Page 119 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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118  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                          119

 Sensitivities  The expected credit loss (ECL) on loans in stage
 3 are estimated on an individual basis and all   £’000            2022 Credit rating       2021   Credit rating
 The expected credit loss provision is sensitive to   relevant considerations that have a bearing on
 judgement and estimations made with regard to the   the expected future cash flows across a range of   Cash and balances at central banks  286,680  P1/Aa3  240,158  P1/Aa3
 selection and weighting of multiple macroeconomic   economic scenarios are taken into account. These   Deposits at other banks   13,931  P1/A1  12,293  P1/A1
 scenarios. As a result, management has assessed and   considerations can be particularly subjective and
 considered the sensitivity of the provision as follows:  European Investment Bank Bond  10,713  P1/Aaa  17,184  P1/Aaa
 can include the business prospects for the customer,
 1.  The tables below show the Real Estate and   the realisable value of collateral, the reliability of   International Bank Reconstruction
 Asset Finance ECL assuming each scenario has   customer information and the likely cost and duration   and Development Bonds  19,699  P1/Aaa  19,953  P1/Aaa
 been 100% weighted to show the impact of   of the work-out process. The level of the impairment   Derivatives held for risk management purposes   (1,010)  P1/A1  (254)  P1/A2
 alternative scenarios.  allowance is the difference between the value of the
 discounted expected future cash flows (discounted
 •  Real Estate  at the loan’s original effective interest rate), and its   The Bank’s loans and advances to banks and debt   Regular liquidity stress testing is conducted across
 carrying amount. Furthermore, estimates change   securities credit risk is managed through a series of   a variety of scenarios covering both normal and
 Current   with time as new information becomes available or   policies and procedures including:  more severe market conditions. The scenarios are
 weighted   100%   as work-out strategies evolve, resulting in frequent     – Cash placements – Credit risk of counterparties is   developed taking into account both Bank-specific
 Scenario  weighting  revisions to the impairment allowance as individual   events (e.g., a negative media comment) and market-
 Scenario  ECL £000  ECL £000  decisions are taken. Changes in these estimates would   controlled through the counterparty placements   related events (e.g. prolonged market illiquidity,
 result in a change in the allowances and have a direct   policy, which limits the maximum exposure by   reduced fundability of currencies, natural disasters or
 1. Base Case  10,594  entity where the Bank can place cash deposits.
 impact on the impairment charge. The Bank has                    other catastrophes).
 2. Downside  16,743  Real Estate loans totalling £23.8m in Stage 3. These     – Debt securities – As part of the Bank’s liquidity
 14,730  loans are secured by collateral totalling £32m. A 10%   buffer, it holds a portfolio of debt securities. The   The Bank’s key liquidity risk management drivers
 3. Severe Downside  30,130                                       include the following items:
 increase in the LGD for these loans would result in a   Bank’s internal Asset and Liability Management
 4. Upside  9,641  £470k increase in the Stage 3 ECL.  Policy sets limits on the value and type of     – Deposit funding risk
                   exposures within which the Bank’s Treasury        The deposit funding risk is the primary liquidity
 •  Credit risk    function operate.
 •  Asset Finance                                                    risk driver for the Bank. This could occur if there
   – Loans and advances to banks and debt securities
                    – Derivatives – Credit risk on derivatives is    was a concern by depositors over the current or
 Current   Credit risk exists in respect of Loans and Advances   controlled through a policy of only entering into   future credit worthiness of the Bank. The Bank
 weighted   100%   to Banks and Debt securities where the Bank has   contracts with a limited number of UK credit   mitigates this risk with a high proportion of its
 Scenario  weighting  acquired securities or placed cash deposits with other   institutions, with a credit rating of at least BAA   deposits being protected by the UK Government’s
 Scenario  ECL £000  ECL £000  financial institutions. No assets are held for speculative   (using Moody’s long-term rating) at inception.   Financial Services Compensation Scheme
 purposes or actively traded. Certain liquid assets are   In addition, the derivatives are collateralised   (FSCS) and by having a diversified mix of deposit
 1. Base Case  2,001
 held as part of the Bank’s liquidity buffer.  removing any credit risk.  accounts with varying maturity profiles.
 2. Downside  2,493
 2,198  The Bank holds balances in its Bank of England reserve   •  Liquidity risk    – Pipeline loan commitments
 3. Severe Downside  2,737  account, along with a nostro accounts held with   The Bank needs to maintain liquidity to cover
 National Westminster Bank. The counterparties to   Liquidity risk is the risk of being unable to fund
 4. Upside  1,782                                                    the outstanding pipeline of loan offers. Although
 which the Bank is exposed are domestically systemic   assets and meet obligations as they fall due without   certain pipeline offers may not be legally binding,
 banks, and as such the Bank considers that the risk of   incurring unacceptable losses.  the failure to adhere to an expression of intent
 2.  The table below shows the impact of changes to   default across these balances is extremely low.  The Bank’s Board of Directors sets the Bank’s   to finance a loan brings reputation risk, therefore
 the impairment assumptions in the IFRS 9 models.   The Bank’s debt securities are currently issued by   strategy for managing liquidity risk and delegates   liquidity is held for such pipeline offers.
 Asset Finance
 the European Investment Bank (£12m) and the   responsibility for oversight of the implementation
 Provision   International Bank Reconstruction & Development   of this policy to the Assets & Liabilities Committee     – Contingency funding plan
 impact  (£20m). The Bank considers that the loans and   (ALCO). ALCO manages the Bank’s liquidity policies   The Bank is required to maintain a Resolution,
 Scenario  £000  advances to Banks and the debt securities are of low   and procedures mandated by the Board’s Risk   Recovery and Liquidity Funding Contingency Plan
 Residential house price increases   credit risk and as such hold no specific loss provisions   & Compliance Committee. The Bank’s liquidity   documents by its Regulator, the PRA. The plans
 by 20% more than the base case  36  against these assets.  position is monitored on a day-to-day basis and   involve a two-stage process, covering preventive
                 a summary report, including any exceptions          measures and corrective measures to be invoked
 Commercial property prices increase   The Bank monitors its exposures to all counterparties   and remedial action taken, is provided to   when a potential or actual risk to the Bank’s
 by 20% more than the base case  on an ongoing basis and whether there have been   management daily.  liquidity or capital position arises from either an
 any changes in the credit rating which may cause
 A reduction from 40% to 35%   an increase in the probability of said counterparty   The Bank’s approach to managing liquidity is to   internal or external event. The plans set out what
 in the Bank’s forced sale discount  (1,321)  default. As at 31 December 2022 the Bank held no   ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have   actions the Bank would take to ensure it complies
                                                                     with the liquidity adequacy rules and operate
 A reduction of from 35% to 30%   provisions against loans and advances to banks given   Sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when they   within its risk appetite and limits set by the Board.
 in the assumed Cure rate  890  the low credit risk of these financial instruments,   fall due, under both normal and stressed conditions,
 their high propensity to meet contractual cash flow   without incurring unacceptable losses, or risking     – Sterling Monetary Framework facilities
 A 12 month reduction in   obligations as they fall due, and the instant access   damage to the Bank’s reputation.
 the assumed time to sell   terms of these balances.                 The Bank is a participant in the Bank of England’s
 defaulted properties  (1,102)  The Bank maintains a portfolio of short-term   Sterling Monetary Framework facilities. The Bank
 The table below sets out the credit quality of the   liquid assets, largely made up of short-term liquid   has drawn £78m of funding in the form of cash
 A 10% increase in the Bank’s Asset   Bank’s on-balance sheet loans and advances to   investment securities, loans and advances to   under the Bank of England’s TFSME scheme (Term
 Finance LGD  179  Bank’s, debt securities and derivative assets. Full   banks and other inter-bank facilities, to ensure that   Funding Scheme with additional incentives for
 details on the Bank’s derivative instruments can be   sufficient liquidity is maintained.  SME), this is repayable in September 2025.
 found in Note 21.
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