach applies);
                 – Financial guarantee contracts;            23  Central Bank Facilities
                                                                                                                                        £’000                                          2022         2021          2022          2021
                 – Commitments to provide a loan at a below     The Bank has drawings of £78m under the Bank of                         Perpetual subordinated contingent
                market rate of interest; or                     England Term Funding Scheme for SMEs (‘TFSME’).                         convertible loan notes
                                                                These funds drawn in September 2021 have a
                 – Contingent consideration recognised by an    maturity of four years and bear interest at bank base                   1 January                                    22,900        22,900    22,900,000    22,900,000
                acquirer in a business combination to which     rate. The remaining maturity of the Bank’s drawings
                IFRS 3 applies.                                                                                                         Authorised notes issued during the year           -             -            -             -
                                                                is 33 months.
              The Bank has assessed all financial liabilities to   The Bank has pre-positioned loan assets with the                     Fully paid notes as at 31 December           22,900        22,900    22,900,000   22,900,000
              classify and measure them appropriately. As with
                                                                Bank of England for future use in Sterling Monetary
              financial assets, financial liabilities are initially
                                                                Schemes. More details are set out in Note 28.
              measured at their fair value, plus or minus any                                                                           The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive   •  Convertible loan note interest payments
              transaction costs which are directly attributable to                                                                      dividends as declared from time to time and are   The following convertible loan note interest
              the financial liability.                          £’000                        2022     2021                              entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the   payments were recognised as distributions to
                                                                                                                                        Bank. During the year there were no new shares
              In respect of Customer Deposits, the Bank         TFSME                      78,000   78,000                              authorised or issued (2021: nil). There were no new   owners during the year ended 31 December:
              classifies its customer deposits as being held at   Total                    78,000   78,000                              issues of any convertible loan notes (2021: nil).
              amortised cost, which is consistent with the criteria                                                                                                                       £’000                       2022      2021
              outlined above.                                                                                                           Dividends on ordinary shares are recognised in
                                                             24 Other liabilities and accruals                                          equity in the period in which they are approved by   Convertible loan note interest
              The Bank pays commission to certain brokers in                                                                            shareholders. No ordinary share dividends were paid   6.285 pence per loan note
              respect of its deposit accounts. The commission is   £’000                     2022     2021                              in 2022 (2021: nil).                              (2021: 5.602 pence per
              charged as a percentage of the customer balance                                                                                                                             loan note)                  1,439    1,283
              and is recognised within interest payable.        Accruals                    6,041    4,284                              Cambridgeshire Local Government Pension Scheme
                                                                                                                                        holds the perpetual subordinated contingent       Total                       1,439    1,283
              Deposits are the Bank’s primary source of debt    Lease liability             1,995    2,056                              convertible loan notes. Interest on these securities
              funding. The Bank hedges interest rate risk       Corporation tax               326        –                              is due and payable only at the sole discretion of
              arising from its fixed rate deposit balances. As at                                                                                                                      26 Employee benefits
              31 December 2022 £9m (2021: £21m) of the Bank’s   Other creditors             1,071      940                              the Board.
              fixed rate deposits are hedged using interest rate                                                                     •  Fair value through other comprehensive income   •  Defined contribution pension plans
              derivatives. These deposits are held at amortised   Total                     9,433    7,280                              reserve (FVOCI reserve)
              cost but a fair value adjustment is applied in respect                                                                                                                      The defined contribution plan is a post-employment
              of the hedged risk.                               See Note 30 for more details on the lease liability.                    The FVOCI reserve includes the cumulative net     benefit plan under which the company pays fixed
                                                                                                                                        change in the fair value of financial assets until the   contributions into a separate entity and will have
                                                                                                                                                                                          no legal or constructive obligation to pay further
                                                                                                                                        investment is derecognised or impaired. The increase
              £’000                       2022      2021                                                                                                                                  amounts. Obligations for contributions to defined
                                                                                                                                        in the fair value reserve during 2022 reflects the
              Instant access             65,441    77,309                                                                               increased volatility in the value of these assets as a   contribution pension plans are recognised as an
                                                                                                                                                                                          expense in the income statement in the periods
                                                                                                                                        result of the world wide and UK economic outlook.
              Term and notice accounts                                                                                                                                                    during which services are rendered by employees.
                 Payable within 1 year  882,998   801,011                                                                                                                                 The Bank operates a defined contribution Personal
                                                                                                                                        £’000                        2022     2021
                 Payable after one year  155,828  147,453                                                                                                                                 Pension Scheme, which is provided by Royal
                                                                                                                                        FVOCI reserve as at 1 January   (475)   26        London Mutual Insurance Society Limited and
              Total                   1,104,267  1,025,773                                                                                                                                contributes to the personal pension plans of certain
                                                                                                                                        FVOCI financial assets –                          employees. The pension cost for the year represents
              Fair value adjustment                                                                                                     net change during the year  (1,233)    (411)
                                                                                                                                                                                          the contributions payable by the Bank under these
              for hedged risk            (1,011)     (253)
                                                                                                                                        Related tax                   499       (90)      arrangements and amounted to £1,513k (2021:
              Total deposits                                                                                                            FVOCI Reserve as at                               £1,023k). There was an outstanding contribution
              from customers          1,103,256  1,025,520                                                                                                                                due of £1k (2021: £2k) at the end of the year.
                                                                                                                                        31 December                 (1,209)   (475)
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