Page 117 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
P. 117

116  Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                          117

 Scenario description:  •  Unemployment

                 Year end forecast (%)         2023           2024          2025          2026          2027
 Scenario  Real Estate Description  Asset Finance Description
                 1. Base Case                   4.3%          4.5%          4.5%          4.6%          4.6%
 1. Base Case  The Bank’s base case scenario   The Moody’s base case scenario
 forecasts low growth in residential   forecasts a strong rebound in demand   2. Downside  6.2%  7.2%  7.2%  6.8%  6.1%
 property prices over the next 5 years   as the pandemic and geopolitical   3. Severe Downside  3.9%  3.6%  3.7%  4.0%  4.2%
 with commercial property prices   tensions fade. Global energy prices
 falling before recovering back to   are expected to decrease.  4. Upside  7.4%  8.3%  8.2%  7.9%       7.2%
 current levels over the next 5 years.

 2. Downside  The Bank’s downside case is   The downside case is forecasted   •  Equity
 a simple average of its severe   to assume a rise in gas prices
 downside and base case scenarios  following limited supply to Europe.   Year end forecast (index)  2023  2024  2025  2026  2027
 The downside also forecasts lack of   1. Base Case  7,511   7,727         8,237         8,654          8,991
 stimulation in the UK economy as
 household spending is reduced.  2. Downside   6,052         6,768         7,651         8,185          8,442
 3. Severe Downside  A key input to the Bank’s severe   This scenario builds on the downside   3. Severe Downside  8,273  8,290  8,606  8,885  9,257
 downside scenario is the Bank   case and assumes the UK economy   4. Upside  5,053  5,446  6,504  7,122  7,639
 of England’s annual cyclical   falls below its pre-pandemic output
 scenario published in September   levels and economic demand
 2022. This is considered to be a   collapses, leading to higher   •  Bank base rate
 severe yet plausible scenario.   unemployment and lower investment.
                 Year end forecast             2023           2024          2025          2026          2027
 4. Upside  The Bank’s upside scenario generally   The Moody’s upside scenario reflects
 assumes a increase of 5% in residential   the forecasts outlined in the base   1. Base Case  4.25%  4.00%  3.75%  3.50%  3.50%
 property prices compared to the   case scenario, as well as inflationary   2. Downside  5.13%  4.69%  4.16%  3.62%  3.62%
 base case with commercial property   pressures easing within the UK and
 prices 300bp higher than the base   Bank of England Base Rate increases   3. Severe Downside  4.00%  3.75%  3.50%  3.25%  3.25%
 case across the forecast period.  being lower than those forecasted   4. Upside  6.00%  5.38%  4.56%  3.74%  3.74%
 in the base case scenario.

              •  Rental income
 Scenario description:
                 Year end forecast             2023           2024          2025          2026          2027
 Weighting   Weighting
 Scenario  Applied 2022  Applied 2021  1. Base Case  2.23%   1.17%         1.14%         1.36%         0.35%
                 2. Downside                  -8.89%         0.66%         0.64%         0.77%         0.20%
 1. Base Case  47.5%  45%
                 3. Severe Downside            2.34%         1.23%         1.19%         1.43%         0.37%
 2. Downside  32.5%  30%
                 4. Upside                   -20.00%         0.00%         0.00%         0.00%         0.00%
 3. Severe Downside  15%  12.5%
 4. Upside  5%  12.5%
              •  Commercial property prices

 Macroeconomic variable forecasts:  Year end forecast  2023   2024          2025          2026          2027
 The Bank uses the following macro-economic forecasts in its scenario modelling. The Bank’s Asset Finance   1. Base Case   -1.90%  0.41%  1.83%  2.49%  0.97%
 scenarios use the GDP, unemployment and equity forecasts, with the Real Estate scenarios applying bank base rate,   2. Downside  -12.15%  -12.64%  3.58%  4.72%  3.90%
 rental income and property price forecasts.
                 3. Severe Downside           -0.90%         0.40%         1.81%         2.47%         0.96%
 •  GDP
                 4. Upside                   -22.40%       -29.12%         6.73%         8.52%         8.63%
 Year end forecast (£bn)  2023  2024  2025  2026  2027
              •  Residential property prices
 1. Base Case  2,210  2,236  2,267  2,293  2,325

 2. Downside  2,074  2,102  2,154  2,179  2,208  Year end forecast  2023  2024  2025      2026          2027
 3. Severe Downside  2,270  2,297  2,322  2,349  2,387  1. Base Case  0.72%  1.73%  3.80%  3.73%       1.79%
 4. Upside  2,042  2,035  2,106  2,150  2,179  2. Downside  -4.84%  -6.23%  -1.35%       5.10%         3.72%
                 3. Severe Downside            0.76%         1.81%         3.98%         3.91%         1.88%

                 4. Upside                   -10.40%       -15.18%        -8.29%         7.17%         6.56%
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