Page 121 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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120  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                          121

 The Bank continues to pre-position eligible loan collateral with the Bank of England to enable it to access,   The table below analyses the Bank’s contractual financial liabilities including any accrued interest up to the point
 if required, the Bank of England’s Sterling Monetary Framework facilities, including the Discount Window   of maturity as at 31 December. The contractual date is the earliest repayment date of the deposits.
 Facility (DWF).
 The Bank monitors its liquidity risk using several metrics including the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR), its loan   Contractual maturity analysis at   Due within  Due after more   No contractual
 to deposits ratio (LDR) and an internal survival days metric. The Bank’s LCR at 31 December 2022 was 361%   31 December 2022  one year  than one year  maturity  Total
 (2021: 287%) and the LDR was 94% (2021: 95%).
                 Customer accounts                        954,842        165,213             –       1,120,055
 The table below analyses the Bank’s contractual financial assets and liabilities. Customer deposits include any   Central Bank facilities (TFSME)  –  85,508  –  85,508
 accrued interest as at 31 December. The contractual date is the earliest repayment date of the deposits.
                 Lease liabilities                             –           1,995             –          1,995

 Contractual maturity analysis at   Derivatives financial liabilities  –   1,010             –          1,010
 31 December 2022  Due within  Due after more   No contractual   Other liabilities  326  –  7,112       7,438
 £’000  one year  than one year  maturity  Total
                 Total liabilities                        955,168       253,726          7,112      1,216,006
 Cash and balances at central banks  286,680  –  –  286,680
 Loans and advances to banks  13,931  –  –  13,931  Contractual maturity analysis at   Due within  Due after more   No contractual
                 31 December 2021                        one year   than one year      maturity         Total
 Debt Securities  19,699  10,713  –  30,412
                 Customer accounts                        880,586        153,039             –       1,033,625
 Loans and advances to customers  92,512  945,198  –  1,037,710
                 Central Bank facilities (TFSME)               –          79,371             –         79,371
 Other assets  –  –  7,812  7,812
                 Lease liabilities                           104           1,952             –          2,056
 Total Assets  412,822  955,911  7,812  1,376,545
                 Derivatives financial liabilities             –            254              –            254
                 Other liabilities                             –              –          5,224          5,224
 Customers’ accounts  948,438  154,818  –  1,103,256
                 Total liabilities                        880,690       234,616          5,224      1,120,530
 Central Bank facilities (TFSME)  –  78,000  –  78,000

 Lease liabilities  –  1,995  –  1,995
 Derivative financial liabilities  –  1,010  –  1,010
 Other Liabilities  326  –  7,112  7,438
 Total liabilities  948,764  235,823  7,112  1,191,699
                 The following table sets outs the Bank’s         (2021: £188m) of loans and debt securities which
                 liquid assets:                                   are available as collateral to support drawings under
                                                                  the Bank of England’s Sterling Monetary Framework
 Contractual maturity analysis at   £’000     2022     2021       (SMF) facilities.
 31 December 2021  Due within  Due after more   No contractual     – Market risk
 £’000  one year  than one year  maturity  Total  Balances with Central banks  286,680  240,158
                                                                  Market risk is the risk that changes in market rates
 Assets          Loans and advances to banks  13,931  12,293
                                                                  negatively impact the earnings or market value of
 Cash and balances at central banks  240,158  –  –  240,158  Debt securities  30,412  37,137  the Bank’s assets or liabilities. All the Bank’s exposure
                                                                  to market risk relates to non-trading portfolios.
 Loans and advances to banks  12,293  –  –  12,293  Total  331,023  289,588
                                                                  The principal risk to which non-trading portfolios
 Debt Securities  –  37,137  –  37,137
                 – Asset encumbrance                              are exposed is the risk of loss from fluctuations
 Loans and advances to customers  100,830  877,004  –  977,834    in the future cash flows or fair values of financial
                The Bank’s assets can be used to support          instruments because of a change in market
 Other assets  –  –  7,449  7,449
                collateral requirements for central bank          interest rates.
 Total Assets  353,281  914,141  7,449  1,274,871  operations, or third party repurchase     – Interest rate risk
                transactions. Assets that have been set aside for
                such purposes are classified as ‘encumbered       Interest rate risk is the risk of loss arising from
 Customers’ accounts  878,320  147,200  –  1,025,520  assets’ and cannot be used for other purposes.   adverse movements in market interest rates.
                All other assets are defined as ‘unencumbered     Interest rate risk is the main market risk faced
 Central Bank facilities (TFSME)  –  78,000  –  78,000
                assets’. These assets are readily available to    by the Bank, and primarily arises from loans and
 Lease liabilities  –  2,056  –  2,056  secure funding or meet collateral requirements   deposits to customers, liquidity holdings and
                and are not subject to any restrictions.          debt securities. Oversight of interest rate risk is
 Derivative financial liabilities  –  254  –  254                 monitored by ALCO monthly and is managed
                The Bank drew £78m of funding in cash under
 Other Liabilities  –  –  5,224  5,224                            through the use of appropriate financial instruments,
                the Bank of England’s TFSME scheme (Term
                                                                  including derivatives, with established risk limits,
 Total liabilities  878,320  227,510  5,224  1,111,054  Funding Scheme with additional incentives for   reporting lines, mandates and other control
                SME) in 2021. The Bank has a total of £145m
                                                                  procedures in place.
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