Page 109 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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108  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                          109

 The fair values of all financial assets and financial liabilities by class, together with their carrying amounts,   28 Financial risk management  Credit exposure
 and fair value valuation level are as shown in the following table:
                 A key component of the Bank’s business is the    The Bank’s maximum exposure to credit risk after
                 effective management of risk in order to ensure   provisions for impairment is as follows:
 2022            that the Bank maintains sufficient capital, liquidity
                 and controls at all times and acts in a reputable
 Level 1  Level 2  Level 3                                        £’000                      2022        2021
                 way, taking into account the interests of customers,
 Carrying   Fair   Carrying   Fair   Carrying   Fair   Regulators and shareholders. The principal risks the   Cash and balances
 £’000  amount  value  amount  value  amount  value  Bank is exposed to include:  at central banks  286,680  240,158
 Financial Assets  •  Credit risk:                                Loans and advances
                    – Loans and advances to customers;            to banks                  13,931     12,293
 Cash & balances     – Loans and advances to banks and
 at central banks  286,680  286,680  –  –  –  –                   Debt securities           30,412     37,137
                    debt securities;
 Loans and advances   •  Liquidity risk;                          Loans and advances
 to banks  –  –  13,931  13,931  –  –                             to customers*          1,054,638    992,600
              •  Market risk;
 Debt securities  30,412  30,412  –  –  –  –
              •  Operational risk; and
 Loans and advances                                               Commitments to lend**  1,385,661   1,282,188
 to customers  –  –  –  –  1,037,710  1,019,412  •  Capital adequacy.
                                                                                           102,839    111,513
 Financial liabilities  The Bank’s Enterprise Risk Management
                 Framework and Risk Appetite are set out in the   Gross credit
 Customers’ accounts  –  –  –  –  1,104,267  1,096,271            risk exposure          1,488,500  1,393,701
                 Risk Management section of the report.
 Derivatives  –  –  1,010  1,010  –  –                            Less allowance for
              •  Credit risk                                      impairment losses        (16,928)    (14,766)
                    – Loans and advances to customers;
 2021                                                             Net credit risk exposure  1,471,572  1,378,935
                 Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Bank if a
 Level 1  Level 2  Level 3                                       *  Net of Effective Interest Rate liability of £4.1m (2021: £4.1m).
                 customer with a financial instrument fails to meet its   ** Commitments to lend represent agreements entered into but not
 Carrying   Fair   Carrying   Fair   Carrying   Fair   contractual obligations.  advanced as at 31 December.
 £’000  amount  value  amount  value  amount  value
                 The credit risks associated with lending are
 Financial Assets  managed using detailed lending policies        The above table represents the maximum credit
                 which outline the Bank’s approach to lending,    risk exposure to the Bank at 31 December 2022,
 Cash & balances   underwriting criteria, credit mandates,        and 2021, without taking account of any underlying
 at central banks  240,158  240,158  –  –  –  –
                 concentration limits and product terms. The Bank   security. At 31 December 2022 the value of
 Loans and advances   seeks to mitigate credit risk by focusing on business   securities held as collateral against drawn loans and
 to banks  –  –  12,293  12,293  –  –  sectors where it has specific expertise, and through   advances to customers is £1,916m (2021: £1,792m)
                 limiting concentrated exposures on larger loans,   of which £1,802m (2021: £1,699m) is in the form of
 Debt securities  37,137  37,137  –  –  –  –  certain sectors and other factors that can represent   property, £113m (2021: £92m) in the form of assets
 Loans and advances   higher risk. The Bank also seeks to obtain security   owned by the Bank and financed by customers
 to customers  –  –  –  –  977,834  977,834  cover and where appropriate, personal guarantees   using hire purchase and finance leases, and £1.4m
                 from borrowers. Credit risk is principally assessed   (2021: £1.3m) is in the form of cash deposits.
 Financial liabilities  through the manual underwriting of all transactions.
                                                                  Credit risk management
 Customers’ accounts  –  –  –  –  1,025,773  1,025,091  The Board Risk & Compliance Committee has
 Derivatives  –  –  254  254  –  –  oversight responsibility for credit risk.  The Bank specialises in providing lending to Small
                                                                  and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Its lending is
                                                                  secured on property. The Bank lends to owner
                                                                  occupied businesses to invest in their own
 •  The Bank’s debit securities and derivatives                   commercial premises, as well as to experienced
 are held and recorded at fair value.                             commercial and residential property investors.
                                                                  The Bank also has a growing asset finance
 The fair value of :the Bank’s debt securities                    business providing finance to SMEs for business-
 (EIB and IBRD bonds) are based on quoted                         critical assets and Classic and Sports Vehicles
 bid prices in active markets.
                                                                  through hire purchase and finance lease facilities.
 •  Derivative assets and liabilities are determined              At 31 December 2022, the Bank’s asset finance loan
 using widely recognised valuation models                         portfolio totalled £111m (2021: £92m).
 for determining the fair values of interest                      Credit risk is managed in accordance with
 rate swaps.
                                                                  lending policies, the Board’s risk appetite, and risk
 There have been no transfers between levels                      management framework. Lending policies and
 in 2022 or 2021.                                                 performance against risk appetite are reviewed
                                                                  regularly. All applications are reviewed and assessed
                                                                  by a team of experienced underwriters.
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